NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰世界史四 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰刘巧楣 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰历史系 考试日期(年月日)︰2011.4.20 考试时限(分钟):100分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 以下题目任选四题做答,但必须涵盖至少三个主题 Napoleon and Europe 1.What factors in the late 1790s's allowed Napoleon to come to power and lead France into 16 years of uninterrupted French expansion and war? 2.What are the lasting effects of Napoleon's expansion that can be seen in 19th century Europe, and even today? Restoration Europe 1.What were the goals of conservatives at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 and when forming the Concert of Europe? To what extent did they succeed? 2.What do the various liberal revolts across Europe in the first half of the 19th century have in common with each other? 3.What were the major electoral changes brought about in Great Britain by the Reform Bill of 1832? 4.What was the "Great Charter of 1838," and what were the demands of the Chartist movement in Great Britain? What kind of sentiments among the British people in the 1830's do you think this movement may reflect? 5.Compare and contrast two of the revolutionary/reform movements in the countries talked about in class during the post Napoleonic period (to the 19th century). The Middle Classes in the Era of Liberalism 1.What do we mean by "the middle classes"? Describe some of the diversity of the middle classes(for instance, the petty vs. the grand bourgeoisie). Who was considered(or considered themselves to be) a member of the middle classes in 19th century Europe, and for what reasons? 2.What are the defining characteristics of the middle class family and the institution of marriage in 19th century Europe? 3.Briefly summarize the principles of Laissez-faire economics in 19th century Europe and the philosophies of Adam Smith and David Ricardo. 4.Briefly summarize the principles of utilitarianism and the philosophies of Jeremy Bentham and J.S. Mill. The Industrial Revolution, 1800-1850 1.Compare and contrast the role of the state in the early industrial development(1800-1850) of two major European Powers: Britain, France, Prussia and the German states. In what ways did governments, local or central, help set the necessary preconditions for and or aid directly in the growth of industrial development. 2.What roles did working-class women play in the industrial revolution? How did their participation shape the working-class family of the period? 3.A woman's role in the family and society as a whole changed dramatically as a result of industrial labor during this period. What role might this phenomenon have had in the women's suffrage movement and feminism that come a bit later? 4.What were some of the characteristics of Poor Relief in Britain during the first half of the 19th century? How does this precedent compare with more modern policies of domestic social welfare and or international aid? 5.A question related to the reading: How much land was required by Fourier to build a phalanstery? Express in hectares, m2 or km2. What would be its relative size compared to the NTU campus(about 1,086,000 m2)? (Although this may seem like a minor detail, being able to visualize and relate to quantitative measurements in primary source material is actually quite crucial to the job of a historian!) 6.For socialist-minded reformers of the 19th century, what role did public spaces and public parks play in the metropolitan space? What "middle-class" or "working-class" characteristics did some public spaces have? Examples from class include parks in Britain and Germany. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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