NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰西洋文学概论 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰陈玲华 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰97/10/24 考试时限(分钟):70分钟 是否需发放奖励金:麻烦了,谢谢XD (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : I. Identify the speaker of each passage quoted from the Iliad. A name list is for your reference: Achilles, Agamemnon, Odysseus, Phoenix, Hector, Hermes, Andromache, Helen, Hecuba, Patroclus, Priam, Calcas, Apollo Zeus, Hera, Hephaestus, Athena, Thetis. (30%) 1. But you can still let go of your anger, right now. Agamemnon is offering you worthy gifts If you will give up your grudge. Hear me While I list the gifts he proposed in his hut: 2. What a spring the man has! Nice dive! Think of the oysters he could come up with If he were out at sea, jumping off the boat In all sorts of weather, to judge by the dive 3. Don't let me ever catch you, old man, by these ships again, Skulking around now or sneaking back later. The god's staff and ribbons won't save you next time. The girl is mine, and she'll be an old woman in Argos 4. Yes, for Prayers are daughters of great Zeus. Lame and wrinklrd and with eyes averted They are careful to follow in Folly's footsteps, But Folly is strong and fleet, and outruns them all, 5. You came and loosened him from his chains, And you lured to Olympus' summit the giant With a hundred hands whom the gods call Briareus but men call Aegaeon, stronger Even than his own father Uranus, 6. Then the dread goddess I revere In inside. She saved me when I lay suffering From my long fall, after my shameless mother Threw me out, wanting to hide me infirmity. 7. I thought I had a good man here with me. Deiphobus, but he's still on the wall. Athena tricked me. Death is closing in And there's no escape. 8. What you say might be true, Silverbow If we valued Achilles and Hector equally. But Hector is mortal and suckled at a woman's breast, While Achilles is born of a goddess whom I Nourished and reared myself, and gave to a man, Peleus, beloved of the gods, to be his wife. 9. I had seven brothers once in that great house. All seven went down to Hades on a single day, Cut down by Achilles in one blinding sprint Through their shambling cattle and silver sheep. 10. if ever I've soothed you With this breast, remember it now, son, and Have pity on me. Don't pit yourself Against that madman. Come inside the wall. II.Choose the appropriate answer for each blank. (18%) 11.__ is a patron of human ingenuity and resourcefulness, whether exemplified by handicrafts or cunning in dealing with others. (a)Athena (b)Artemis (c)Hera 12.__ is, above all other gods, the protector of suppliants. (a)Zeus (b)Poseidon (c)Apollo 13.__ is NOT a river in the plain of Troy. (a)Scamander (b)Xanthus (c)Hermus 14.Homer tended to link certain adjectives to his characters, which are called "Homeric __": swift-footed Achilles; rosy-fingered dawn; Odysseus, sacker of cities. (a)apparatus (b)epithets (c)similes 15.So Patroclus put on the splendid armor all the Trojans knew and feared, and led the __ , Achilles' men, to the battle. (a)Myrmidons (b)Mycenaeans (c)Spartans 16.Hephaestus' wife in the Iliad is Charis, one of the three Graces; in the Odyssey she is __. (a)Hestia (b)Demeter (c)Aphrodite III.Answer TWO of the following essay questions. (52%) 1. How does Priam appeal to Achilles' sympathy in order to ransom Hector? 2. Define the epic conventions in the Iliad. 3. Give a sketch of Thetis as the loving mother of Achilles. 4. How does Achilles justify his refusal of Agamemnon's gifts of restitution in Book IX [The Embassy to Achilles]? 5. Discuss the vision of war and peace on Achilles' shield forged by Hephaestus. -试题结束 --

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