NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰大一英文 课程性质︰共同必修 课程教师︰廖树辉 开课学院:医学院 开课系所︰ 考试日期(年月日)︰971105 考试时限(分钟):60 是否需发放奖励金:是 谢谢 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : I.Vocabulary: (30%) A.Matching: Choose a word from the following list to fill in each of the sentences below and change its form(in terms of part of speech, tense, agreement, etc.) where necessary (20%) cause compromise crackdown detain dismay distress grease luxurious immense inexorable renovated turmoil 1. She suffered incessantly, feeling herself born for all delicacies and ____. 2. He was silent, stupefied, in _____, at the sight of his wife weeping. 3. The malicious(=unkind and harmful) rumors _____ his good reputation. 4. She washed the dishes, using her rosy nails upon the _____ pots and pans. 5. Bush says economy is strong enough to handle _____. 6. Lin Teh-hsun has become the third person to end up in _____ in connection with a probe into corruption allegations against the former national leader. 7. Because of its _____ statues, Easter Island has long been the subject of curiousity. 8. The couple spent thousands _____ the house. 9. Humanitarian Dorothea Dix attracted rich, influential sponsors to her _____. 10.The finding sheds new light on the aging process that may allow science to eventually delay the ____ process of aging. B.Spelling: (10%) 1.She danced with enthusiasm, with passion, i____ted(=happy, excited, and unable to think clearly) with pleasure, thinking of nothing. 2.There is nothing h____ting(=making you feel ashamed, embarrassed, and angry) than to have a shabby air in the modst of rich women. 3.P____m is the thick yellowish substance produced in your nose and throat, especially when you have a cold. 4.For most people, the labor was hard and constant from morning to d____k(= twilight, early evening). 5.Il____e handwriting(=handwriting that is difficult to read) does not indicate weakness of character as even a quick glance at the penmanship of F.D.Roosevelt or J.F.Kennedy reveals. II.Cloze-tests: (30%) A.He compromised his whole exsistence, in fact, risked his signature 1._____ even knowing whether he could 2._____ it good or not, and, harassed by anxiety for the future, by the black misery 3._____ surrounded him and by the physical 4._____ and moral torture, he went to get the new necklace, 5._____ on the merchant's counter thirty-six thousand francs. B."What do you suppose I want 6._____ that?" "But, my dearie, I thought it would make you 7._____. You never go out, and this is an occasion, and a fine 8._____! I had a great deal of 9._____ to get it. Everybody wishes one, and it is very select, not 10._____ are given to employees. You will see the whole official world there." C.Popularly 11._____ the Land Grant Act, the Morill Act provided each state with thousands of acres of 12._____ owned land. Each state received 30000 for each senator(all states have two senators) and 30000 acres for each representative in the 13._____(the number of representatives 14._____ on the population of the state). The bill required that the land 15._____ sold, the proceeds invested, and the income.... III.Answer the following questions: (40%) (1,2 choose one) 1.What is "small talk"? What's the purpose of making "small talk at the beginning of a consultation? 2.What is a "leading question"? Give an example and try to rewrite it so it becomes more open-ended. 3.What kind of person is Matilda Loisel before she loses her friend's necklace? How does she feel about herself? Is she attractive? Why isn't she happy? Is she spoiled? How does she change during the ten years after the loss of the necklace? --

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