NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰英文二 课程性质︰大一共同必修 课程教师︰简瑞碧老师 开课学院:电资院 开课系所︰ 考试日期(年月日)︰2008.06.19 考试时限(分钟):三小时 是否需发放奖励金:yes (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : Ⅰ.Vocabulary: 1.Manipulation of genes and entire genomes has become routine in many .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A)Behavior (B)Handling (C)Administration (D)Supervision 2. ... that this gene will replicate together with the target genes. ~~~~~~~~~ (A)show off (B)mop out (C)reproduce (D)hide 3.Therefore, the gene is first inserted into a cloning vector,... ~~~~~~~~ An agent that contains or carries modified genetic material and can be used to [(A)introduce exogenous genes into the genome of an organism (B)further modified exogenous genes]. 4. All cloning vectors have at least one genetic marker such as antibiotic ~~~~~~~~~~ resistance,.... ~~~~~~~~~~~ The ability to resist [(A)harmful (B)unexpected (C)beneficial (D)planned] influences. 5. ....and to regenerate intact plants from a single genetically altered cell. ~~~~~~ (A)unfertilized (B)undesirable (C)unpresentable (D)undamaged 6. ...cut out from a plant and grown aesptically for indefinite periods... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In an environment which prevents [(A)cross-breeding (B)recombination (C)infection (D)mutation] 7.... plant viruses seem very attractives as cloning vectors. ~~~~~~~~~~~ (A)appealing (B)wild (C)notorious (D)offensive 8. However, there are several setbacks to consider,.... ~~~~~~~~~ (A)prospects (B)advantages (C)difficulties (D)nuisances 9. ...and it causes the plant to form a crown gall, or tumor,... ~~~~~ An abnormal benign or malignant [(A)withering (B)growth] of tissue that possesses no physiological function. 10. ...the crown gall can be deleted from the T-DNA without affecting... ~~~~~~~~~ (A)quantify (B)assume (C)does harm to (D)give rise to 11. ...it is supposed that host cell ingest the material through endocytosis. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A process whereby the cell membrane [(A)withers (B)release (C)folds itself (D)extends] so that it surrounds particles. 12. ...the contents in the needle can be forced into the cytoplasm,... ~~~~~~~~~~ The organized complex of inorganic and organic substances [(A)inside (B)outside ] the cell membrane. 13. Cloning animals from somatic instead of egg cells can overcome this problem ~~~~~~~~ (A)bodily (B)parental (C)embryonic (D)marginal 14. Hereby cells are taken from the udder of a cow, from which nucleuses... ~~~~~~~~~~ (A)trunk (B)core (C)division (D)sperm 15. Among humans, transplantation of stem cells is used to reduce... ~~~~~~~~~~ Simple cells that can [(A)kill (B)affect (C)replace (D)differentiate into] blood or skin cells. Ⅱ.Modal Auxiliary Verbs. A.The following shows a free verse. Please read through it and check out some speculations summarized from it. The house is not the same since you left: the oven is angry - it blames me. The TV tries desperately to stay busy but occasionally I catch it staring out of the window. The dirty dishes are feeling sorry themselves again, they just sit there saying:"What's the point, what's the point?" The curtains count the days, nothing in the house will talk to me. I think yous armchair's dead. The coffeemaker tried to comfort me at first but you know what its attention span is like. I haven't told the plants yet. They think you're still on vacation. The bathroom misses you. I hardly see it these days. It still can't believe you didn't take it with you. The bedroom won't even look at me. Since you left it keeps its eyes closed. All it wants to do is sleep, remembering better times, trying to lose itself in dreams. It seems like it's taken the easy way out but at night I hear the pillows weeping into sheets. (A)possible (B)impossible (C)not sure 1.They must have been together for a long time. 2.They can't have been together for a long time. 3.He might glad she's gone. 4.He must be missing her very much. 5.The house must seen very quiet. 6.He might have pets to keep him company. 7.He must have done something to upset her. 8.She might have done something to upset him. 9.He can't be using the bathroom much. 10.He might be trying to avoid using the bathroom. 11.She must have spent a lot of time in the bathroom. 12.The bathroom might have been her favorite room. B.Please choose the best form to complete each sentence. 1.We (A)may (B)might win, but I don't think there's much chance. 2.That (A)can't (B)mustn't be her daughter - they're nearly the same age. 3.You absolutely (A)must (B)should go and see Liz. 4.In this country, boys (A)must not (B)don't have to do military service. 5.At what age (A)can (B)may you get a driving licence? 6.I don't know why she's not here. She (A)may not (B)can't have got my message. 7.He's not answering the phone. He (A)may not (B)can't have got home yet. 8.She (A)had to leave (B)must have left very quietly - I don't hear her go. Ⅲ.Composition --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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