NTU-Exam 板


课程名称: 经济学原理与实习一 课程性质: 系定必修(可兼通识) 课程教师: 张清溪 开课学院: 社会科学院 开课系所: 财金系 经济系 考试日期(年月日): 98年01月09日 考试时限(分钟): 9:10 ~ 11:30 是否需发放奖励金: 是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : (总分120分,满分100分) 壹、选择题(每题2分,总分50分)  1. The basic cause of deadweight losses from the existence of common resource is (A) use of a market system to deal with scarcity. (B) self-interest of human beings. (C) lack og enforceable property rights. (D) None of the above. 2. One main reason that private solutions to externalities do not always work is that (A) some people benefit from externalities. (B) interested parties incurs costs in the bargaining process. (C) government intervention nagates the benefits of positive externalities. (D) charities are not well organized. 3. Internalizing a negative externality will cause an industry to _____ the quantity it supplies and _____ the price of the good produced. (A) increase ; decrease (B) increase ; increase (C) decrease ; increase (D) decrease ; decrease 4. The market demand curve is the vertical sum og individual demand curves, because the consumption of the good is (A) excludable. (B) non-excludable. (C) non-rival. (D) Both (B) and (C) are correct. 5. Which of the following would be considered a pure public good? (A) congested nontoll roads (B) uncongested nontoll roads (C) congested toll roads (D) uncongested toll roads 6. A producer's average cost(AC) must fall as output expands if its marginal cost(MC) (A) is greater than AC and falling. (B) is falling, regardless of whether MC is greater or less than AC. (C) is less than AC and falling. (D) is less than AC, regardless of whether MC is rising or falling. 7. In a graph showing the relationship between costs and output, the vertical distance between the average cost curve and the average variable cost(AVC) curve at each quantity (A) remains constant as output expands. (B) decreases as output expands. (C) increases as output expands. (D) All of the above are correct. 8. Suppose a firm in a competitive market earns a profit of $800 by producing and selling 8 units of output with $200 average variable cost and $400 average revenue. The total fixed cost and average fixed cost are (A) 800 and 100. (B) 1600 and 200. (C) 400 and 50. (D) All of the above are not correct. 9. If price is less than the AVC, a firm that continues to produce in the short run (A) incurs a loss greater than its fixed costs (B) can cover its variable costs but not its total costs. (C) cannot cover any of its variable costs. (D) con cover all of its fixed costs and some of its variable costs. 10. Which of the characteristics of perfect competition assures that economic profit will be zero in the long run? (A) Each firm's output is small relative to the total market output. (B) Goods produced in the market are identical. (C) Each firm is a price taker. (D) There are no barriers to firms entering or exiting the market. 11. If a monopoly charges the market price of $14 per unit, (A) its average revenue is $14, and its marginal revenue is $14. (B) its average revenue is $14, and its marginal revenue is less. (C) its marginal revenue is $14, and its average revenue is less. (D) All of the above are correct. 12. A natural monopolist's ability to price its product is (A) enhanced by government's regulation. (B) constrained by market supply. (C) constrained by the market demand curve. (D) not affected by market demand. 13. Consuder a market with a linear downward-sloping demand curve. If a profit-maximization monopoly increases its price at equilibrium, its (A) total revenue must increase. (B) marginal cost must decrease. (C) total revenue must decrease. (D) marginal revenue must constant. 14. A price-discriminating firm charges the highest price to the group (A) with demand that is of unitary elasticity. (B) with the least elastic demand. (C) with the largest demand. (D) with the most elastic demand. 15. If a firm is able to perfectly discriminate, (A) consumer surplus is increased and deadweight loss is decreased. (B) producer surplus is reduced and consumer surplus is increased. (C) consumer surplus is decreased and deadweight loss is increased. (D) consumer surplus and deadweight losses are transformed into economic profits. 16. In its long-run equilibrium, monopolistic competition has excess capacity, because firms (A) expect to have an unanticipated increases in demand. (B) build plants that are way too small. (C) use an inefficient combination of resources to produce output. (D) do not produce the output at the minimum point of the short-run AC curve. 17. The industry in which a firm regards its rivals' strategies is (A) perfect competition. (B) monopolistic competition. (C) oligopoly. (D) monopoly. 18. As the number of firms in an oligopoly morket grows larger, the price will approach to (A) marginal cost. (B) the monopoly price. (C) marginal revenue. (D) zero. 19. Which of the following short-run equilibrium is correct? (A) A perfectly competitive firm will operate at zero profits. (B) A monopolistically competitive firm may operate at the minimum of AC curve. (C) An oligopoly firm will have a kinky demand curve. (D) A monopolist will always have a positive profit. 20. If a good is inferior, then a decrease in income will result in (A) a movement down and to the right along the demand curve for the good. (B) a decrease ing the demand for the good. (C) a movement up and to the left along the demand curve for the good. (D) an increase ing the demand for the good. 21. Which of the following might cause the equilibrium proce to rise and the equilibrium quantity of bread to decrease? (A) a rise in the price of oatmeal, a substitute product (B) a fall in the price of flour (C) lower end of the demand curve (D) All of the above are possible. 22. On a downward-sloping linear demand curve, the maximum total revenue is at the (A) midpoint of the demand curve. (B) upper end of the demand curve. (C) lower end of the demand curve. (D) All of the above are possible. 23. When a country allows trade and becomes and importer of a good, domestic producers _____ and domestic consumers _____. (A) lose ; gain (B) gain ; lose (C) gain ; gain (D) lose ; lose 24. Suppose Barry is maximizing his utility from consuming used paperback novels and audio books. The price of a used novel = $2; and the price of audio books = $4. If the marginal utility of the last novel was 10 units of utility, what was the marginal utility of the last audio book purchased? (A) 5 units of utility (B) 10 units of utility (C) 20 units of utility (D) 40 units of utility 25. When a monopolist maximizes its profit, the equilibrium point corresponds to the demand curve where the elasticity of demand (A) must greater than 1. (B) must less than 1. (C) may be less than 1. (D) may be greater or less than 1. 贰、问答题(50分) 一、小明打算经营彩色影印店。假设他只能选择以下两个方案。 方案1,租用雷射影印机进行生产,租金为800元,每多印一张的成本为5元。 方案2,租用墨水影印机进行生产,租金为200元,每多印一张的成本为15元。 令q 为影印的张数。请回答以下问题:(15分) 1. 请写出小明的SAC1, SMC1, SAC2, SMC2。(下标1,2分别代表方案1,2) 2. 将q 放在横轴,画图说明小明的LAC和LMC。请正确标示座标与相对数值, 图形形状近似即可。 3. 如果小明独占此影印市场且面对的市场需求线是 p=515-q 。请计算在长期下 此影印市场的均衡数量、均衡价格、消费者剩余和小明的利润。 二、有关独占者的供给线。(10分) 1. 请用图形(配合简单文字)证明独占者没有供给线。 2. 请问在何时定义下,独占者有供给线?有何事例可证明此一供给线是存在的? 三、学校固定有停车位300个,那地方不用白不用。师生对停车的需求函数是 QD=500-P。请问:(10分) 1. 均衡价格为何?此时消费者与生产者剩余各为若干?(2分) 2. 若学校师生没有别处停车,学校想要赚最多钱,他要如何定价?提供多少 车位?此时的生产者与消费者剩余又各为多少?(5分) 3. 比较以上两小题,你有何感想?(3分) 四、某物品X 有两群不同的需求者,其需求函数分别为 P1 = 60 - 0.5*Q1 及 P2 = 120 - Q2;给定MCx = 2/3 *Q,Q 代表X 的产量。请回答以下问题:(15分) 1. 如果X 是一公共财,请写出市场需求线并求算社会最适之产量Q 。 2. 如果X 是一私有财,且由一家独占厂商生产,若厂商只能单一订价。问此时的 均衡价量各为多少?(注:此小题颇为困难,小心你的时间) 3. 设如前一小题,但此时厂商可以对此两群需求者进行第三级差别定价,请求算 均衡时的厂商总产量Q 与对两群消费者的定价P1, P2。 参、是非简答题。以下叙述如果是对的,请标示"T"; 如果是错的,请标示"F"。请解释 你的答案,不解释不给分。(每题4分,共20分) 1. 理性的人,以投票所做出的公共决策都是不理性的。 2. 公司负责人,其实不太负责任。 3. 你在文教区开一家自助餐听,中午生意火红,晚上冷淡。你在考虑晚上要不要营 业。你有两项成本:店面月租三万,已签订三年合同。平均每月有一千名顾客, 中午九百人,晚上只有一百人(相当於平均每位顾客租金成本30元)。其他人工、 材料成本,平均每一顾客80元。中午一客可卖150元,晚上只能卖100元。算一算 晚上不该营业。 4. 具有「共享性」的产品,若可以有排他性,则可形成「自然独占」。 5. 独占者成本降低了,但需求不变。此时此景,他显然不必降价求售,所以追求利 润最大的独占者,不会降价。 ------------------------ 如果试题有任何错误, 麻烦大家指正,谢谢^^ ------------------------ --

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