作者syuusyou (syuusyou)
标题[试题] 99下 陈俊良 编译程式设计 期中考
时间Thu Apr 28 21:50:25 2011
试题 :
Consider the following grammar for questions 1~7.
The reference figure in the next page is generated by "bison --graph".
1. ExaminationPreparation -> TheoryForScanner scanner E -> TscP
contextFreeGrama Parsers
2. TheoryForScanner -> regularExpression T -> r
3. TheoryForScanner -> null (学过了) T -> null
4. Parsers -> topDownParser BottomUpParsers P -> tB
5. Parsers -> BottomUpParsers topDownParser P -> Bt
6. BottomUpParsers -> MoreBottomUpParsers bottomUpParser B -> Mb
7. MoreBottomUpParsers -> bottomUpParser MoreBottomUpParsers M -> bM
8. MoreBottomUpParsers -> null M -> null
1. Complete the SetSetSet table. (15%)
2. The reference figure has 16 states. How many states does LR(1) state
machine have? (5%)
3. Complete the LALR(1) item sets, including non-kernel items. (20%)
4. Are SLR(1) table and LALR(1) table the same? Explain your reason briefly.
5. Is the grammar LL(1)? Explain your reason briefly. (2+3%)
6. Is the grammar LALR(1)? Explain your reason briefly. (2+3%)
7. Is the grammar LR(1)? Explain your reason briefly. (2+3%)
8. Today, many language compliers are written in the languages themselves. For
example. GCC is written in C and javac is written in Java. This raises
something of a "chicken and eggs" problem. Now, you are asked to create the
first C compiler for system NEW. And, you are given a C compiler source
written in C for system OLD as well as a C compiler executable for system
OLD. Explain how to develop the first C compiler for system NEW
efficiently. (20%)
9. Let n be the number of input tokens. What is the time complexity of LR(1)
shift-reduce parsing? Explain your reason. [hint: number of push/pop
operations] (5+15%)
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