作者wanquan (X-Y轴的世界)
标题[试题] 99下 赵坤茂 生物序列分析演算法
时间Sun May 15 19:50:07 2011
课程名称︰课程名称︰ 生物序列分析演算法
课程性质︰ 演算法
课程教师︰ 赵坤茂
开课学院: 电资
开课系所︰ 资工
考试日期(年月日)︰ 2011.04.12
考试时限(分钟): 3H
是否需发放奖励金: yes
试题 :
1. Suppose we are given a very long DNA sequence where the occurrence
probabilities of nucleotides A, C, G, T are 0.3, 0.1, 0.2. and 0.4
respectively. Construct a Huffman code for them. You should work out
the binary three construction as well as the code assignment.
2. In class, we introduced an O(nlog n)-time algorithm fore finding a
longest increasing subsequence of an input sequence of length n. Use
<5,2,4,1,6,8,9,3,7> to explain how the algorithm works.
3. We assume the following simple scoring scheme. A match is given a
bonus score 8, a mismatch is penalized by assigning score -5, and the gap
penalty for each gap symbol is -3.
a. Write down the dynamic-programming matrix for computing an optimal global
alignment of the sequences ATGGC and AGGTC. Print the global alignment
and its score.
b. Write down the dynamic-programming matrix for computing an optimal local
alignment of the sequences GATGGCT and TAGGTCG. Print the local alignment
and its score.
c. Assume further that opening up a gap is charged an additional cost -8.
Write down the dynamic-programming matrix for computing an optimal global
alignment of the sequences ATGGC and AGGTC. Print the global alignment and
its score.
4. Consider the problem of computing all delta-point of two sequences of lengths m
and n, where m << n ,
a. Describe a method for computing all delta-point that runs in O(mn log m)
time and O(n) working space.
b. Describe a method for computing all delta-point that runs in O(mn)time
and O(m^10/9 + n) working space.
5. a. What is the SUm-of-pairs score of the following multiple alignment?
b Illustrate how a progressive alignment procedure might deliver the
above multiple alignment.
Nothing is Impossible
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