NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰总体经济学一 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰梁明义 开课学院:社会科学院 开课系所︰经济系 考试日期(年月日)︰98/1/12 考试时限(分钟):140mins 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 1.(20%)Assume that the following equations summarize the structure of an economy: (1) C = Ca + 0.75 ( Y - T ) (2) Ca = 120 - 30r (3) Ip = 180 - 10r (4) T = Ta + 0.2Y (5) NX = NXa - 0.1Y (6) Y = C + Ip + G + NX d (7) (M/P) = hY - fr s d (8) M /P =(M/P) d s 其中C,Y,T,Ca,Ip,NX,G,r,(M/P) ,M ,P等为变数,Ta,NXa,h,f等为参数。 (a)(5%)请用中文注明所有变数各代表什麽。哪些是内生变数?What is the equation of IS curve? What is the equation of the LM curve? s (b)(5%)现假定NXa = 150, G = 500 , Ta = 200 , h = 1 , f = 20 , M = 3600, P = 3。 请就新增加的资讯导出IS与LM equations。均衡下Y与r值各多少? 请画出IS-LM图形,特别要标明IS曲线跟Y轴与r轴相交点之(Y,r)值为多少。 (c)(5%)If government spending increases by 100, what is the amount of autonomous spending that is crowded out by this expansionary fiscal policy? By how much the Fed(央行) must increase the money supply if it wants to avoid the crowding out of this expansionary fiscal policy? What will be the new value of real GDP? (d)(5%)说明Strong and Weak Effects of Monetary Policy。 2.(20%) (a)(10%)美国在1982-1987年期间由大量「财政赤字」导致大量「外贸赤字」。 试以IS-LM模型架构说明这「双赤字」形成的原因与过程。课本称此过程为 international crowding out。请说明这种crowding out effect与 domestic crowding out的不同。 (b)(5%)试说明比较 Structural 与Cyclical Budget Deficits 的观念,务必 以图形辅助您的说明。您觉得Gordon认为美国在1982-1987年期间的「财政 赤字」是Structural或Cyclical Deficit? (c)(5%)Explain why the net international investment position of the United States changed from only -19.0 percent of GDP in 2001 to -19.2 percent of GDP in 2006 despite rather large current account deficits during each of those years. 又从1986年以来,美国的 net international investment position 变成负的,且不断加大。然其 net investment income from the rest of the world 却仍然是正的。为什麽? 3.(20%) (a)(5%)为何凯因斯在1944年主导Bretton Woods conference要决定采用「固定 汇率制度」?这个制度有何优点?有何缺点?为何这个制度到了1973年无法 再维持下去? (b)(5%)What is the relationship between a country's foreign exchange rate and its net exports? Why? What is the relationship between a country's interest rate and its foreign exchange rate? Why? (c)(5%)Explain how China was able to maintain an essentially fixed exchange rate between its currency, the yuan, and the dollar from 1995 through 2005. Explain why China would have wanted to maintain this fixed exchange rate. (d)(5%)说明fiscal expansion in a small open economy with fixed exchange rate 与 with flexible exchange rate 的不同。 4.(20%)在课堂上介绍一个 old classical 代数模型: D D (1) N = N (W/P) S S (2) N = N (W/P) D S (3) N (W/P) = N (W/P) D _ (4) Y = F ( N , K ) (5) C = Ca + c( Y - T ) (6) Ip = Ip(r) (7) Y = C + Ip + G + NX s (8) M /P = L( Y , r ) _ (9) W = W/P * P (a)(5%)试问在这个总体经济模型里含有哪些「行为函数」(behavioral functions)? 请一一列举说明,务必要指明每一个函数关系的自变数与因变数。 (b)(10%)凯因斯於1936年出版「一般理论」後,约有一、二十年期间其跟随者与较 赞同古典模型的学者有不少理论上的争辩,称之Neoclassicists versus Keynesians controversy。试问此controversy在「第一回合」中他们争执的重点 如何?最後的synthesis如何?在你的说明中务必要提及下列观念在这个 controversy中所扮演的角色: monetary impotence, real balance effect, expectations effect, redistribution effect, nominal wage rigidity。 (c)(5%)Gordon提供一些大恐慌时期的统计资料。试问Gorden比较赞同Keynes或 古典学者对於"What Caused the Great Depression"的解释?为什麽? 5.(20%) (a)(10%)Joseph Stiglitz 以 New Keynesian 方面的论着得2001 年诺贝尔经济学 奖。试问一位经济学者持怎样的「看法」或「态度」可称之为"Keynesian"? 试说明Stiglitz认为「2008年金融危机」是如何发生(How We Got Here)以及该 如何因应(How to Fix it)。 (b)(5%)说明瑞典在1990年代发生金融危机的处理过程以及我们从其经验所能学习的 valuable lessons。 (c)(5%)说明「What China Can Learn From 1929」一文所要表达的 message。 --

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◆ From: ※ 编辑: lushenha 来自: (01/12 20:00)

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