NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰经济学原理一 课程性质︰ 课程教师︰林明仁 开课学院: 开课系所︰ 考试日期(年月日)︰97.11.21 考试时限(分钟):180分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 一、 选择题(每题皆须附上说明,否则不予计分)(15 pionts) 1.If the price elasticity of demand for tuna is 0.7, then a 1.5% increase in the price of tuna will decrease the quantity demanded of tuna by a. 1.05% and tuna sellers’ total revenue will increase as a result. b. 1.05% and tuna sellers’ total revenue will decrease as a result. c. 2.14% and tuna sellers’ total revenue will increase as a result. d. 2.14% and tuna sellers’ total revenue will decrease as a result. 2.Aladdin Country has decided to end its policy of not trading with the rest of the world. When it ends its trade restrictions, it discovers that it is importing bicycles, exporting steel, and neither importing nor exporting rugs. Which groups in Aladdin are better off as a result of the new free-trade policy? a. Producers of bicycles and consumers of steel. b. Consumers of all three goods. c. Consumers of bicycles and producers of rugs. d. Producers of steel and consumers of bicycles. 3.Assume the price of gasoline is $2.00 per gallon and the equilibrium quantity of gasoline is 10 million gallons per day with no tax on gasoline. Starting from this initial situation, which of the following scenarios would result in the largest deadweight loss? a. The price elasticity of demand for gasoline is 0.1; the price elasticity of supply for gasoline is 0.6; and the gasoline tax amounts to $0.20 per gallon. b. The price elasticity of demand for gasoline is 0.1; the price elasticity of supply for gasoline is 0.4; and the gasoline tax amounts to $0.20 per gallon. c. The price elasticity of demand for gasoline is 0.2; the price elasticity of supply for gasoline is 0.6; and the gasoline tax amounts to $0.30 per gallon. d. There is insufficient information to make this determination. 4.A tax on bicycles that buyers of bicycles are required to pay shifts a. the demand curve downward, causing both the price received by sellers and the equilibrium quantity to fall. b. the demand curve upward, causing both the price received by sellers and the equilibrium quantity to rise. c. the supply curve downward, causing the price received by sellers to fall and the equilibrium quantity to rise. d. the supply curve upward, causing the price received by sellers to rise and the equilibrium quantity to fall. 5.John has decided to start his own lawn-mowing business. To purchase the mowers and the trailer to transport the mowers, John withdrew $1,000 from his savings account, which was earning 3% interest, and borrowed an additional $2,000 from the bank at an interest rate of 7%. What is John’s annual opportunity cost of the financial capital that has been invested in the business? a. $30.00 b. $140.00 c. $170.00 d. $3140.00 二、 简答题(Short Questions)(35 points)    请用经济学评论以下的观点。(请勿长篇大论) 1.林老师在大学里教经济学,但他却聘请了一位台大经济系的学生担任儿子的经济学 家教,由此推知林老师根本不爱他的小孩。 2.中国大陆的黑心食品时有所闻,而台湾的食品较符合安全标准,这全都是因为大陆 人没有良心的道德所致。 3.大学联考放榜後,上榜的名字中「怡君」明显比「志玲」多,这表示取名为「怡君」 的比较会考试。 4.日本的生产技术各方面都优於台湾,但是日本仍然从台湾进口许多电子产品,这就 是剥削台湾劳动力的证明。 5.没受到毒奶事件波及的奶类食品近来纷纷涨价,这都是不肖业者趁机哄抬物价的结 果。 6.有句谚语是「瑞雪兆丰年」,意思是说若去年冬天降雪量很大的话,今年的雨水量 就会足够灌溉农田,所以今年会是丰收的一年。既然农产品大丰收,对靠天吃饭的 农民来说无疑是收入丰厚的一年。 7.近来新闻媒体发布一则医学报告显示猪肝对人体的造血功能有益,请问此则新闻对 於猪肉与鸡肉的市场均衡价格与数量有何影响? 三、 计算题(Calculations)(50points) 1.(16 points) American and Mexican workers can produce 10 T-shirts and 8 T-shirts per day, respectively. An American worker can produce 18 dozen brownies per day, whereas a Mexican worker can produce 10 dozen brownies per day. Assume that each country has 1 million workers.   a.Graph the production possibilities frontiers of the American and Mexican economies.   b.What is the opportunity cost of a T-shirt in the U.S and in Mexico?   c.Which country has a comparative advantage in producing T-shirts? In producing brownies?   d.Without trade, half of each country’s workers produce T-shirts and half produce brownies. Please compare the world total production of two goods with and without trade. 2.(4 points) 高雄捷运通车後,市政府对交通状况做了研究:乘客对捷运的需求弹性 是0.8,公车价格对捷运的交叉弹性是0.5。市政府可同时经营捷运与公车,现在拟 将捷运票价上涨25%,若要维持捷运乘坐量不变,政府应该如何调整公车票价? 3.(10 points) Teacher’s Helper is a small company that has a subcontract to produce instructional materials for disabled children in public school districts. The owner rents several small rooms in an office building in the suburbs for $600 a month and has leased computer equipment that costs $480 a month. Please complete the following table. FC = Fixed Costs   VC = Variable Costs   TC = Total Costs AFC = Average Fixed Costs   AVC = Average Variable Costs ATC = Average Total Costs   MC = Marginal Costs Output(instructional  Modules per Month)   FC   VC   TC   AFC   AVC   ATC  MC 0 1080 - - - - - - 1       1080   400   1480 1080 400 2       1080 540 965 450 3       1080 1350 2430 360 4      1080 270 475 5        1080 216 6      1080 4280 180 700 4.(20 points) 笔记型电脑制造商所面对的消费者可分为A、B两类: A类消费者共有300位,每一位A类消费者的个人反需求函数为 P = 450 - 0.5q B类消费者共有700位,每一位B类消费者的个人反需求函数为 P = 600 - q 其中 P为价格,q为个人消费数量。市场供给函数为 Q = 500P - 30000 a.(2 points) 请找出笔记型电脑的市场需求函数,并绘图表示。 b.(2 points) 请求出市场的均衡价格与均衡数量。 c.(3 points) 消费者向政府反映电脑价格太贵,因此政府订出价格上限为低於市 场均衡价格50元,请问此时市场交易数量为何? d.(3 points) 承 c 小题,若政府在价格上限的政策实施後,欲消弥市场短缺的 现象,则政府需补贴厂商一台电脑多少元,才能达到此目标? e.(3 points) 承 d 小题,政府补贴厂商生产所造成的无谓损失 (Deadweight Loss)有多大? f.(3 points) 若国际市场的电脑价格为500元,则电脑厂商会进口还是 出口笔记型电脑?此进口或出口量为多少? g.(4 points) 承 f 小题,政府为鼓励电脑厂商出口,对於出口的电脑每台 补贴25元,政府的补贴支出有多大?补贴造成的无谓损失有多大? --

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3F:推 just260km :辛苦了:) 11/23 23:21
4F:推 TINTINH :这是经济系的经原吧?! 我先收 直接帮你补上去~ 11/24 10:01
5F:→ TINTINH :已收:) 11/24 10:04
6F:→ fanyichen :感恩喔! 11/25 01:23

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