NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰普通生物学乙上 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰陈俊宏 开课学院:医学院 开课系所︰医学系 考试日期(年月日)︰97/1/17 考试时限(分钟):110min 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) The Final Examination of General Biology I. Multiple-choice Questions (30 points, 1 point each) 1. The correct pathways on the regulation of cardiac contraction is (A) SA node → AV node → AV bundle → bundle branches → Purkinji fiber. (B) SA node → AV bundle → AV node → bundle branches → Purkinji fiber. (C) AV node → AV bundle → SA node → Purkinji fiber → bundle branches. (D) AV node → AV bundle → SA node → bundle branches → Purkinji fiber. 2. Human blood flowed from the right atrium to reach the left ventricle has to pass through (A) one semilumar valve and one atrioventricular valves. (B) one semilumar valve and two atrioventricular valves. (C) two semilumar valve and two atrioventricular valves. (D) two semilumar valve and one atrioventricular valves. 3. The Bohr shift on the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve is produced by change in (A) pH. (C) the partial pressure of oxygen. (B) temperature. (D) the blood sugar concentration. 4. Breathing is usually regulated by (A) the amount of red blood cells. (B) the concentration of hemoglobin. (C) the ratio of oxygen to hemoglobin. (D) the blood concentration of carbon dioxide. 5. Which structure increases the reabsorption of Na+ when stimulated by aldosterone? (A) loop of Henle. (C) collecting duct. (B) distal tubule. (D) proximal tubule. 6. Urea is produced in the (A) liver from glycogen. (C) liver from NH3 and CO2. (B) kidney from glucose. (D) kidney from glycerol and fatty acid. 7. All of the following are functions of the mammalian kidney except (A) regulation of salt balance in the blood. (B) excretion of ammonia. (C) filtration of blood. (D) retention of water. 8. Which cells are sensitive to glucagon and can do glycogen hydrolysis? (A) liver cells. (C) muscle cells. (B) pancreatic cells. (D) kidney cells. 9. Which of the following is a normal response to increase blood osmolarity in human? (A) reducing urine production. (B) increasing water drinking. (C) increasing ADH concentration. (D) increasing water premeability of collecting duct. 10. All of these following hormones derive from the same precursor except (A) estrogen & progesterone (C) testosterone. (B) thyroxine. (D) aldosterone & Vitamin D. 11. Why do a muscle cell and a bone cell respond differently to the same steroid hormone? (A) The receptors within different cells are different. (B) The signal transduction system is different within different cells. (C) The hormone-receptor complex is transcribed differently in different cells. (D) The hormone-receptor complex is associated with different genes in different cells. 12. Which of the following hormones is incorrectly described its functions? (A) Insulin stimulates glycogen breakdown in the liver. (B) Oxytocin stimulates uterine contraction during labor. (C) Thyroxine stimulates metabolic processes. (D) Melatonin affects biological rhythms. 13. Which of the following statements about the hypothalamus is incorrect? (A) It is part of central nervous system. (B) It secrets tropic hormones that act directly on the gonad. (C) It is subject to feedback inhibition by certain hormones. (D) Its neurosecretory cells terminate in the posterior pituitary. 14. Which of the following statements about adrenal gland is correct? (A) During stress, TSH stimulates the adrenal cortex and medulla to secrete acetylcholine. (B) During stress, the alpha cells of islet secrete insulin and simultaneously the beta cells of the islets secrete glucagon. (C) During stress, the anterior portion of adrenal gland secretes ACTH while the posterior portion adrenal gland secretes oxytocin. (D) During stress, ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete corticosteroid, and neurons from the sympathetic nervous system stimulate the adrenal medulla. 15. All of the following statements about blood calcium homeostasis are correct except (A) PTH increases Ca++ reabsorption in the kidney to elevate blood Ca++. (B) The thyroid gland secrete calcitonin to lower calcium levels in the blood. (C) Active vitamin D acts on the intestine to stimulate Ca++ uptake from food. (D) Osteoblasts can decompose the matrix of bone and release Ca++ to the blood. 16. All of the following statements about human reproduction are correct except (A) By the eighth week, organogenesis is complete and the embryo is referred to as a fetus. (B) Lactation is the production and release of milk from the mammary glands. (C) Parturition begins with conception and ends with gestation. (D) Puberty is the onset of reproductive ability. 17. What is the difference between estrous and menstrual cycles? (A) In menstrual cycles, endometrial breeding occurs, while the mendometrium is reabsorbed by uterus in estrous cycle. (B) There are more significant behavioral changes during menstrual cycles than during estrous cycles. (C) Hormone control occurs in menstrual cycles, not in estrous cycles. (D) There are stronger effects of season and climate on menstrual cycles. 18. Which of the following male and female cells or structure are least alike in function? (A) ejaculatory duct - vagina (C) Leydig cells - follicle cells (B) testes - ovaries (D) vas deferens - oviduct. 19. In a frog embryo, gastrulation (A) produces a blastocoel diplaced into the animal hemisphere. (B) occurs along the primitive streak in the animal hemisphere. (C) is impossible because of the large amount of yolk in the ovum. (D) proceeds by involution as cells roll over the dorsal lip of the blastopore. 20. All of the following are involved into polyspermy blockage except (A) G protein (C) membrane depolarization (B) calcium releasing (D) sodium/potassium pump 21. All of the following are related to embryonic induction except (A) gray crescent (C) dorsal lip (B) Apical ectodermal ridge (D) optic cup 22. All of the following statements about dopamine are correct except (A) In Parkinson's disease, the death of neurons in a midbrain nucleus, substantia nigra, which normally release dopamine. (B) LSD and mescaline can induce hallucination by binding to dopamine receptors in brain. (C) Dopamine released at many sites in the brain can affect sleep, mood, attention, and learning. (D) Treatments for depression have focused on brain pathways that use dopamine as a neurotransmitter. 23. The neuron's integrating center is (A) dendrites. (C) axon hillock. (B) interneuron. (D) synaptic terminal. 24. Neurotransmitters affect postsynaptic cells by (A) inducing gene expression. (B) causing molecular changes. (C) reducing membrane potential. (D) affecting the membrane permeability. 25. An EPSP facilitates depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane by (A) increasing the permeability of the membrane to Na+. (B) enhancing the opening of the K+ channels. (C) stimulating the Na+/K+ pumps. (D) closing the Na+ and K+ channels. 26. A common feature of action potentials is that they (A) can undergo temporal and spatial summation. (B) cause the membrane to hyperpolarize and then depolarize. (C) are triggered by a depolarization that reaches the threshold. (D) result from the diffusion of Na+ and K+ through ligand-gated channels. 27. Lateral inhibition in our eyes is mainly performed by (A) ganglion cells. (C) bipolar cells. (B) horizontal cells. (D) Amacrine cells. 28. Which of the following structure is not related to sensing gravity and sound? (A) stapes (C) Eustachian tube (B) statolith (D) tympanic membrane 29. All of the following statements about pain are correct except (A) Histone and acid can trigger pain. (B) Pain is detected by nociceptors, a class of naked dendrites. (C) Prostaglandins increase pain by lowering the threshold of the receptors. (D) Aspirin reduces pain by inhibiting cyclooxygenase to lower prostaglandin synthesis. 30. During muscle contraction, the potential energy stored in ATP is transferred and stores in (A) the myosin head. (C) the thin filament. (B) the muscle fiber. (D) the motor unit. 解答: ABADB CBADB DABDD CAADD ADCDA CBCAA 感谢FAlin大大指教XDDDD --
1F:推 timmysas :风中白头翁头白中风<--台大动物研究所高材生
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3F:推 MyCuteTaitai:景美衣内有内衣美景<--台大城乡研究所高材生
4F:推 starseven :中国山中有中山国中<--台大教育研究所高材生
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7F:推 liltwnboiz :纸本档借我印一份 02/26 18:04
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8F:推 ALegmontnick:done 02/26 20:34
9F:推 raymond123 :pushy!! 02/27 15:15

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