NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰英文一 课程性质︰共同必修 课程教师︰廖树辉 开课学院: 开课系所︰公卫院 考试日期(年月日)︰980114 考试时限(分钟):110 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : Jan. 2009 English Final Examination I.Vocabulary: (20%) A.Matching: Choose a word from the following list to fill in each of the sentences below and change its form (in term of part of speech, tense, agreement, etc.) where necessary. (15%) analogous anthology compete consumer elaborate handicap impediment innovator mischievous priority ravage renovate respect vigilant 1.They are living in temporary accommodation while their apartment is being _______. 2.Sometimes there is a lot of _______ between children for their mother's attention. 3.Shirley Jackson's most famous short "The Lottery," a comtemporary horror story, appears in many _______. 4.All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure. 5.All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing _______ of agents of the United States _______ General. 6.It can be time _______ and complicated to calculate the calories in every meal. 7.We must promote origiality, inspire creativity and encourage _______. 8."How was school today?" I asked, _______ casual. 9.Many engineers assert that the best way to protect coasts is to build protective structures such as seawalls and breakwaters to protect beaches from the _______ of storms. 10.Anyway, as soon as Moseley saw Betsy, he would have known it wasn't his mare, and there would have been the _______ to pay right there and then. 11.The two friends said goodbyr and went their _______ ways. 12.Choose one of the following words to fill in each blank and change its form (in terms of part of speech, tense, agreement, etc.) where necessary: catch, do, get, give, make, set, or take. a.Some of the questions require you to _______ inferences. b.Most fish _______ on the coloration of their natural surroundings to a certain degree. c.There are some gadgets that you wear that _______ away with injections. d.However, Robert Brown didn't get credit for his discovery [of the plant, called tumbleweed] for 170 years. e.Isadora Duncan's earlier failures _______ way to triumphant performances in Budapest, London, and Berlin. f.Lud Moseley thinkd if I go to see his daughter more than once a week that maybe we'll _______ it into our heads to go ______ without _______ him a chance to _______ on. B.Spelling:(5%) 1.The hot weather was making us all l_______c (=having no energy and no interest in doing anything). 2.So, if a patient eats 100 grams of sugar or 100 grams of unrefined c_____es (碳水化合物) like rice or potatoes, the amount of glucose entering the blood will be almost the same. 3.Every scientific discipline tends to develop its own special language because it finds its ordinary words i_______e (=not enough). 4.Suddenly, he was looking much older, his face h_____d(憔悴) and unshaven. 5.Friday Charles was deprived of blackboard p_______es(特权) because he threw chalks. II.Cloze-test A. ...And George, while his intelligence was 1.______ above normal, had a little mental handicap radio in his ear. He was required by law to wear it at all times. It was 2.______ to a government transmitter. 3.______ twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to 4.______ people like George from taking unfair 5._______ of their brains. B. The 1960's 6._______ a rising dissatisfaction with the modernist movement in architecture, especially in North America, where 7._______ failings were exposed in two influential books. C. The ADA recommends that action be 8._______ when A1C results are over 8%, and considers the diabetes to be 9._______ control when A1C result is 7% or 10.______. D. I reckon if we had let Mary Lee in 11._______ the secret she would have 12._______ all right about it, but on some 13._______ or other Naomi could not make up her 14._______ to run the 15._______ of it. III.Grammar/Usage: Identification of Errors and Their Correction (8%) In each of the following sentences, there are four underlined items (words or phrases). Choose the grammatically incorrect one and correct it. 1.This level of adaptation varies according to what temperature our skin ──────────── ──────── A B is used to can be demonstrated with a simple activity. ───── ─────────── C D 2.That's the way I figured it all out, because everybody in this part of ───────── ──────── A B country who ever heard tell of me know I'm not a horse thief. ──── ───── ── C D 3.A sense of humor has long been considered an important character trait. ─────── A People regularly rank humor one of the most important traits that they look ───── ─────── B C for when choosing a friend, a roomate, an employee, or a potential spouse. ─ ─────── D 4.This may be in part because you don't understand the cultural references─ ──────── A a joke about a politician that you have never heard of will probably not be ──── B very funny─ but it is also because there are some basic differences in ── people various countries think is humorous. ─── ──── C D IV.Questions on Text Comprehension:(10%) 1.Laurie tells his mother and father that Charles is a bad boy because a.________________________ b._______________________ 2.When Laurie is late coming home from school one day, he explains to his mother that ________________________________________. 3.At the PTA meeting, Laurie's mother finds out that __________________. 4.At the end of the story, the reader can infer that Laurie's mother is ____. 5.Harrison Bergeron, George and Hazrl's son, is in jail because he is_______. 6.In the television studio, what does Harrison do? a._________________________ b._______________________ 7.The tone of the Harrison story (the attitude the author has to the subject matter) can best be described as ________________. 8.Lud Moseley, Naomi's father, wants his daughter to marry _______________. 9.The narrator of "Horse Thief" doesn't want to speak up the truth because it would ___________________________________. 10.The narrator of "Horse Thief" can best be describer as ______ and _______. V.Making Sentences: Express the meaning in Chinese and make a sentence with each of the following phrases.(7%) 1. among other things 2. It follows that 3. susceptible to VI.Partial Translation:(15%) A. From Chinese into English 1.经理人设法维持现状并致力於解决当前问题。 Managers try to _____ ______ ______ ______ and concern themselves ______ ______ ______ in the present. 2.个人电脑玩家也可以在网路上与现场对手对打。 Players of PC games can also ______ ______ ______ ______ on the Internet. 3.In French, soleil (sun) is masculine, while lune (moon) is feminine. [在 德文中则刚好相反] ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______: Sonne (sun) is feminine, but Mond (moon) is masculine. B.From English into Chinese: (Translate the [] parts into Chinese) 1. "If I tried to [get away with it], " said George, "then other people'd get away with it─and pretty soon we'd be right back to the dark ages again, with everybody competing against everybody else. You wouldn't like that, would you?" "I'd hate it," said Hazel. " [There you are] ," said George. "The minute people start cheating on laws, what do you think happens to society?" 2. "Forget sad things," said George. "I always do," said Hazel. " [That's my girl] , "said George. He winced. There was the sound of a riveting gun in his head. "Gee─I could tell [that one] (指的是什麽?) was a doozy," said Hazel. " [You can say that again] , " said George. "Gee─I could tell that one was a doozy." 3.With the third week of kindergarten Charles was [an institution] in our family; the baby [was being a Charles] when she cried all afternoon; Laurie [did a Charles] when he filled his wagon full of mud and pulled it through the kitchen. VII.Essay Quesions:(25%) 1.What is a fasting blood glucose test? 2.In the story of "Harrison Bergeron," when George says that "pretty soon we would right back to the dark ages," to what is he referring? What did pople do then that was so terrible? 3.What idea does Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., the author of "Harrison Bergeron," ridicule? What effects does this kind of firmly-held beliefs sometimes have? 4.Why is the title of the story "Charles" when the story is really about Laurie? Would another title such as "Laurie" be better? Why or why not? 5.Why did the narrator in the story of "Horse Thief" have to be furtive (sneaky) about meeting his girlfriend, Naomi, on Thursday nights? How did they manage to meet? --

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