NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰个体经济学 课程性质︰系定必修 课程教师︰林明仁 开课学院:社会科学院 开课系所︰经济系 考试日期(年月日)︰960612 考试时限(分钟): 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 一、选择题(每题两分共十分) ※ Edgeworth box 请见 http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=daniel90260&b=9&f=1155146831&p=2 1.Refer to the Edgeworth box diagram in the following figure. From the location of the contract curve it can be inferred that (a) food is relatively more capital intensive than clothing. (b) clothing is relatively more capital intensive than food. (c) food and clothing use the same mix of inputs. (d) the factor proportions cannot be determined. 2.Refer to the Edgeworth box diagram in the following figure, a movement from point A to point B (a) means more food production and less clothing production. (b) means more clothing production and less food production. (c) means more food and clothing production. (d) means less food and clothing production. 3.Refer to the Edgeworth box diagram in the following figure, a movement from point B to point C (a) means more food production and less clothing production. (b) means more clothing production and less food production. (c) means more food and clothing production. (d) means less food and clothing production. 4.Suppose an insurance company offers homeowners fire insurance and charge a premium based on an average risk of 2 percent. What will likely happen? (a) Homeowners who have less than a 2 percent risk of fire will take out fire insurance. (b) Homeowners who have more than a 2 percent risk of fire will take out fire insurance. (c) Both high-risk and low-risk homeowners will take out insurance. (d) Neither high-risk nor low-risk homeowners will take out insurance. 5.Which of the following is not an example of a moral hazard? (a) A college professor who receives tenure is less conmmitted to teaching than he was before he received tenure. (b) A person drives an SUV more carelessly in winter weather. (c) Peple who engage in high-risk activities, such as skydivig, take out life insurance. (d) All of the above are examples of moral hazard. (e) Only (a) and (b) are examples. 二、计算问答题(共九十分) 2.请简述何谓 Arrow 不可能定理? (5%) 3.假设A与B的策略报酬矩阵(Payoff Matrix)如下                 B      策略     L       H   U (60,100) (80, 60)   A      D (80, 40) (40, 60) 请求解此赛局之最佳反应函数(Best Response Function)与 Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibrium。 (10%) 4.两家厂商计画推出新产品,每一方都在考虑是否要生产产品A、产品B或产品C。双方 将同时作决定的报酬矩阵(Payoff Matrix)如下:                厂商2             A    B    C    厂  A   (10,10) (0,20) (5,15)    商  B (20,15) (5,5) (10,10)    1  C (15,5) (25,15) (10,0) (a) 请以 iterated elimination of dominated strategy 求出 Cournot 竞争下的 Nash 均衡。 (10%) (b) 若厂商1先出招,请画出延展式赛局(Extensive Form),并求解 Stackelberg 下 的子赛局均衡( Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium)。 (10%) 5.绘图说明并解释当存在 Common Resource 时,市场会存在效率损失。 (5%) 6.何谓 Coase 定理? (5%) 建民和锦辉是宿舍的室友。读「经济学原理」对建民的效用 是100元,而唱「背叛」对锦辉的效用是150元,但会妨碍建民读书。请问如果你是教官, 你要如何解决这个问题? (10%) 7.洋基汽车有10辆中古车要出售,这10辆车的价值为一万到十万的均匀分配(1、2、... 、10万各一台)。请求出买方预期的汽车价值为何?请问,当卖方的愿卖价格为多少时, 可达到竞争市场之结果? (5%) 8.绘图说明并解释为何当产业存在外部成本时(Negative Externality),独占厂商之社 会福利未必较完全竞争市场下低。 (10%) 9.假设深山里住着大扁跟小九两户人家,大扁以种扁豆(x)为生,每年产出10单位,而小九 则专门种九层塔(y),每年生产10单位,如果两家人的效用函数分别为:      1/3  2/3 2/3 1/3      大扁:U =x .y 小九:U =x .y      扁 九 (1) 请绘出两人的契约线(Contract Curve) (5%) (2) 请解释 (Px/Py)=2是否为市场均衡价格。 (5%) (3) 请计算一般均衡之条件。 (10%) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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