NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰普通生物学乙上 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰陈俊宏 开课学院:医学院 开课系所︰医学系 考试日期(年月日)︰97/1/17 考试时限(分钟):110min 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) II. Fill-in: (20 points, 1 point each; in English only) 1. Human cardiac cycle takes about 0.8 second (about 75 beats per minute) including ___systole___ (heart muscle contraction) and ___diastole___ (the relaxation phase of heart muscle) 2. The wall of an artery or vein haas three layers: outer layer (connective tissue with elastic fiber), middle layer (smooth muscle and more elastic fiber), and lining(___endothelium___) 3. ___Alveoli___ in mammals are the bronchioles dead-end, multi-lobed air sacs 4. ___Glomerulus___ is a ball of capillaries embraced in Bowman's capsule. 5. ___Atrial natriuretic protein___ (ANP) is a peptide hormone released from the wall of heart atrium in response to both blood volume and pressure increasing. 6. In order to increase proliferation of red blood cells, anemia patient might be suggested to inject ___erythropoietin___. 7. Oxytocin and ADH are produced by the ___hypothalamus___, and stored in the ___posterior pituitary___. (neurohypophysis) 8. An additional outer layer of cortex, ___neocortex___ consists of six sheets of neurons running tangential to the brain surface. 9. The voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels concentrated in the ___Nodes of Ranvier___ regions of the axon can perform ___Saltatory conduction___ to enhance nerve conduction. 10. ___Bartholin's gland___ located near the vaginal opening, secreting mucus into vestibule, keeping it lubricated. 11. ___Amniocentesis___ is a technique to cllect fluid from human amnion for analyzing genetic disorders and chromosomal problems, such as Down syndrome. 12. In mammals, ___allantois___incorporates into the umbilical cord, where O2, CO2, nutrients, and nitrogenous wastes are exchanged between the mother and the embryo. 13. ___Totipotency___: embryonic cells retain the potential to form all parts of the animal. 14. The floor of the cochlear canal, the ___basilar membrane___, bears the ___organ of Corti___ which consisting the actual receptor cells of the ear. 15. The muscle cells store creatine phosphate, the ___phosphagen___ of vertebrate can quickly transferring a phosphate group to ADP in 15 seconds. 16. As soon as the action potential passes, the ___sarcoplasmic reticulum___ in muscle cells pumps the Ca++ back out of the cytoplasm. III. Match (20 points, 1 point each) ┌──┬──┬─────────────┬─────────────────┐ │Ans.│Q. │ │Select items │ ├──┼──┼─────────────┼─────────────────┤ │ │01. │blood-brain barrier │A.astrocyte │ │ │02. │blood clotting │B.fibrin │ │ │03. │atherosclerosis │C.cholesterol │ │ │04. │juxtaglomerular apparatus │D.renin │ │ │05. │diabetes │E.pancreas │ │ │06. │gigantism │F.anterior pituitary │ │ │07. │cretinism │G.thyroid gland │ │ │08. │trigger ovulation │H.luteinizing hormones │ │ │09. │pregnant test │I.Human chorionic gonadotropin │ │ │10. │neutralizing acidic │J.Bulbourethral glands │ │ │ │urine in urethra │K.Viagra │ │ │11. │temporary impotence │L.acrosome │ │ │12. │egg penetration │M.tubal ligation │ │ │13. │sterilization │N.amyloid │ │ │14. │Alzheimer's Disease │O.primitive streak │ │ │15. │gastrulation │P.nociceptor │ │ │16. │pain receptor │Q.long-term potentiation │ │ │17. │memeory │R.pineal gland │ │ │18. │biological clock │S.neural crest │ │ │19. │"fourth germ layer" │T.zone of polarizing activity │ │ │20. │Pattern formation │U.fovea │ │ │ │ │V.mylein │ │ │ │ │W.substance P │ │ │ │ │X.zona pellucida │ │ │ │ │Y.serotonin │ │ │ │ │Z.gonadotropin-releasing hormones │ └──┴──┴─────────────┴─────────────────┘ ==================================ALL DONE~~================================== 又是两个小时过去了QQ --
1F:推 timmysas :风中白头翁头白中风<--台大动物研究所高材生
2F:推 suhaw :床上女子和子女上床<--台大家庭研究所高材生
3F:推 MyCuteTaitai:景美衣内有内衣美景<--台大城乡研究所高材生
4F:推 starseven :中国山中有中山国中<--台大教育研究所高材生
5F:→ ruruking :叫南韩全国全韩南叫<--台大外交研究所高材生
6F:推 AllenbeaR :妈祖你干嘛干你祖妈<--台大宗教研究所退学生

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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7F:→ ALegmontnick:done 02/26 20:34
8F:→ shokanshorin:经考虑先不移动题目上的答案 02/26 20:34
9F:→ shokanshorin:小板主秒收= = 02/26 20:35
10F:推 ALegmontnick:好题目 不收吗? 02/27 20:58
11F:推 windswiff :签名档啧啧 刚去景美... 02/27 21:18

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