NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰ 分析化学乙下 课程性质︰ 系上必修 课程教师︰ 刘春樱 开课学院: 理学院 开课系所︰ 化学系 考试日期(年月日)︰ 2008/6/18 考试时限(分钟): 140 minutes 是否需发放奖励金: 是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 1. Explain the following terms: (24%) (1) linear flow rate (2) asymmetry factor (3) Kovats retention index (4) molecular sieve (5) sulfur chemiluminescence detector (6) supercritical fluid chromatography 2. If selectivity factor, α≒1, optimizing k' and increse N cannot get a satisfactory separation performance within a reasonable time. How will you do to improve the selective factor? (8%) 3. Match the terms with their definitions: (10%) (1) Adsorption chromatography (2) Partition chromatography (3) Ion-exchange chromatography (4) Molecular exclusion chromatography (5) Affinity chromatography -(a) Mobile phase ions attracted to stationary phase ions. -(b) Solute attracted to specific groups attched to stationary phase. -(c) Solute equilibrates between mobile phase and surface of stationary phase. -(d) Solute equilibrates between mobile phase and stationary liquid film. -(e) Solute penetrates voids in stationary phase. Largest solutes eluted first. 4. Give the principles of capillary electrophoresis. (10%) 5. Why does the direction of electroosmotic flow changes when a silica capillary is washed with a cationic surfactant? (5%) 6. How a reversed-phase column can be used as an ion-exchange column for the separation of a protonated organic base? (6%) 7. Illustarte the principles of ion chromatography for the anion separation of the mixture of NaNO3 and CaSO4. (10%) 8. How can ion exchangers be used in (1) preconcentration of trace metal ions (2) preparation of deionized water. (8%) 9. The following analytes in aqueous solution were extracted by dithizone into CCl4. What information can be given from the plots "percentage extracted vs. pH"? (8%) [view Figure 23-4 in *.] [* Harris, D.C. 2007. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 7th ed. W.H. Freeman, USA. p. 505.] 10. Why do bands spread in chromatography? Please explain it in terms of van Deemter equation. (12%) 11. Describe the following three detection methods for the gas chromatography. (1) thermal conductivity detector (2) flame ionization detector (3) electron capture detector. (15%) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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