NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰组织行为 课程性质︰选修 课程教师︰吴玲玲 开课学院:管理学院 开课系所︰资管系 考试日期(年月日)︰97/06/16 考试时限(分钟):180 是否需发放奖励金:是 试题 : I. Multiple Choice 30% 1. In organizational settings, power is defined as: A: the practice of trying to influence another person. B: the capacity to influence others. C: the art of changing another person's attitudes and behaviors. D: the extent to which one person is required to follow another person's commands even though he or she does not want to follow those commands. E: any situation where one person is dependent on another person, who is not at all dependent on the first person. 2. The two main forms of conflict are: A: manifest and hidden B: constructive and socioemotional C: pooled and sequential D: problem-solving and forcing E: superordinate and subordinate 3. The behavioral perspective of leadership identified which two clusters of leadership behaviors? A: Task-oriented and people-oriented. B: Transformational and transactional. C: Supportive and achievement-oriented. D: Transformational and implict. E: Task-oriented and competency-based. 4. Path-goal theory argues that: A: leadership is relatively unimportant in organizations. B: participative leadership is the most effective style of leadership. C: supportive leadership is best where the employee's job is highly satisfying D: great leaders are born, not made. E: the most effective leader behavior depends on the situation. 5. Transactional leaders: A: improve efficiency. B: build a strategic vision to change the organization. C: represent an unrealistic stereotype that followers have of great leaders. D: possess all of the competencies of great leaders. E: are/do non of these. 6. Compared with heterogeneous teams, homogeneous teams: A: become cohesive more easily. B: proceed through the team development process more quickly. C: experience less conflict with each other. D: experience better interpersonal relations. E: have all of these characteristics. 7. Virtual teams are best described as: A: groups of employees who are almost (virtually) identical to each other in skills and values. B: cross-functional groups of employees that operate across space, time and organizational boundaries. C: formal work teams in which most members do not feel that they are really part of the team. D: informal groups that meet only in cyberspace. E: groups of employees from different departments who are located near each other. 8. Which foundation of trust is determined mainly by the other party's predictability? A: Calculus-based. B: Identification-based. C: Knowledge-based. D: Relational. E: Transactional. 9. Employee involvement tends to have which of the following benefits in decision making? A: Leads to a more accurate definition of the problem. B: Improves the number and quality of alternative solutions. C: Increases the likelihood of selecting the best alternative. D: Strengthens employee commitment to the solution. E: All of these statements are correct. 10. Which of these forms of communication is the poorest for communicating emotional meaning and providing social support in the workplace? A: Face-to-face small group sessions B: E-mail C: Voice mail D: Telephone calls E: Video conferences II. Essay 70% 1. Please describe the Lewin's three-step model of organizational change? Use the Havard case of Children's Hospital & Clinics as an example. 2. What are the 4 C's that describe transformational leaders? Please use the two leaders in the movie "Himalaya" to explain this concept and how it works for their followers. 3. Please describe the concept of Media Richness and what happens when we choose the wrong level of media richness for a situation? 4. Please describe the concept of prospect theory, and give an example. 5. What are the advantage and disadvantage of group decision making? Please give an example using the case "Challenge." 6. Please describe the concept of social loafing. To be a manager, how do you minimize social loafing in your organization. 7. Who were your group members this semester, and how would you rate each of their contributions to your group (0-100)? Lastly, please write down your comments and suggestions for this class. --

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