NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰英文二 课程性质︰大一必修 课程教师︰简瑞碧 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008-05-08 考试时限(分钟):120min 是否需发放奖励金:yes 试题 : Ⅰ.vocabulary(48%) 1.The impact theory has been on the headlines ever since... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The theory that advocates[(A)shifting of lands (B)plant growth (C)asteroids (D)alien species] as the prime cause of the extinction of species on the earth. 2.Alvarez' most important piece of evidence was a global layer of iridium... ~~~~~~~ [(A)Red (B)Green (C)Black (D)Silver-white] metallic element, hard and heavy. 3. ...in the number of dino before their final coup de grace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [(A)Fatal (B)Enlivening (C)Trivial (D)Happy] event. 4.However, both schools have to rely on the fossil record as main evidence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [(A)Living (B)Large (C)Dead (D)Small] bodies of animal or plant species which have been formed as part of earth. 5. ..., actually took a nose-dive more than a miliion years before ... ~~~~~~~~~ A sudden [(A)increase (B)decrease] in amount or condition. 6. ..., but it appears that the gradulist alternative to the impact theory... ~~~~~~~~~~~ [(A)The same (B)A different (C)A convincing (D)A sensational]opinion or theory. 7. ..., dust from the cloud would accumulate in the atmosphere of the Earth,.. ~~~~~~~~~~ To (A)slow down (B)gather and increase (C)spread (D)decrease. 8.The hydrogen would mop up about a third of oxygen in the atmosphere. ~~~~~~~ To (A)add (B)give rise to (C)combine (D)remove. 9. ...,where the Sun sublimates it over many millennua,... ~~~~~~~~~~ To (A)shorten (B)cut (C)refine (D)pollute. 10. ..., Mac Leod points out that there is no evidence of glaciation ... ~~~~~~~~~~~ The process or result of land being covered by (A)forests (B)living species (C)asteroids (D)ice. 11.By focusing on impacts, everyone has overlookd a much more serious threat.. ~~~~~~~~~ To (A)pay attention to (B)ignore (C)concentrate (D)promote. 12.An outburst of supervolcanism,... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A [(A)large (B)small] scale of volcanic activities. 13. ..., the process of diverting blood away from the oviducts and... ~~~~~~~~ The [(A)organs (B)tubes (C)muscles (D)blood] that carry eggs from the ovaries in women and female animals. 14.One of the fallacies of impact theory is that... ~~~~~~~~~ [(A)Misleading (B)Correct (C)Well-received (D)Influential] notions. 15....,while others might have coincided. ~~~~~~~~~ (A)disagreed (B)split (C)extended (D)overlapped 16....,which leaves the gradualists with an uphill struggle... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [(A)Easy and a piece of cake (B)Difficult and time-consuming (C)Wild and uncontrolled (D)Skillful and well-prepared] to win over. Ⅱ.Grammer(52%) A. Please complete the sentences with some of the nouns with definite article from the box. the aeroplane / the ballpoint pen / the Bible / the camera / the computer the dog / the fax machine / the novel / the personal stereo / the typewriter the violin / the whale / the wheel / the X-ray machine 1.Before people invented __, they couldn't transport heavy loads easily. 2.In its early years, __ wasn't thought to be good reading for young ladies. 3.Scientific calculations were much slower before the invention of __. 4. __ is one of the hardest instruments to play. 5.What did people write with before __? 6. __ is a much faster way of sending letters than the post. 7.What can we do to save __ from dying out? 8. __ is a valuable tool for doctors, but it has its danger as well. B. Please fill in the blanks with indefinite article "a" or "one". __ day last year--it was __ very hot afternoon in June--I was hurrying to home. I was about __ hour late--well, to be precise, exactly __ hour and 10 minutes: I had taken the train that arrived at 6.15. Anyway, there was __ woman standing under the trees, and there were several children with her. I saw __ child clearly--she was __ lovely dark-haired girl--but I only heard the others. Suddenly, something strange happened. The girl took some stones and leaves out of her pocket, and threw __ stone after another into air. C. Please complete the following sentences correctly. 1. It's the first time all the family [be together] since Sue's wedding. 2. These are the first clothes I [buy] myself since Xmax. 3. It was the first time he [be away] from home. 4.He used to talk to us for hours about all the interesting things he [do] in his life. 5.Halfway to the office Paul [turn] around and [go] back home because he [forget] to turn the gas off. 6.One afternoon a big wolf [wait] in dark forest for a little girl to come along. 7.'How many times [you see] the film?''This is the first time I [see] it.' Ⅲ.Composition: The following is a paragraph revealing one's fantasy about the lack of gravity on Earth. Please read through it and come up with a paragraph(no more than 500 words) on your fantasy about the comeback of DINOSAURS on our planet. (100%) What would happen if dinosaurs come back to the Earth? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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