NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰ 经济学原理与实习一 课程性质︰ 系定必修(可兼通识) 课程教师︰ 张清溪 开课学院: 社会科学院 开课系所︰ 财金系 经济系 考试日期(年月日)︰ 97年11月14日 考试时限(分钟): 9:20~11:20 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 总分120分,满分100分 选择题(每题2分,总分50分) 1. For two individuals who engage in the same two productive activities, it is impossible for one of the two individuals to (a) have a comparative advantage in both activities. (b) be more productive per unit of time in both activities. (c) have an absolute advantage in both activities. (d) All of the above are correct. 2. If a good is normal, then an increase in income will result in (a) a movement down and to the right along the demand curve for the good. (b) a decrease in the demand for the good. (a) a movement up and to the left along the demand curve for the good. (d) an increase in the demand for the good. 3. According to the law of demand, (a) quantity supplied and quantity demanded are negatively related. (b) price and quantity demanded are positively related. (c) quantity supplied and quantity demanded are positively related. (d) price and quantity demanded are negatively related. 4. Which of the following would not affect an individual's demand curve? (a) expectations (b) price of related goods (c) income (d) the number of buyers 5. The supply of a good is negatively related to the (a) price of the good itself. (b) amount of profit a firm can expect to recieve from selling the good. (c) price of inputs used to make the good. (d) demand for the good by consumers. 6. Which of the following might cause the equilibrium price to fall and the equilibrium quantity of bread to increase? (a) a rise in the price of oatmeal, a substitute product (b) a fall in the price of flour (c) a rise in the price of butter, a complementary product (d) a rise in the price of flour 7. In January, buyers of gold expect that the price of gold will fall by February. What happens in the gold market in January, holding all else constant? (a) The supply curve shifts to the left. (b) The demand curve shifts to the left. (c) Both demand curve and supply curve shift to the left. (d) Both demand curve and supply curve shift to the right. 8. Suppose that when the price of pinto beans rises, the Ruiz family increase their purchase of rice. To the Ruiz family, beans and rice are (a) substitutes. (b) inferior goods. (c) complements. (d) normal goods. 9. Necessities such as food and clothing tend to have ____ price elasticities of demand and ____ income elasticities of demand. (a) high ; high (b) low ; high (c) high ; low (d) low ; low 10. When we move upward and to the left along a linear demand curve, price elasicity of demand (a) first becomes smaller, then larger. (b) always become larger. (c) first becomes larger, then smaller. (d) always become smaller. 11. On a downward-sloping linear demand curve, total revenue reaches its maximum value at the (a) midpoint of the demand curve. (b) It is impossible to tell without knowing prices and quantities demanded. (c) upper end of the demand curve. (d) lower end of the demand curve. 12. A price elasicity of demand curve equals to zero indicates that the demand curve for the product is (a) curvilinear. (b) downward sloping. (c) vertical. (d) horizontal. 13. Shannon buys a new CD player for her car for $135. She recieves consumer surplus of $25 on her purchase if her willingness to pay is (a) $135. (b) $160. (c) $110. (d) $25. 14. A consumer's willingness to pay for a product (a) measures how much a consumer has to pay to receive the product. (b) is the marginal benefit of the product to the consumer. (c) is the cost of the product to the buyer. (d) measures how much a producer requires to supply the product. 15. Which of the following statements is true? (a) Price controls create scarcity. (b) If price controls were lifted and price allowed to move freely, scarcity and surplus will be eliminated. (c) Scarcity means that shortages occur at the existing market price. (d) Shortage can be eliminated by allowing prices to rise but scarcity can never be eliminated. 16. A consumer's preferences for right shoes and left shoes can be represented by indifference curve that are (a) bowed out from the origin. (b) straight lines. (c) bowed in towards the origin. (d) right angle. 17. If marginal utility is diminishing and is a positive amount, (a) total utility will increase. (b) total utility will decrease. (c) the consumer has gone beyond her optimal consumption. (d) the consumers get no satisfaction from consuming the good. 18. Total utility is maximized in the consumption of two goods by (a) maximizing expenditure on each good. (b) equating the total utility of each good divided by its price. (c) equating the marginal utilities received from each good. (d) equationg the marginal utility of each good divided by its price. 19. Suppose Barry is maximizing his utility from consuming used paperback novels and audio book. The price of a used novel = $8; and the price of audio books = $8. If the marginal utility of the last novel was 32 units of utility, what was the marginal utility of the last audio book purchased? (a) 2 units of utility (b) 12 units of utility (c) 16 units of utility (d) 64 units of utility 20. Assume the law of demand and the law of supply both apply to the market for cars. If the government imposed a $500 tax per car on buyers of cars, then the price received by sellers of cars would (a) decrease by exactly $500. (b) increase by an indeterminate amount. (c) decrease by more than $500. (d) decrease by less than $500. 21. A $2.00 tax placed on the sellers of mailboxes will shift the supply curve (a) downward by less than $2.00. (b) upward by exactly $2.00. (c) upward by less than $2.00. (d) downward by exactly $2.00. 22. Vertical equity and horizontal equity are associated with (a) the benefits principle of taxation. (b) falling marginal tax rates. (c) the ability-to-pay principle of taxation. (d) taxes that have no deadweight losses. 23. "A $1,000 tax paid by a poor person may be a larger sacrifice than a $10,000 tax paid by a wealthy person" is an argument based on (a) a regressive tax argument. (b) the benefits principle. (c) the ability-to-pay principle. (d) the horizontal equity principle. 24. A tariff (a) makes domestic producers better off. (b) makes everyone worse off. (c) makes both domestic producers and consumers better off. (d) makes domestic consumers better off. 25. When a country allows trade and becomes and exporter of a good, domestic producers ____ and domestic consumers ____. (a) lose ; gain (b) gain ; lose (c) gain ; gain (d) lose ; lose 问答题(总分70分,每题10分,除非另有注明) 一、假设X物品合乎「供给原则」与「需求原则」。 1. 绘出「供需图」并配合简单文字,说明均衡价格、均衡数量、生产者与 消费者剩余。 2. 若此时开放进口,国外价格低於国内。在上图上绘出此时的变化,并说明此时的 国内生产量、进口量、国内消费量、国内价格、生产者与消费者剩余。 二、(20分)下表是甲、乙两人在给定的时间下,分别能够生产A、B物品的生产可能。 A物品 B物品 某甲 x 40 某乙 200 y 另外,假设甲乙对於此二种物品的「无异曲线」皆凸向原点。 且已知甲、乙两人 在独立工作时,效果最大的决策为各花一半的时间生产A、B物品。试回答下列 问题: 1. 给定任何x和y,证明甲国不可能同时生产A和B的生产上具有比较利益。 2. 假设x=40,y=400 (以下皆是),令A为横轴B为纵轴,请绘出生产可能线的 图形,表示甲在独立工作下的生产点与消费点(标示为a点)。 3. 现在两人决定根据比较利益原则,专业化分工以进行合作,请在上图中标出 甲在专业後的生产点(标示为b点)。 4. 专业化分工後,在前述图形中,绘出两人未进行交换的情况下,甲的效用水准。 5. 请举出一个甲、乙可以相互交易而双赢的物物交换比例,并画图说明甲交换後 消费点(设为c点)的效用水准。 三、在价格上限的管制下,市场出现超额需求。请辅以图形,回答下列问题并解释之: 1. 比较在短期下「黑市」与「黄牛」哪种对「生产者」而言,福利水准较高? 2. 比较在长期下「黑市」与「黄牛」哪种对「消费者」而言,福利水准较高? 3. 比较「黄牛」与「排队」哪种情形较具经济效率? 四、如果学校有停车位300个,师生对停车的需求函数是 Q = 500 - P 。请问: 1. 均衡价格为何?此时的消费者与生产者剩余各为若干? 2. 若学校不收停车费,停车位以抽签发证。此时的生产者剩余多少?消费者剩余 最多、最少各是多少? 五、(20分)「是」「非」「简答」题。以下叙述如果是对的,请标示"T";反之标示 "F",并简略解释你的答案。不解释不给分。 1. 「薄利多销」的产品,其需求弹性一定大於1。 2. 在均衡点,如果需求线斜率大於供给线,课税後消费者须承受较多的租税负担。 3. 一国的出口价格提高,其「贸易条件」改善。 4. 给定一市场价格,如果需求大於供给,则市场会出现「短缺」。 5. OPEC透过减产以提高总收益的政策,短期效果较长期为好。 6. 出口对一国有利,进口则有害。 7. 「定额税」不公平,但有效率。 8. 经济学之父亚当斯密认为「公平」是制定税制最重要的考量。 9. 对於消费者的效用而言,实体物品的赠与,绝对比等价金钱的赠与还要差。 10. 自由贸易对一国整体的福利有所提升,因此任何人皆赞成。 --------------------- 如果内容有错,麻烦各位大大指正 谢谢。 ※ 编辑: hank5925 来自: (11/17 21:52)
1F:推 TINTINH :已收:) 11/18 00:04

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