NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰西洋文学概论 课程性质︰系定必修 课程教师︰郑秀瑕 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰97年11月28日 考试时限(分钟):70分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 满分80分 I.Identificaiton(30%) Identify the SPEAKER of each passage below. The same person may speak more than one passage. Possible answers are Achilles, Agamemnon, Andromache, Apollo, Athena, Chryses, Chryseis, Diomedes, Glaucus, Hector, Hecuba, Helen, Hephaestus, Hera, Menelaus, Paris, Priam, Thetis, and Zeus. 1.Ah, the suffering you've had, and the courage To come here alone to the Greek ships And meet my eye, the man who slaughtered Your many fine sons! You have a heart of iron. 2.Sons of Atreus and Greek heroes all: May the gods on Olympus grant you plunder of Priam's city and a safe return home. But give me my daughter back and accept This ransom out of respect for Zeus' son, Lord Apollo, who deals with death from afar. 3.Achilles killed my father when he destroyed Our city, Thebes eith its high gates, But had too much respect to despoil his body. He buried it instead with all his armor And heaped up a barrow[...] Mother, who was queen in the forests of Plakos, He took back as prisoner, with all her possessions, Them released her for a fortune in ransom. 4.I hear the gods calling me to my death. I thought I had a good man here with me, Deiphobus, but he's still on the wall. Athena tricked me. Death is closing in And there's no escape[...]My fate is here. But I will not perish without some great deed That future generations will remember. 5. I came to see if I could check this temper of yours, Sent from heaven by the white-armed goddess Hera, who loves and watches over both of you men. Now come on, drop this quarrel, don't draw your sword. Tell him off instead. 6.I never get a prize equal to yours when the army Captures one of the Trojan strongholds. No, I do all the dirty work with my own hands, And when the battle's over and we divide the loot You get the lion's share and I go back to the ships With some pitiful little thing, so worn out from fighting I don't have the strength left even to complain. 7.Achilles has lost all pity and has no shame left. Shame sometimes hurts men, but it helps them too. A man may lose someone dearer than Achilles has, A brother from the same womb, or a son, But when he has wept and mourned, he lets go. The Fates have given men an enduring heart. 8.I know it's hard, mother, but you have to endure it. I don't ant to see you getting beat up, and me Unable to help you. The Olympian can be rough. Once before when I tried to rescue you He flipped me by my foot off our balcony. I fell all day and come down when the sun did On the island of Lemnos scarcely alive. 9.We have old ties of hospitality! My grandfather Oeneus long ago Entertained Bellerophon in his halls For twenty days, and they gave each other Gifts of friendship. Oeneus gave A belt bright with scarlet, and Bellerophon A golden cup, which I left at home. 10.I wish that on the day my mother bore me A windstorm had swept me away to a mountain Or into the waves of the restless sea, Swept me away before all this could happen. But since the gods have ordained these evils, Why couldn't I be the wife of a better man, One sensitive at least to repeated reproaches? II.Short Answers(20%) 1.Name two epic conventions and illustrate each by citing an example from the story of the Iliad. 2.Give an example of shame hurting men and another example of shame helping them. III.Essay(30%) Answer one of the first 11 study questions in Content File 10, attached to Week 10 of our syllabus Ceiba. --

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