NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰计算机概论 课程性质︰通识A6:量化分析与数学素养领域 限外系(所)学生 课程教师︰傅楸善 开课学院: 开课系所︰ 考试日期(年月日)︰2008/10/27 考试时限(分钟):15:30~17:20 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题:(可用中文作答) 1.(40%)Please define the following terms and explain the content, purposes, and application of each term and give an illustrative example if possible. If possible, define the term in mathematical equation. If it's an acronym, write the full name in detail. For example: CD-ROM: Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory: The most common type of optical storage medium. In CD-ROM, data are written in a series of lands and pits on the surface of a compact disk(CD), which can be read by a laser in a CD-ROM drive. A standard CD stores approximately 700 MB, but data on a CD cannot be altered. (1)desktop computer (2)notebook computer (3)personal digital assistant (4)super computer (5)mainframe (6)hardware (7)software (8)data (9)information (10)CPU (11)WWW (12)e-mail (13)FTP (14)chat room (15)Internet Service Provider (16)thread in news (17)instant messaging (18)peer-to-peer service (19)bank online service (20)AOL: America On-Line 2.(6%)(1)What's directory? (2)What's search engine? (3)Name at least three search engines. 3.(8%)What are the four phases of the information processing cycle? 4.(8%)List four of the Internet's major services. 5.(6%)List three Boolean operators that are sometimes used in Web search. 6.(8%)List at least four ways computers are used at home. 7.(8%)List at least four ways computers are used in health care. 8.(6%)(1)What's Random Access Memory? (2)What's Read-Only Memory? (3)Please compare them in terms of price, capacity, speed, volatility... 9.(4%)List at least two input devices. 10.(6%)List at least three output devices. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: cawaiimaple 来自: (10/28 20:25)

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