NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰普通化学丙 课程性质︰共同必修 课程教师︰共同必修 开课学院: 开课系所︰护理学系 物理治疗系 职能治疗系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008/11/21 考试时限(分钟):120分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : General Chemistry-Mid-Term II.(2008/11/21){4 Pages} 答案必须写於专用答案纸上,否则以零分计算 A. 是非题(正确画○,错误画X,每题二分,选12题作答,共24分) 1. All the isotops of element Tc are radioactive. 2. The penetrating distance in water for γ ray is larger than X ray. 3. Carbon-11 is useful in positron emission tomography(PET). 4. The aqueous solution of MgF2 is neutral in terms of acidity. 5. The pKa of H2O is 14. 6. Sulfuric acid is H2SO4. 7. Hypotonic solution are solutions having an osmolarity greater than the sourrounding blood plasma or cells. 8. Colligative properties of solutions are properties that depend on chemical identity of solutes. 9. Dental amalgam(mercury in silver) is an example of solutions of liquid in solid. 10.The explosion caused by dropping Mentos into Diet Coke is a result of reduced viscosity. 11.The acidity is  _ _   _/ \ _/ \_ NC _ ̄COOH > H2N _ COOH 12.Diamond can be considered as crystalline solid. 13.Hydrophobic effect is the main factor that acconts for the folding of protein molecules in water. 14.Phosphoric acids is classified as strong acid. 15.NaCl is a strong electrolyte. B.单一选择题(每题三分,选12题作答,共36分) 1.The process of sublimation is ___ and involves a(an) ___ in entropy. (A)exothermic;increase (B)exthermic;decrease (C)endothermic;increase (D)endothermic;decrease (E)endothermic;no change 2.Which molecule will undergo only London dispersion forces when interacting with other molecules of the same kind? (A)HF (B)CH2Cl2 (C)C4H10 (D)NaCH3CO2 (E)C2H5OH 3.A pollutant that has ben measured at 450 mg per 150 kg of sample equals to (A)3000ppm (B)3ppm (C)300ppb (D)3ppb (E)30ppm 4.Which solutin\on will has the hightest boiling point? (A)0.1MNa2SO4 (B)0.1M glucose,C6H12O6 (C)0.1M MgCl2 (D)0.1M Al(NO3)3 (E)pure water 5.Which combination of characteristics is most likely to be associate with molecules having strong dipole-dipole interactioms? 1.Polar band 2.Asymmetric shape 3.Relatively low boiling point 4.Large surface area (A)1 and 5 (B)2 and 4 (C)1 and 2 (D)1,3 and 4 (E)all 6.The solubility of gases in liquids (A)increases as temporature increase and increases as pressure increases (B)decreases as temporature increase and increases as pressure increases (C)decreases as temporature increase and decreases as pressure increases (D)iecreases as temporature increase and decreases as pressure increases (E)is independent of temporature and increase as pressure increase 7.Which of the followinf cannot act as a Bronsted base (A)HCO3 (B)(CO3)2- (C)NH3 (D)NH2 (E)(NH4)+ 8.Which compound has a value of Ka that is close to 10^-5 (A)NaCl (B)HNO3 (C)CH3CH2COOH (D)KOH (E)NH3 9.All of the following species are involved in blood buffer system except_ __.(A)HCO3 (B)(HPO4)2- (C)(CO3)2- (D) (HSO4)2- (E)H3PO4 208 10.Which product is formed by α emission from Po 84 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 208 212 204 208 209 At Rn Pb Bi Po 85 86 82 83 84 11.The half-life of nickle-65 is 2.5 days. How much of 100g sample has decayed after 7.5 days? (A)1.25g (B)75.0g (C)87.5g (D)93.75g (E)100g 12.Which reaction is an example of chain reaction? (A) 235 4 231 (B) 75 0 75 (C) 123 123 U → He + Th Se→ e + Br I→ I +energy 92 2 90 34 -1 35 53 53 (D) 235 1 142 91 1 U+ n → Ba + Kr + 3 n 92 0 56 36 0 13.Which family of organic compound does not contain any multiple bonds? (A)alkyl halids (B)alkenes (C)alkynes (D)aldehyde (E)ketons 。 。 。 。 14.There are w 1 carbon atom, x 2 carbon atom, y 3 carbon atom and 4 carbon atom of compound shown. w + x - y - z=___ ╲╱ /╲╱╲ | | ╲/ (A)4 (B)5 (C)6 (D)7 (E)8 C.简答题(每大题六分,选5大题作答,共30分) 1.Explain why: (a)CH3OCH3 and C2H5OH have the same fomula (C2H6O),but the boiling 。 。 point of the former is -25 C while the latter is 78 C. (b)CH3CH2CH2CH2OH has greater solubility in water than CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH. 2.Which of the following solutions has the higher osmolarity?Explain your answer. (a)0.25M KBr or 0.2M Na2SO4 (b)0.30M NaOH or 3.0% (w/v)NaOH 3.(a)What is the pH of a solution that contains 0.100M HF and 0.100M NaF? (b)What is the pH of 1.00 L of the above solution after 0.02 mol of NaOH is added? The Ka of HF is 3.5*10^-4.log(2.3*10^-4)=-3.64;log(3.5*10^-4)=-3.46; log(5.3*10^-4)=-3.28 4.Complete and balance the following nuclear equation : 240 242 (a) Cm →□ + Pu 96 94 250 11 1 (b) Cf + B →□Lr + 4 n 98 5 0 10 1 4 (c) B+ n → □ + He 5 0 2 5.Locate and identify the functional groups in the following molecule ; O ∥ C—OH ╱ | ╲\O—C—CH3 ∥ O 6.Draw two distinct sptial alignments between two benzene rings that have favorable attractive forces. 7.Define the following terms: (a)Henry's Law (b)Charles's Law D.简答题(每大题十分,选1大题作答,共10分) 1.Give the IUPAC name for each of the following alkanes. (a) CH3 ∣ CH3CH2CH2CH2CHCHCH2CH3 | CH2CH3 (b) CH3 CH3 ∣ ∣ CH3CCH2CCH3 ∣ ∣ CH3 CH3 (c) H3C ╲╱ ̄╲╴CH2CH2CH2CH3 ╱╲╴╱ H3C 2.When we compare the acidity of two molucules, there are five different parameters we should consider. They are (1)electronegativity effect, (2)size effect, (3)orbital effect, (4)resonance effect, and (5)inductive effect. Provide one example (showing the ralative acidity of two molecules)to illustrate each effect. EBD. GOOD LUCK! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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