NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰普通化学乙 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰李弘文 开课学院:理学院 开课系所︰心理系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008/10/22 考试时限(分钟):100 mins 是否需发放奖励金:yes (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : I. True/False Section: (20%, 2 pts each) 1.T All the orbitals of a given shell of He+ are degenerate regardless of the value of the orbital angular momentum. 2.F A laser ejects electrons from a copper surface with a kinetic energy of 4 x 10 –19 J. When the frequency of the laser is doubled, the kinetic energy of the released electrons will be exactly doubled. 3.F In the "best" Lewis structure of XeO4, there are two double bonds and the formal charge on Xe is zero. 4.F The Bohr radius for an electron in the ground state of a hydrogen atom is 52.9 pm. The Bohr radius for an electron in the n = 2 state of He+ is 26.5 pm. 5.F Because of fluorine's high electronegativity, less energy is required to make F2- from F- than to make O2- from O-. 6.F In the 2 NO2 + O3 迳 N2O5 + O2 reaction, NO2 is the oxidizing agent. 7.F If the second ionization energy of copper is 1958 kJ·mol-1, its first ionization energy is greater than 1958 kJ·mol-1. 8.T An element E has the electronic configuration 1s22s22p4. When E compounds with lithium, it will form Li2E. 9.T KF has the highest melting points among KF, KBr, KI and KCl. 10.T In terms of the size, K is larger than K+. II. Multiple Choice Section: Pick one best answer. (60 %, 2 pts each) 1.A When 12 grams of zinc oxide react with 12 grams of hydrochloric acid according to the following balanced chemical equation, what is the limiting reagent? ZnO + 2HCl 迳 ZnCl2 + H2O A) ZnO B) HCl C) ZnCl2 D) H2O 2.A How many milliliters of a 0.100 M sulfuric acid, H2SO4, solution is needed to make 25.0 milliliters of a 5.00 毕 10-3 M solution? A) 1.25 mL B) 800 mL C) 8.00 mL D) 125 mL 3.A Which of the following is true for blackbody radiation? A) The maximum intensity of black-body radiation,汹财max, is inversely proportional to the temperature. B) 财max = constant 毕 T where 财max where 财max is the intensity of black-body radiation and T is the temperature in K. C) T = 2.9 K-mm 毕 财max where 财max is the intensity of black-body radiation and T is the temperature in K.汹 D) The maximum intensity of black-body radiation, 财max, increases as the temperature increases. 4.C Determine the oxidation number of the underlined element in each of the following ions or ions: N2O5, XeF2, Zn(OH)4-, IOA) -5, +2, +4, +2 B) -5, 0, +2, -1 C) +5, +2, +2, +1 D) +5, 0, +2, +1 5.C Structure I is the better choice between these two Lewis diagrams for N2O, because A) structure II does not satisfy the octet rule for all atoms B) structure I has fewer formal charges than II C) structure I has the negative formal charge on the most electronegative atom D) structure I has the positive formal charge on the most electronegative atom 6.D Why are multiple bonds longer than single bonds? A) Because of additional bonding electrons. B) Because more electrons in the multiple bond require more physical space. C) Because more electrons in the bond push the bonding nuclei farther apart. D) They are not longer; rather, they are shorter because of additional bonding electrons. 7.C Given the following the data, what is the energy change for this reaction? Na(g) + Cl(g) → Na+ (g) + Cl- (g) Electron Affinity 1st Ionization Energy Na 52.8 kJ 责mol-1 495.8 kJ 责mol-1 Cl 349.0 kJ 责mol-1 1251.2 kJ 责mol-1 A) –1198.4 kJ mol-1 B) –146.8 kJ mol-1 C) +146.8 kJ mol-1 D) +672.6 kJ mol-1 8.A How many electrons are in the expanded valence in H2SO4? A) 12 B) 14 C) 8 D) 10 9.D Balance the following net ionic redox reaction: Ca + Sb3+ 迳 Ca2+ + Sb A) Ca + Sb3+ 迳 Ca2+ + Sb C) Ca + 2Sb3+ 迳 3Ca2+ + Sb B) 2Ca + 3Sb3+ 迳 2Ca2+ + 3Sb D) 3Ca + 2Sb3+ 迳 3Ca2+ + 2Sb 10.D Use electronegativity to rank the following (FCl, Cl2, BrCl, ICl) in order of increasing polarity. A) FCl, Cl2, BrCl, ICl B) ICl, BrCl, Cl2, FCl C) Cl2, FCl, BrCl, ICl D) Cl2, BrCl, ICl, FCl 11.A How many unpaired electrons exist in the ground state of a Cu+ ion? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 12.E Which of the following has the lowest potential energy? A) an electron and a hydrogen nucleus separated by 4Å B) an electron and a helium nucleus separated by 4Å C) an electron and a hydrogen nucleus separated by 2Å D) an electron and a lithium nucleus separated by 4Å E) an electron and a gold nucleus separated by 10Å 13.B Which of the following statements is true? A) A 2s orbital has one nodal plane. B) An electron in a p-orbital has zero probability of being found at the nucleus. C) A p-orbital has a spherical boundary surface. D) An s-orbital becomes more dense as the distance from the nucleus increases. 14.B Rank the following atoms/ions from smallest to largest in terms of atom/ionic radii. A) S2-, Cl-, Ar, K+, Ca2+ C) Ca2+, S2-, K+, Cl-, Ar B) Ca2+, K+, Ar, Cl-, S2- D) Ar, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, S2- 15.A Which of the following statements is true? A) Atoms with high ionization energies and high electron affinities are highly electronegative. B) The electronegativity of an atom is defined as half the electron affinity of the atom. C) The electronegativity of an atom depends only on the value of the ionization energy of the atom. D) Atoms with low ionization energies and low electron affinities have high electronegativities. 16.B Which of the following has the highest energy per photon? A)red light (650 nm) B)blue light (480 nm) C)green light (520 nm) D)orange light (620 nm) 17.A How many protons (p), electrons (e), and neutrons (n) are in 235 92U ? A) 92 p, 92e, 143n B) 92 p, 43e, 235n C) 92 p, 92e, 235n D) 235 p, 235e, 143n 18.C Which of the compounds below has bonds with the least covalent character? A) AgI B) AgCl C) AgF D) AlCl3 19.D Which has the shortest wavelength? A) 500 nm light C) an electron traveling at 2 x 105m责s-1 B) 1015 Hz light D) a 10 g mass traveling at 10m责s-1 20.C Which set of quantum numbers could correspond to a 4f-orbital? A) n = 4, l = 4, ml = +3 C) n = 4, l = 3, ml = –3 B) n = 4, l = 3, ml = +4 D) n = 3, l = 2, ml = +1 21.B Methane can be reacted with steam to produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas in a two step reaction. The resulting overall reaction can be written CH4 (g) + 2 H2O(g) → CO2(g) + 4 H2(g) How many grams of hydrogen can be produced from each gram of methane? A) 1.006 B) 0.503 C) 0.377 D) 4.000 22.D Which of the following statements is true? A) A p-electron penetrates more than an s-electron through the inner shells of an atom. B) A p-electron penetrates less than a d-electron through the inner shells of an atom. C) A d-electron has a nonzero probability density at the nucleus. D) A p-electron experiences a smaller effective nuclear charge than an s-electron. 23.A Predict the electronic configuration in the oxide ion in CaO. A) [Ne] B) [He]2s22p5 C) [He]2s22p63s2 D) [Ne]3s23p3 24.B In 1.0 s, a 60 W bulb emits 11 J of energy in the form of infrared radiation (heat) of wavelength 1850 nm. How many photons of infrared radiation does the lamp generate in 1.0 s? A) 1.0 毕 1029 B) 1.0 毕 1020 C) 6.8 毕 10–14 D) 6.6 毕 1023 25.A Na 迳 Na+ + e- is a reaction of A) Endothermic reaction (ΔHo > 0) B) Endothermic reaction (ΔHo < 0) C) Exothermic reaction (ΔHo > 0) D) Exothermic reaction (ΔHo < 0) 26.C A small leak in a water tower drips at a rate of 72 gallons per day. Express this rate in units of milliliters per minute. (1 gal = 3.785 L) A) 27.4 mL · min-1 B) 28 mL · min-1 C) 190 mL · min-1 D) 1900 mL · min-1 27.D How many possible sets of quantum numbers (n, l, m, ms) are there with n=4? A) 4 B) 8 C) 16 D) 32 28.B In Millikan’s oil drop experiment, he was able to determine the charge of the electron, because A) each oil drop had only one electron B) each oil drop contained an integer number of electrons C) each oil drop had an identical charge D) the oil drops were too small to be affected by gravity 29.D Which has the greatest number of hydrogen atoms? A) 1020 hydrogen atoms. C) 5 g of an unknown compound B) 100 g of water D) 20 g of hydrogen gas 30.D Why is the bond dissociation energy of C-C greater than that of C-H? A) because of enhanced sigma bond overlap B) because the bond is electrostatically stronger C) because of the decreased bond dipole D) It isn't, the dissociation energy is greater for C-H11.A How many unpaired electrons exist in the ground state of a Cu+ ion? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 III. Integrated Questions (40%, 8 pts each) 1. (a) Draw the most likely Lewis structure of CN22- and (b). Calculate the formal charge in each atom. 2. The electron in a hydrogen atom is excited to a 4d orbital. (a)Calculate the energy of the photon released if the electron were then to move to 2p orbital. (b)If the outmost electron in a potassium atom were excited to a 4d orbital and then fell to the same orbitals, describe qualitatively how the emission spectrum would differ from that hydrogen (do not do any calculations). Explain your answer. (2a) E = 4.09 毕 10‐19 J (2b) Since potassium has both more electrons and protons than hydrogen, the individual orbitals within a given shell will have different energies (arising from the attractions and repulsions of electrons with the nucleus and other electrons in the atom). As a result we would expect to see emission lines for all the transitions; thus potassium should show four lines while hydrogen only shows two. 3. The energy level of a particle of mass m in a two-dimensional (2D) square box of side L are given by . A musical acoustics group in England uses a special technique to image the modes of a classical guitar, which can be described as 2D particle-in-a-box model (see Physics Today, April 2000). The following pictures are a four of them. (a). Which one of them represents the lowest energy? (b). Some of these levels have the same energy, called degeneracy. Which of these modes are degenerate? (c). Draw a relative energy diagram of these levels, specify their energy and the corresponding pictures. 4. The 1s wavefunction for a hydrogen atom is (a). Plot the 马 2 vs. r; (b). Plot the radial distribution function P(r) 冻4钉 r2马2(r) vs. r. (c). What does o a mean? 5. Short Description (a). Ernest Rutherford earned the Nobel Prize of Chemistry in 1908 for his alpha-particle experiment. Briefly (i). draw a figure to describe this experiment, and (ii). what is the major conclusion(s) of this prize-winning experiment? (b). Quantum dots (Qdots) can be qualitatively described as particle-in-a-box. It is found that larger sized Qdots emitted lights with longer wavelength. Provide an explanation on this observation. -- Que la musique l'accompagne en tout lieu. --

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