NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰普通动物学 课程性质︰必修/选修 课程教师︰闵明源 韩玉山 开课学院:生科院 开课系所︰生科系 考试日期(年月日)︰97.11.04 考试时限(分钟):12:30~13:30 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 单选 每题2分 共100分 1.Which of the following best demonstrates the unity among all living organisms? A)descent with modification B)natural selection C)emergent property D)the structure and function of DNA E)all of the above 2.The core idea that makes sense of all of the biology is A)unity in diversity B)individual variation C)the process of science D)evolution E)unequal repoduction success 3.Plant cells and bacteria ard grouped into different domains because A)bacteria are not made of cells B)bacterial cells lack membrane-enclosed nucleus C)plant cells are photosynthetic D)bacteria cells are decomposer E)none of the above 4.At which level does the properties of life merge? A)cell B)organ C)tissue D)organism E)organelle 5.which of the following is a property that is common to all organisms A)growth and development B)response to environment C)reproduction D)evolutionary adaptation E)all of above 6.Which of the following is composed of glucose? A)starch B)glycogen C)cellulose D)maltose E)all of the above 7.An amino acid does not contain A)side chain B)phosphate group C)amino group D)carboxyl group E)none of the above 8.The reaction in which a monomer is added to a polymers is called A)hydrolysis B)denature C)dehydration D)endergonic E)exergpnic 9.A nucleotide is to DNA as A)a starch is to a glucose B)a protein is to an amino acid C)a protein is to a lipid D)an amino acid is to a nucleotide E)none of the above 10.Where in the tertiary structure of a water-soluble protein would you most like find an amino acid with a hydrophobic R group A)at the both ends of the polypeptide chain B)on the outside, next to the water C)covalently bounded to another R group D)on the inside, away from water E)hydrogen bounded to nearby amino acid 11.Unsaturated fats A)are more common in animals than in plants B)have fewer fatty acid molecules per fat molecule C)are associated with greater health risk than are saturated fats D)have double bound in their fatty acid chain E)are usually in room temperature 12.Which of the following are composed of globular proteins called actin, and form a three dimensional network just inside the plasma membrane that helps support cell's shape? A)microfilament B)intermediate filament C)microtubule D)cilia E)flagella 13.Motor proteins that are attached to each outer microtubule doublet and involve in bending of flagellum are called A)dynein B)actin C)myosin D)kinetochore E)radial spoke 14.In which cell would you find the most lysosomes? A)white blood cell that engulfs bacteria B)a muscle cell in leg of long-distance runner C)ovarian cells that produce steroid hormone D)pancreatic cells that produce digestive enzyme E)all of the above 15.In which cell would you find the most rough ER? A)white blood cell that engulfs bacteria B)a muscle cell in leg of long-distance runner C)ovarian cells that produce steroid hormone D)pancreatic cells that produce digestive enzyme E)all of the above 16.The beta-cells in pancreatic islet produce proteins, insulin, that are exported from the cell. Which of the following is the path a protein from the site where its polypeptides are made to its export? 17.Which of following clues would tell you whether a cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic? A)the presence or absent of rigid cell wall B)the presence or absence of ribosomes C)whether or not cell contains DNA D)whether or not cell has nucleus organells E)all of the above 18.On average, the diameter of animal cell is 10 micrometer, what is the main advantage of small cell size? A)small cells are likely to burst than large cells. B)small cells require less oxygen than do large cells C)small cells can better take up sufficient nutrient and oxygen to provide their need D)It takes less energy to make an organism out of small cells E)A smaller cell has a large plasma surface area than does a large cell. 19.The potassium concerntration in a cell is about ten times more than the concentration in the surrounding fluid. How can the cell move potassium into the cell? A)faciliated diffusion B)simple diffusion C)phagocytosis D)endocytosis E)primary active transport 20.The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP+P A)is an endergonic process B)transfer a phosphate, priming a protein to do work C)stores energy D)only occurs in mitochondria E)all of above 21.Facilated diffusion across a membrane requires _____ and moves a solute ____ its concentration gradient. What are the blanks? A)transport protein/down B)energy/protein C)transport protein/up D)eneray /down E)transport protein and energy/up 22.The up take of cholesterol by a cell through A)facilatate fussuion B)exocytosis C)phagocytosis D)receptor-mediated endosytosis E)primary active transport 23.Which of the following is correct? A)the diffusion of ion across a selectively permeable membrane is a process called osmosis B)A solution with a solute concentration lower than that of the cell is a hypertonic solution C)The very rapid diffusion of water into and out of certain cells is made possible by transport proteins called aquaporins D)A noncompetitive inhibitor redurces an enzyme's function by blocking substrate from entering the active site. E)All of the above 24.Substrate-level phosphorylation A)is a process in which an enzyme transfers a phosphate group from a substrate molecule directly to ADP, forming ATP. B)is a process that produce a large amount of ATP during glycolysis C)only occurs in mitchordr- ia D)only occurs in prokaryotic cells E)all of the above 25.NAD+ A)is an organic molecule that cells make from vitamin niacin. B)serves as an enzyme in the process of oxidinzing glucose C)serves as electron receiver in the electron transport D)is required in citric cycle reactions and not required in glycolysis reactions. E)all of the above are correct 26.What is the role of oxygen in cellular respiration? A)It accepts the electrons from the electron transport chain. B)It provides electron to the electron chain C)It is require for the production of light and heat D)It is reduced in glycolysis as glucose is oxidized E)none of the above 27.When the posion cyanide blocks the electron transport chain, glycolysis and the citric acid cycle soon grind to a halt as well, why do you think they stop? A)Electrons are no longer available B)They run out of NAD+ and FAD C)They both run out of ATP D)They run out of ADP E)All of the above are correct 28.In glycolysis A)NAD+ is oxidized and glucose is reduced B)NAD+ is reduced and glucose is oxidized C)glucose is oxidezed and Oxygen is reduced D)Oxygen is oxidezed and glucose is reduced E)ATP oxidezed and ADP is reduced 29.Which of the following is the first immediate source of energy for making most of ATP in your cells? A)The reduction of oxygen B)the movement of H+ across a membrane down its concentration gradient C)the splitting of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate D)electron moving through eletron transport chain E)the transfer of a phosphate group from intermediate substrate to ADP 30.Regarding cellular respiration and fermentation, which of the following is correct? A)NADH is oxidizes by electron transport chain in respiration only B)only respiration oxidizes glucose C)Fermentation is an example of an endergonic reaction; cellular respiration is an exergonic reaction D)Substrate-level phosphorylation is unique to fermentation; cellular respiration uses oxidative phosphorylation E)none of the above is corret 31.If an intestinal cell in mouse contains 38 chromosomes, how many chromosomes does a mouse egg cell contain? A)38 B)19 C)76 D)36 E)18 32.Which of the following is not a function of mitosis in humans? A)repair of wounds B)growth C)replacement of lost and damaged cells D)multiplication of somatic cells E)All of the above 33.A micrograph of a diving cell from human showed 23 chromosomes, each consisting two sister chromatids. During which of the following stages of cell division could this picture have been taken? A)prophase of mitosis B)telophase II of meiosis C)prophase II of meiosis D)anaphase of mitosis E)prophase I of meiosis 34.A chemical that disrupts microfilament formation would interfere with A)cleavage B)crossing over C)formation of mitotic spindle D)DNA replication E)all of the above 35.A grasshopper somatic cell contains 24 chromosomes, this means that how many different combination of chromosomes are possible in its gemmates A)24^2 B)2^12 C)2^24 D)12^12 E)12^2 36.In human, the Down syndrome could be caused by ________ of the ________ chromosome. What are the blanks? A)nondisjunction/23 B)inversion/23 C)deletion/21 D)nondisjunction/21 E)translocation/21 37.Which phases of meiosis is the physical basis of the law of segregation of Mendel's laws of inherence? A)the orientation of homologus chromosomes pairs in metaphase I B)the separation of homologus in anaphase I C)the orientation of homologus chromosomes pairs in anaphase I D)the separation of homologus in metaphase I E)None of the above 38.The loci of four genes on a chromosome are g-c-l-m, which of the following two genes has highest frequency of recombination? A)Gm B)cl C)gl D)gc and lm E)all of the combinations have same frequency 39.Which of the following mechanism can account for new combination of alleles? A)crossing over B)sex-linked C)polygenic inherence D)pleiotropy E)incomplete dominance 40.Mr. Li was found to be heterozygous (Ss) for sickle-cell trait. The alleles represented by the letter S and s are A)on the X and Y chromosomes B)on the homologus chromosomes C)linked D)both present in each of Mr. Li's sperm cell E)on the same chromosome but far apart 41.Whether an allele is dominant or recessive dependents on A)How common the allele is, relative to the other alleles B)Whether it is inherited from father or mother C)Which chromosome it is on D)Whether it or another allele determines the phenotype when both are present E)All of above 42.Two fruit flies with eyes of usual red color are crossed, and their offspring are following: 55 red-eyed males, 53 ruby-eyed males, 114 red-eyed females. The allele for ruby eyes is A)carried on an autosome and dominant B)carried on an autosome and recessive C)sex-linked and dominant D)sex-linked and recessive E)impossible to judge without more information 43.A plant of genotype AABbCC is crossed with an AaBbCc plant. What is the possibility of offspring having the genogype AABBCC? A)1/8 B)1/16 C)1/4 D)1/32 E)1/64 44.If a mutation has no effect on the polypeptide coded by a gene, this mutation may involved A)alternation of start codon B)insertion of one nucleotide C)deletion of one nucleotide D)substitution of one nucleotide E)All of the above may be involved 45.The nucleotide sequence of a DNA codon is GTA. A mRNA molecule with a complementary codon is ranscribed from the DNA. In the process of protein synthesis, a tRNA paired with the mRNA codon. What is the nucleotide sequence of the tRNA anticodon? A)GUA B)GTA C)CUT D)CAU E)CAT 46. Please rank the following structures in correct order of size, from larges to smallest. I.chromosome; II.Nucleotide; III.Codon; IV.Gene A)I→IV.→III.→II. B)IV.→I.→III.→II. C)IV.→III.→II.→II D)I.→IV.→II.→III. E)II.→III.→I.→IV. Matching the one of following terms to questions 47-51 A.intron B.exon C.RNA splicing D.miRNA E.RNAi F.cDNA G.tRNA H.rRNA I.DNA microarray J.Barr body 47.DNA fragments produced by reverse transcriptase using mRNA(isolated from a particular cell type) as template 48.The parts of a gene that are expressed as amino acid sequence 49.Molecule that serves as interpreter during translation 50.An inactivated X chromosome 51.A translated small single-strand RNA molecule(about 20 nucleotides) that can bind complementary sequences on mRNA molecules, thus inhibiting the translation of the bound mRNA. --

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