NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰西洋文学概论一 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰陈玲华 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008/11/28 考试时限(分钟):70 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : I. Identify the speaker of each passage quoted from the Odyssey. A name list is for your reference: Achilles, Agamemnon, Odysseus, Hermes, Zeus, Hephaestus, Athena, Aeolus, Telemachus, Penelope, Circe, Calypso, Sirens, Polyphemus, Tiresias, Alcinous, Anticleia. (30%) 1. Let me tell you of all the witch's subtle craft... She'll mix you a potion, lace the brew with drugs but she'll be powerless to bewitch you, even so─ this magic herb I give will fight her spells. 2. I could see their hands and feet already hoisted, flailing, high, higher, over my head, look─ wailing down at me, comrades riven in agony, shrieking out my name for one last time! 3. God of the earthquake, please don't urge this on me. A pledge for a worthless man is a worthless pledge indeed. What if he slips out of his chains─ his debts as well? How could I shackle you while all the gods look on? 4. Away from my island─ fast─ most cursed man alive! it's a crime to host a man or speed him on his way when the blessed deathless gods despise him so. Crawling back like this─ it proves the immortals hate you! 5. No, it was my longing for you, my shining Odysseus─ You and your quickness, you and your gentle ways─ That tore away my life that had been sweet. 6. you could wed my daughter and be my son-in-law And stay right here with us. I'd give you a house And great wealth─ if you chose to stay, that is. No Phaeacian would hold you back by force. 7. By god, I'd rather slave on earth for another man─ Some dirt-poor tenant farmer who scrapes to keep alive─ Than rule down here over all the breathless dead. 8. While I myself go down to Ithaca, rouse his son To a braver pitch, inspire his heart with courage To summon the flowing-haired Achaeans to full assembly, speak his mind to all those suitors, slaughtering on and on his droves of sheep and shambling longhorn cattle. 9. Or if he's fated to see his people once again and reach his well-built house and his own native country, let him come home late and come a broken man─ all shipmates lost, alone in a stranger's ship-- 10. I keep twenty geese in the house, from the water through they come and peck their wheat─ I love to watch them all. But down from a mountain swooped this great hook-beaked eagle, yes, and he snapped their necks and killed them one and all II. Choose the appropiate answer for each blank. (18%) 11. Leaving human society for nature, hunting and killing a fierce animal, and receiving a wound conform to the pattern of male ___ rituals that helped boys make the transition to adulthood. The story of Odysseus's scar seems to conform to this pattern. (a) initiation (b) enlightenment (c) growth 12. ___ has twelve legs, all writhing, dangling, down and six long swaying necks, a hideous head on each, each head barbed with a triple row of fangs, (a) Charybdis (b) Scylla (c) Amphitrite 13. The second millennium B.C. saw a brilliant culture, called Minoan after the mythical king Minos, flourishing on the large island of ___. (a) Sicily (b) Lesbos (c) Crete 14. Seven cities put forward claims to be the birthplace of Homer. They are all in what the Greeks called Ionia, the western coast of ___. (a) Asia Minor (b) Greece (c) Crete 15. Aeolus offers Odysseus flawless hospitality, but he lives isolated with his family and marries his daughters to his ___. (a) neighbors (b) gods (c) sons 16. ___ had the power of changing his shape at will, and there in our hands he became a lion and a dragon and many other animals, and finally even a high-branched tree. (a) Tantalus (b) Orion (c) Proteus III. Answer TWO of the following essay questions. (52%) 1. Recount the adventures of Odysseus. 2. Explain why Odysseus is a " complete man." 3. Give a sketch of Penelope as a foil to Odysseus. 4. How does Odysseus cope with the temptations of Circe and the Sirens? 5. Explain the role of Athena in the Odyssey. ----------------------------------试 题 结 束--------------------------------- ANSWER I. 1. Hermes 2. Odysseus 3. Hephaestus 4. Aeolus 5. Anticletia 6. Alcinous 7. Achilles 8. Athena 9. Polyphemus 10. Penelope II. a b c a c c --

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1F:推 jean790102 :真贴心~~还附答案耶~~~ 01/11 15:52

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