NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰大一英文上 课程性质︰共同必修 课程教师︰邱锦荣 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰2009/1/6 考试时限(分钟):100 是否需发放奖励金: (如未明确表示,则不予发放) Freshman English Final Exam Jan. 6, 2009 6 units of BBC Learning English--News English, Quiznet---journalism 1. Vocabulary 20% 1. A column is a regular section of a newspaper usually written by the same c__________. 2. The newspaper are c_____(reporting) the New Year activities. 3. E___S were raised(People were surprised) when Orascom Television said 4. it was planning a joint venture with North Korea to set up a third g_______n(a stage of development in the manufacturing) mobile network. 5. The television in my family is t____d to(adjust channel to a station) CTV for an evening soap opera because my mother enjoys watching the melodrama. 6. The dem___s in Athnes were spontaneous protests against the shooting dead of a 15-year-old by a police officer, but were politically 7. a___(aroused) by oppisition parties. 8. China has been hit by the sharp economic de___n(worsening of the state) in countries that buy its goods. 9. BBC Economics C____t(journalist who works in a particular region) Andrew Walker reposts that China's exports fell in November 2008 by 2.2% compared with a year earilier. 10.Mekong Delta is described as a biological treasure t___(of known ownership, found hidden). ANSWER: 1.columnst 2.covering 3.Eyebrows 4.generation 5.tuned 6.demonstrations 7.agitated 8.deterioration 9.Correspondent 10.trove 2.Cloze Test 10% A. Probably my favorite is the Dragon Millipede - it's only three meters long absolutely lurid pink, and it produces cyanide __1__ try to deter predators. I mean this is a creature __2__ attitude here. And then there are __3__ few other things __4__ I think show the way science works. B. One of __5__ biggest shocks __6__ you arrive in a new country can be the clothes people are wearing. You may look fashionable at home,__7__ you suddenly find you are behind the times or simply someione to laugh __8__ when you arrive abroad. __9__ this in mind, let's take a look at teenage fashion in the UK __10__ girls. ANSWER: 1. to 2. with 3. a 4. which 5. the 6. when 7. but 8. at 9. With 10.for 3.Comprehension Test 20% 1. Which of the following elements belongs to "glam" look? a)beach sandals b)metallic bags and shoes c)T-shirt with a logo d)long skirt to the floor 2."Don't just be one of the crowd - be yourself" means a)don't follow the trend blindly b)don't be afraid to join the crowd to assert your identity c)wear whatever is fashionable d)wear whatever you like, such as wearing rings in your belly, if it suits you. 3. A tomboy refers to a)any boy who is named Tom b)a common boy c)a girl coming from the country who can do all the hard work which was traditionally considered to be a boy's job d)a girl who likes doing things that were traditionally considered to be things that boys enjoy. 4. Fideration Internationale de ____ Association(FIFA) is an organization for a)basketball b)tennis c)football d)golf 5. FIFA's Secretary General thinks a)South Africa will complete its preparations for the World Cup in 2010 b)South Africa might not to be able to complete its preparations for the World Cup in 2010 c)it's possible to move the World Cup to another country if South Africa fails to catch up with preparations d)South Africa will stick to her commitment to the World Cup. 6. "There isn't a day to lose" means a)there is no time for further delays b)catch up so we won't lose the game c)we are lagging behind so we have to give it up d)there is no time to lose the game. 7. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT according to "Greece protests"? a)The murder of a 15-year-old boy have caused riots b)The protests have involved students c)University professors urged students not to stage a walkout d)The victim of the police shooting has been identified. 8. Decline in China's imports in part reflects the fact of weakening sales overseas, which means China's manufacturers a)have more need of imported raw materials b)have less need of imported raw materials c)have more demand for foreign goods d)have stopped making profits. 9. Within the last ten years WWF has reported more than a)a hundred b)a thousand c)ten thousand d)a million new species along the banks of Mekong Delta. 10.The new species remained unknown in the outside world of Mekong Delta for so long because of a)the conservationists' protection of the region b)political conflicts in the region c)the wet jungles d)huge demand of the local food market ANSWER: 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. b 10.b 4. Essay Questions: Choose only two. 30% 1. Which UK teenage girls' fashion would you go for(if you are a girl) or suggest your girlfriend to model after(if you are a boy)? And why? 2. What is South Africa's major problem in preparing for the World Cup? If you will become the chief organizer of your department's reception party for freshman, what are the major factors will you put into consideration? 3. Describe the Dragon Millipede. What is your attitude toward biological troves? Should economic development interfere with environmental protection? 5. Sentence-making (prepared at home and submitted with the Answer Sheet) 20% Select 5 words/phrases from the 6 units. For each of the selected word/phrase , A)copy the complete sentence from the text which contains the word/phrase of your choice and underline it. B)Make a sentence with the word/phrase and underline it. --

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