NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰大一英文 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰王宝祥 开课学院:工,电资,法 开课系所︰共同必修 考试日期(年月日)︰2008/4/24 考试时限(分钟):100min, 3:30~5:10 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : I.Multiple Choice Questions(44%) 1. The ______ Wall of Jerusalem is a sacred religious monument for the Jews. 1) Mourning 2) Weeping 3) Whimpering 4) Wailing 2. Hwa-Hsi Street is also known for foreigners as the Snake ______. 1) Boulevard 2) Way 3) Alley 4) Bazaar 3. ______ is a.k.a. The City of Brotherly Love. 1) New York 2) Philadelphia 3) Chicago 4) Los Angeles 4. Which city has Big Easy as its nickname? 1) New Orleans 2) Los Angeles 3) Seattle 4) Boston 5. "It was now impossible to tell an espresso-sipping artist from a cappuccino-gulping banker.," in other words, it is impossible to distinguish the ______ from the ______. 1) bohemians/bourgeois 2) bourgeois/bohemians 3) rich/poor 4) bookish/broker 6. When you're declared an ABD in your grad studies, all you need is a ______. 1) degree 2) duplicate 3) dissertation 4) doctor 7. What is not closely related to a party? 1) BYOB 2) RSVP 3) VSOP 4) IOU 8. Which organization is not closely associated with the USA? 1) APEC 2) NATO 3) NASA 4) FBI 9. Which public figure is not exactly well known for being laconic? 1) 杨宗纬 2) 萧敬腾 3) 周美青 4) 吕秀莲 10.Jerry sent his Freshman Composition to the Reader's Corner of an English daily, hoping that it would be published. In other words, he wants to become a/an ______ to the paper. 1) donor 2) oppressor 3) editor-in-chief 4) contributor 11.Many were floored when Nobel laureate Yang Chen Ning married a woman much youger, they found their age ______ bewildering. 1) gulf 2) rim 3) discrepancy 4) discretion 12.Which singer is not celebrate for folk music? 1) John Beaz 2) Madonna 3) Bob Dylan 4) Woody Guthrie 13.Occasionally untutored hillbillies are discovered to possess ______ grassroots voices. 1) authentic 2) spurious 3) precocious 4) dire 14.Who are not likely to be found in LAPD all the time? The ______ 1) culprits 2) innocent 3) offenders 4) incorrigibles 15.According to the report, the 14-24 year old group is the ______ age for crime. 1) prime 2) primary 3) preliminary 4) premier 16.Which age group do toddlers belong to? 1) 1-3 2) 7-12 3) 14-24 4) 13-19 17.Wich pair of words is not opposite or contrasting in meaning? 1) fleeting/haunting 2) determined/ambivalent 3) immaculate/infamous 4) deterred/hamstrung 18.Which is not mandatory for a male citizen? 1) basic education 2) military service 3) tax payment 4) getting married 19.Select the wrong characterization of the echo boomers 1) value team work 2) take their cues from packed messages 3) lower alcohol consumption 4) digital multi-taskers 20.Pick the underlined part that is pronounces differently from the others. 1) hypocrisy 2) posthumous 3) homicide 4) incorigible  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄ 21.Lenient treatment is not usually meted out to students who are ______. 1) baleful 2) docile 3) meek 4) mild 22.Which characteristic is not often found in a successful political leader? 1) charismatic 2) magnetic 3) judicious 4) unnerving II.Short Q&A (56%) 1. Translate the following from Chinese into English and vice versa. (2 pts for each) 1) 大台北地区 2) 天文台 3) Amnesty 4) 远距教学 5) valedictorian 6) tuition waiver 7) Moby Dick 8) 福尔摩斯 9) (typed writing)justified margins 10) 校稿 11) ex libris 12) 畅销书 13) professor emeritus 14) Academia Sinica 2. Illustrate A) an italicized word, B) a bold-faced word 3. CEO=Chief ______ Officer 4. DINK: double ______ with no kids 5. PIN number ______(写PIN的全名) 6. Leonin(fl. ca. 1163-90) is a crucial early Medieval composer. Explain the  ̄  ̄ underlined abbreviations. 7. Almost all of you were born in the late eighties. Write down the Arabic  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ form of the underlined word:______ 8. For whom do you regard yourself as his/her idolater unabashed? If none, why? 9. Describe one of your personae. 10.Describe what can be considered as your exploit. 11.How old are echo boomers? 12.Using the given words and adding the necessary prepositions, re-group the  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ following into a coherent sentence. (4 pts) contributed/he was an optimist/his own setbacks and failures/ the indifference/the belief that 13.Circle the Benelux region on the map. (一张欧洲地图) (这边当然是没有办法画出来XDD) -- 请大家慢慢享用 --

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