NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰世界史四 课程性质︰系必修 课程教师︰王世宗 开课学院:文 开课系所︰历史 考试日期(年月日)︰2008.06.18 考试时限(分钟):120 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 一至四题择其三,第五题必答,第六题自由选答 一,请举实例说明十九世纪後期至二十世纪後期的"反理性"或"反真理"思潮表现. 二,(1)大众文化(mass culture)对於第一次世界大战的发生有何作用? (2)一次大战对帝国 主义的发展造成如何的影响(请兼述正反两面说法)? 三,(1)请分别说明法西斯主义(Fascism)的左派与右派立场表现,并论断它在"政治光谱" (political spectrum)中的位置.(2)法西斯主义对"现代化"的看法如何? 四,请说明从"乌托邦社会主义"(utopian socialism),马克思主义(Marxism),修正派社会 主义(socialist revisionism),共产主义(communism)以至"新左派"(the new left)的 发展脉络或趋势. 五,请将下文中译.*** 1.World War 1 resolved several prewar questions,though hardly ever in the way the people who started the war had hoped.It settled prewar uncertainties about the possible limints of goverment power over individuals.The disciplined fashion in which mililions had marched to their deaths showed that power was virtually unbounded.And the war gave a shocking answer to the prewar question whether progress was inevitable.The art of surgery,for example,had advanced significantly during the war ...It was hard to see this as "progress". 2.Fascism is empirical and pragmatic.That program is followed which is most likely to succeed in reaching any given end.The means through which the end was to be attained varied from time,in line with the opportunism that is part of fascism.In spite of this opportunism,there is a core of fascist doctrine which rests on the conception that the state has a reality and existence over and apart from the individuals eho compose it.The doctrine of popular sovereignty is,therefore ,repudiated in favor of state sovereignty. 3.The dictatorship of the proletariat cannot produce merely an expansion of democracy.It produces a series of restrictions of liberty by itself oppressing the exploiters,the capitalists.When the capitalists have disappeared,then the state ceases to exist and it becomes possible to speak of freedom.Aen onlythen will democracy itself begin to wither away due to the fact that people will gradually become accustomed to the observance of the elementary rules of social life. 六,自问自答(视情形给分)

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 chunkai1020:你忘了还有第五题吗 06/18 16:49
2F:→ hushpupies:在填补当中 06/18 17:04
※ 编辑: hushpupies 来自: (06/18 17:06) ※ 编辑: hushpupies 来自: (06/18 19:02) ※ 编辑: hushpupies 来自: (06/18 19:04)

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