NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰大一英文一 课程性质︰共同必修 课程教师︰简瑞碧 开课学院:管理学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰98/1/14 考试时限(分钟):180min 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : Freshman English I (MBA majors) Final Exam: Units 3 & 6 I. Countable or uncountable nouns: 1. Please pick out the noun in each group that is usually uncountable. 2. Please pick out the noun in each group that is usually countable. (18%) 1. (1)vacation trip flight luggage suitcase (2)meal dish food menu dessert (3)check coin cash salary bonus (4)job employee boss employeement profession (5)pop group musical music opera concert (6)arrest violence accident crime criminal (7)highway traffic traffic jam lane rush hour 2. (8)ingredient cutlery fruit meat food (9)fresh air sleep fluid health energy II. Phrasal Verbs: 1. Please match the phrasal verbs in A with their definition in B. (1% for each) 2. Please complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from 1 and put the verbs in the correct form. (2% for each) (27%) ┌─────────┬───────────────────┐ │A │B │ ├─────────┼───────────────────┤ │1. shut up │a. have a calmer, more stable life │ │2. break up │b. wait a minute │ │3. hold on │c. be quiet │ │4. speak up │d. begin a trip │ │5. set off │e. be happier │ │6. stay in │f. not go out, stay at home │ │7. settle down │g. talk louder │ │8. turn up │h. arrive │ │9. cheer up │i. end a relationship │ └─────────┴───────────────────┘ 1. Peter hasn't arrived yet. I hope he ________ soon. 2. We'll have a long trip tomorrow. What time do we have to ________ ? 3. Why are you so miserable? ________ ! 4. I don't feel like going out tonight. Should we ________ and order a pizza? 5. Larry was a bit wild at college, but then he got a job, found a wife, ________ and had kids. 6. After three years of going out together, Josh and Lily eventually ________ because Josh didn't want to be married. 7. ________ ! I'm trying to watch TV and you're all talking. 8. A: What's Bill's phone number? B: ________! I'll look it up. 9. ________! We can't hear you in the back! III. Narrative tenses: Please complete the article with the verbs in the box. (25%) ┌──────┬────────┬──────────┬────────┐ │Past Simple │Past Continuous │Past Perfect Simple │Present Perfect │ ├──────┼────────┼──────────┼────────┤ │called │was recovering │had been knocked │has been │ │felt │was standing │had hit │have been │ │had to │was trying │had just finished │ │ │heard │were getting │had moved │ │ │managed │ │had taken │ │ │pulled │ │ │ │ │reached │ │ │ │ │said │ │ │ │ │shouted │ │ │ │ │swam │ │ │ │ │was │ │ │ │ │wasn't │ │ │ │ │went back in│ │ │ │ └──────┴────────┴──────────┴────────┘ The Blind Sea Hero: Singtless Swimmer Saves a Surfer David Hurst (1)_____ in the sea off the coast near his house in Malibu, California, and (2)_____ on the beach when he thought he (3)_____ cries for help. Despite being blind, Mr. Hurst (4)_____ the sea to rescue the person in trouble. "I (5)_____ just in the right place at the right time to help somebody," the 53-year-old (6)_____ yesterday. Mr. Hurst, (7)_____ blind for 23 years, (8)_____ to reach Patrick Black by using the drowning man's cries to guide him. Mr. Black had been surfing but (9_____ off his surfboard bu a huge wave and (10)_____ his head on a rock. Mr. Hurst (11)_____ through the waves to find him, then (12)_____ Mr. Black and his surfboard back to shore. Mr. Hurst explained, "I (13)_____ drying myself, when someone (14)_____ `Help!' I (15)_____ back to him to keep on shouting. I (16)_____ think about the direction of the wind, too. While I (17)_____ to find him, the wind and the waves (18)_____ stronger and stronger. But I just kept going until I finally (19)_____ him and got him back to the shore. It (20)_____ a long time to fight through the high waves, and we (21)_____ completely exhausted." Last night Mr. Black (22)_____ in the hospital from shock and a broken arm. What was even more remarkable was that Mr. Hurst (23)_____ familiar with the coastline. He and his wife (24)_____ to Malibu only to weeks before. "Fortunately, I (25)_____ a good swimmer all my life," he said. IV. Reading for information: In part A, please read and complete the story of Aronda Ochona using expressions in the boxes. In part B, please correct the mistake in each line using expression of quantity. (30%) A. ┌─────────────────────────┐ │nobody a couple little few │ └─────────────────────────┘ Aronda Ochona hasn't had much luck in his life until now. (1)_____ could have predicted how completely his life would change. (2)_____ of month ago, 20-year-old Aronda had (3)_____ chance of escaping the grinding poverty in his remote Ugandan village. Now the excited printer's apprentice is busily packing his (4)_____ belongings for his trip to the United States because a multimillionaire is paying for him to study the latest printing techniques. ┌──────────────────────────────────┐ │any hardly any more all a bit part enough │ └──────────────────────────────────┘ Remarkably, Aronda's extraordinary change in fortune is (5)_____ because of a loaf of bread. He explained: "I was hungry, but there wasn't (6)_____ food in the house. I had (7)_____ money -- only 100 shillings, but it was just (8)_____ to buy (9)_____ of bread. The bread is usually wrapped in paper, and that day I saw it was (10)_____ of an American paper, so I took (11)_____ notice. ┌─────────────────────────────┐ │none piece more than any something no │ └─────────────────────────────┘ On the (12)_____ of paper was an ad for a printing job in Boston. (13)_____ of my friends have (14)_____ work there. I am training on a printing machine which is (15)_____ 40 years old, and I receive (16)_____ wages. I felt if I was going to make (17)_____ of my life, I had to apply for this job." ┌─────────────────────────┐ │over a lot all serveral some │ └─────────────────────────┘ It took Aronda (18)_____ hours to write the letter and send it. But it turned out that the ad had been placed (19)_____ a year ago. "The company kindly sent me (20)_____ of information about (21)_____ the high-tech machines they used. I was even more determined to get a chance to work on them." In the U.S., Aronda's story reached the ears of Conrad Millbank, atycoon who had made a great deal of money from publishing. He ordered his lawyers to find the enthusiastic young African. "When I heard that a rich man wanted to pay for my training, I thought it must be a joke. Now I am so happy that I went to buy (22)_____ bread that day." B. The following sentences contain false information about Ochona's story. Please correct the mistakes using expression of quantity. 1. Aronda has quite a lot of money. → Revised:______________________________________________ 2. 100 shillings is a lot of money. → Revised:______________________________________________ 3. Aronda doesn't have any friends. → Revised:______________________________________________ 4. Most of his friends have jobs. → Revised:______________________________________________ 5. It didn't take him much time to write his letter. → Revised:______________________________________________ 6. There were some printing jobs available at the company. → Revised:______________________________________________ 7. Nobody heard about his story. → Revised:______________________________________________ 8. Until now, Aronda has had quite a lot of good fortune in his life. → Revised:______________________________________________ -- 你今天XD了吗? 欢迎到 telnet://XDbbs.twbbs.org --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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