NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰大一英文 课程性质︰共同必修 课程教师:赵恬仪 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰98.1.9 考试时限(分钟):100分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : Freshman English I: Final Examination Friday 9 January 2009 ‧ Total points: 100 ‧ Please note that all the questions should be answered in English. ‧ Please write in blue or black pen only. ‧ No dictionary, reference material (including notes), and electronic equipment are allowed during the exam. ‧ Marked answer sheets will be ready for collection from TY’s mailbox in the departmental office from 2pm, Wednesday 14 January 2008. I. Multiple Choices (30%) 1. Which of the following statements about the people mentioned in the texts is correct? A. Howard Gardner had cooperated with Richard Tait and designed the activity “Creative Cat.” B. Daniel Goleman did the marshmallow experiment during the 1980s. C. Isabelle Allende believed that short stories are “something that can be read in an hour and remembered for a life time.” D. The writer of “What Exactly Is a Short Story” may be a teacher. 2. According to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, which of the statements is WRONG? A. It is the background theory of Cranium. B. It contains eight different intelligences. Recently, the ninth intelligence —Nature Intelligence has been added in. C. The activity “Creative Cat” is probably based on the Visual-Spatial intelligence. D. A person who shows more of the Intrapersonal intelligence may become a psychologist. 3. Which is NOT a definition of short stories? A. A short story is rarely over 15,000 words or below 5000 words. B. All facets of a short story are cross-reinforcing. C. The form of a short story may be both tight and scattered. D. The language used in a short story should be precise and poetic. 4. What is true about the “vanishing hitchhikers” type of ghost stories? A. Resurrection Mary has become the most successful character in urban legends. B. The stories portrait ghosts different from human beings and make readers scared to death. C. The vanishing hitchhikers would sometimes tell the drivers their destination. D. Normally, the vanishing hitchhikers would either take something from the car or leave a souvenir. 5. Which of the following statements is correct? A. Emotional intelligence is included in Gardner’s multiple intelligence theories. B. Traditional board games let everyone have an opportunity to shine while playing. C. The book “Emotional Intelligence” avoids pointing out women’s strength. D. Children across the board have the same problem: decline in emotional aptitude. 6. According to the marshmallow experiment, which statement is WRONG? A. Goleman has published a series of books related to the marshmallow experiment. B. Neocortex is where the primitive responses occur. C. Lacking of emotional intelligence can be counted as having emotional malaise. D. Emotional intelligence may either enslave us or serve us. 7. According to the interview with J.K. Rowling, which statement is correct? A. J.K. Rowling’s very first story “Rabbit” was published when she was only 11 years old. B. J.K. Rowling got the idea of Quidditch while she was in Derbyshire. C. Humor, scariness, and a watertight plot are extremely important elements in her books. D. J.K Rowling has always imagined a “flying” basketball game and then created Quidditch. 8. How much do you know about the famous game Cranium? Choose the correct answer. A. The color of the Cranium Clay is yellow and the smell is citrus. B. Tait and Alexander have created 14 unique groups of question cards. C. The creators went into the field of intellectual psychology to learn more about brains. D. Pictionary and Scrabble are the most popular activities in Cranium. 9. Which of the following statement is correct? A. In ‘Bran’, the man executed is a deserter from the Night’s Watch. B. A Game of Thrones was first published in 1999. C. In ‘Bran’, it is Jon Snow who discovers the direwolf’s pups. D. Lord Eddard Stark has four children by marriage. 10. Which of the following is NOT a character in A Song of Ice and Fire? A. Daenerys Targaryen B. Lady Catelyn Stark (née Tully) C. Princess Elfarran D. Queen Cersei 11. In ‘The School for Wizards’, Ged keeps a(n) ________ as a pet. A. Sparrow hawk B. Owl C. Dragon D. Otak 12. Who said, ‘Sorcery is not a game’? A. Master Hand B. Ged C. Jasper D. Archmage Nemmerle 13. In ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’, ‘A partridge in a pear tree’ refers to: A. Wild life during the winter season. B. Popular Christmas gifts in Renaissance England. C. Jesus and the Garden of Eden. D. Gifts of the Holy Spirit. 14. Please arrange these main ideas in order according to the text ‘ Emotional Intelligence’. (1) Scientific background and explanation of the experiment. (2) Recent scientific studies and ways to solve the problem. (3) Introduction of “The Marshmallow Challenge.” (4) Goleman’s own opinions upon this best-seller. (5) Introduction of Goleman and his book. (6) The result and significance of the experiment. A. 516342 B. 563142 C. 546312 D. 536142 15. Please arrange these main ideas in order according to the text ‘What Exactly Is A Short Story’. (1) The author’s definition of a perfect short story. (2) The word count of a short story. (3) Some definitions given by famous writers. (4) Explanation of the confusion students often have over defining short stories. (5) The concluding definitions of short stories given by the author. A. 24315 B. 23145 C. 23415 D. 24135 II. Grammar (20%) 1. Which word may be omitted from a subjunctive clause? A. that B. be C. to 2. What form does a verb take in a subjunctive clause? A. base form B. infinitive C. simple present 3. Which of the following sentences contain a subjunctive clause? A. I wanted her to buy me a computer. B. I asked her to buy me a computer. C. I requested she buy me a computer. 4. What is the structure of the past tense passive modal? A. modal + have been + past participle B. modal + be + past participle C. modal + get + past participle 5. When is get most often used with passive modals? A. when the subject is a nonliving thing B. When the subject is a living thing C. in formal writing 6. What does the passive voice with get emphasize? A. a nonliving thing B. an action C. a state 7. A unique noun is something there is ____ of A. a or an B. the 9. Using this or that indicates that the idea being referenced is the _______ information of the sentence. A. most important B. least important 10. According to grammatical rules, ‘it’ is a _______. A. demonstrative pronoun B. personal pronoun III. Cloze test (20%) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word in a proper form. You can only use each word ONCE. conceive profound endow disconcert watertight despite the fact bypass draft unite criterion 1. Have you ever ____________ of a new game? If so, explain it. If not, what is your favorite game and how do you play it? 2. They ____________ the committee and went straight to senior management. 3. This hospital was ____________ by the citizens of Strasbourg in the 16th century. 4. Even famous writers will go through multiple ____________ of a work before coming up with the final manuscript. 5. Police were stunned by the skills the bank robbers had. Their plan was completely ____________ and they escaped with a fortune without leaving any clues. 6. ____________ of ideas is important, not only in stories, but for any written work to make sense. 7. This book is so true to my own life that reading it was a(n) ____________ emotional experience. 8. ____________ that Alan cut back on his spending, he still didn’t have enough money to pay all his bills. 9. When I met Mary’s boyfriend, he kept telling me he’d met me somewhere before and asked me lots of personal questions. It was quite ____________. 10. When buying a new house, what ____________ should buyers consider? IV. Short-answer questions (20%) Please write at least 20 words for each of the question. 1. In what ways do A Song of Ice and Fire and A Wizard of Earthsea share the characteristics of ‘fantasy fiction’ (such as the setting, the plot & the characters)? 2. Explain the term ‘Marshmallow Challenge’, including its background and its implications regarding emotional intelligence. 3. What are the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western ghost stories? 4. Define the term ‘figurative speech’: (1) the meaning of the term (2%); (2) types of figurative speech and examples (3%) 5. Tell a six-word story. Explain briefly the setting of your story, such as its background, characters, etc. V. Feedback on teaching and learning (10%) 1. How many points (0-100) would you give to yourself for your performance in this semester? Why? (3%) 2. Please offer constructive feedback for the instructor and the TA, with regard to course materials, teaching style, etc. (3%) 3. Please suggest at least ONE material or subject for the next semester, such as films, media, texts, etc. (4%) ~This is the end of the final exam paper. Wish you a happy winter vacation! ~ --

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