NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰组织行为 课程性质︰选修 课程教师︰吴玲玲 开课学院:管理学院 开课系所︰资管系 考试日期(年月日)︰97/04/17 考试时限(分钟):180分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 试题 : I. Multiple Choice(30%) 1. Espouse-enacted values congruence occurs when: A: an employee and his or her spouse have similiar values B: an organization's values are consistent with the dominant values of the culture in which it operates. C: an employee's personal values are similiar to the values of other employees on the same team D: an employee's personal values are consistent with the organization's values E: None of the above represents espoused-enacted values congruence. 2. People who are sensitive to situational cues, such as the moods and behaviors of co-workers, are said to have: A: an external locus of control. B: a high level of introversion. C: an advanced personality deficiency. D: a strong self-monitoring personality. E: an internal locus of control. 3. ___________ occurs when our general impression of a person, usually based on one prominent characteristic, colors our perception of other character- istics of that person. A: Projection bias. B: Halo effect C: Selective attention D: Self-serving bias E: Stereotyping 4. The tendency to attribute the behavior of other people to internal factors more than external factors refers to: A: recency bias. B: projection bias. C: fundamental attribution error. D: primacy effect. E: self-serving bias. 5. Which of these statements about emotions is FALSE? A: Emotions are influenced by our personality traits. B: Emotions are directed towards specific people or objects, whereas moods are not directed towards anything in particular. C: Emotions include a person's beliefs, feelings and behavioral intentions. D: Emotions influence a person's assessed feelings about the attitude object. E: Some people have positive emotional states due to their personality. 6. Emotional labor is defined as any situation in which: A: you get upset with customers at times when you are supposed to remain calm. B: you begin to feel burned out from facing too many customers in one day. C: you don't realize that your emotions are causing you to act differently toward someone than you had intended. D: all of the above part of the emotional labor definition. E: none of the above represents the emotional labor definition. 7. A unique feature of Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory is that it: A: states that improving motivators increases job satisfaction but does not decrease job dissatisfaction. B: states that employees can be satisfied with their jobs but not motivated to perform their jobs. C: identified job specialization as the main source of higher need fulfillment D: views job satisfaction and dissatisfaction as opposites. E: recognizes money as the primary motivator in organizational settings. 8. People who tend to be impatient, lose their temper, and interupt others during conversations probably have: A: a Type A behavior pattern. B: completely avoided the general adaptation ssyndrome. C: low emotional exhaustion. D: high resilience. E: a low level of role conflict. 9. Prejudice and discrimination are most closely tied to which of these concepts? A: Halo effect B: Locus of control C: Attribution theory D: Self-fulfilling prophecy E: Stereotyping 10: Which of the following statements about performance feedback is FALSE? A: The optimal frequency of feedback depends on the type of job. B: Feedback is more valuable when it comes from a credible source. C: Feedback is more useful when it consists of general phrases, such as 'Your sales are going well', than specific phrases. D: Feedback should be available to employees as soon as possible. E: Feedback is relevant when it is linked to goals. II. Essay (70%) 1. Describe the four dimensions of emotional intelligence and explain why emotional intelligence might be a good (or better) predictor of management ability, using the Havard case of coach Knight and coach K. 2. Explain the concept of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), using expe- ctancy theory and give it an example. 3. Explain distrubutive justice and procedural justice, using the case of Costco as an example. 4. Identify the concept of self-serving bias and give it an example. 5. What differences between transcational contracts and relational contrasts are, and give an example respectively. 6. Distinguish role conflict and role ambiguity and give an example respectively. 7. What is cognitive dissonance? Please give an example. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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