NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰大一英文上 课程性质︰共同必修 课程教师︰邱锦荣 开课学院:生农学院 开课系所︰文学院外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008/11/18 考试时限(分钟):100分钟 是否需发放奖励金:否 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) Freshman English Mid-term Exam, Fall Semester, Nov.28,2008 Ⅰ.Vocabulary 20% Put the complete word in each corresponding blank on the answer sheet. 1.The doctors recommended freezing some of Mrs.Davis's successfully fertilized 2.eggs, which could later be t____ed and i___ed into her body. 3.The Davises'attempt at in ____ fertilization ended in a lawsuit. A new 4.e____(concerning human relations and rights) question was introduced into the courts of law. 5.The l___d stationery has the company's name and address at the top of the paper. 6.An a___t letter is a type of letter which acknowledges that something was received. 7.To q___y for the job of a correspondence secretary, Marla had to have excellent typing,spelling, and letter writing skills. 8.Margaret: oh,confidences should be suspected---re_____, I mean. 9.Harret's gown is a light,"jealous"green. Her c____, Hetty,wears a gown of 10.the same design but in a darker s____. Answer: (1)thawed (2)implanted (3)vitro (4)ethical (5)letterhead (6)acknowledgement (7)qualify (8)respected (9)counterpart (10)shade Ⅱ. Prepositions (If no preposition is needed, put an X in the blank) 10% A. Victor needs to write a simple business letter. He saw an ad _1_ a tape recorder that was very cheap. The ad said that the recorder could come __2__ 30 days. It has been 2 months and Victor has not heard anything ___3___the company. He wants a refund. Also, he does not want to do business ___4___ this company anymore. B. Just as children are fought __5__ in legal custody cases, the court had to decide who has the right __6__ the fertilized eggs. C. One __7__ the reasons that the United States has succeeded __8__ becoming a nation __9__ its own idendity and cultures, despite the disparate nature of its population, is that it has been bound __10__ a common language. Answer: (1)for (2)within (3)from (4)with (5)over (6)to (7)of (8)in (9)???? (10)???? Ⅲ. Cloze Test. 20% A. Many of __1__ immigrants are Hispanics. They come from Mexico but also from Central and __2__ america and __3__ caribbean. And they join millions of other Hispanics, some of __4__ trace their roots in what is now __5__ United states to a time before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth __6__. B. I __7__ guessed when i came for a pleasant chat __8__ old times before that it would develop into business arrangements. I had __9__ idea, Harriet , that tou had any intention of __10__ painted. Ⅳ.Recite (10%) 1. Opponents.....and their cultures. 2. The Davises' case has ...as a human being. Answer: 1. Opponents of the official-English movement maintain that requiring all U.S citizens to speak English deprives non-English-speaking Americans of their basic rights and is a violation of free speech. The opposition feels that official English would not lead to harmony in the United States but rather would promote xenophobia, the fear of foreigners and their cultures. 2. The Davise's case has spawned a series of new cases involing the rights to embryos, as well as a national debate over how we view life.Some argue that the frozen embryos, consisting of only undifferentiated cells cannot be viewed as human beings as they have not yet formed inte a unique individual. Others argue that life starts at conception, so that the moment the egg is fertilized in petri dish,what is produced must be viewed as a human being. Ⅴ.Essay questions (40%) Choose only two out of the following four. Each essay should run about 100 words. 1. When according to your opinion does life begin? 2. What will happen to Jig and her boyfriend? Let your fancy take wings and write a sequel to Hemingway's "Hills like White elephant." 3. What is the signifance of using two characters to stand for a single woman on stage in "Overtones"? 4. Among all the lessons we have discussed so far, which one has inspired you the most?Explain how you have benefited from that particular lesson or how it has changed your view of a certain subject or your view on life in general. Answer: It depends. (the test is over) --

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