NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰戏剧二 课程性质︰外文系必修 课程教师︰王宝祥 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期︰97年5月2号(五) 考试时限:120分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 试题 : FLLD, National Taiwan Midterm Exam, DramaII May 2,2008 Dr. Pao-Hsiang Wang Name:_______ Dep/Student ID:_______ I. Multiple Choice Questions: pick the best answer.(40%) Give answers in the blanks below: 1. Select the false description concerning "Desire under tthe Elms". 1) set in the antebellum era 2) set in American South 3) two brothers are heading for California gold 4) adapted into a film starring Anthony Perkins and Sofia Loren 2. Choose the correct statement about Eugene O'Neill's life. 1) Father James O'Neill is best know for his portrayal of Rip van Winkle. 2) Born of Irish Protestant extraction 3) Mother addicted to morphine 4) Bustor Keaton is his bete-noir son-in-low 3. What kind of desire re-asserts itself at the end of "Desire"? The desire for 1) love 2) wealth 3) land 4) power 4. Which is a wrong depiction of Abbie? 1) Cabot her second husband 2) an orphan when little 3) longing for a "hum" 4) known as "The Scarlet Woman" 5. What is Cabot's "motter"? 1) Rose O'Sharon 2) O Susanna 3) a tooth fur a tooth 4) ten eyes fur en eye 6. What does Cabot pray for to "redeem" him? 1) a wife 2) a new son 3) more land 4) God 7. "They knows us like brothers--an'likes us!" "They" refer to 1) Cabot's sons 2) the the parents 3) gold miners 4) livestock 8. Select the false description of Lorca 1) born in Granada 2) visited New York and Cuba 3) had an ambivalent friendship with Dali 4) murdered by Communists 9. How ling is the mournning Bernard imposes on her daughters? 1) 1 year 2) 3 years 3) 8 years 4) 10 years 10. In a lyrical moment, Prudencia says that in her days, pearls signify 1) stars 2) tears 3) fortune 4) fertility 11. Which daughter has inherited quite a fortunefrom her deceased father? 1) Angustuas 2) Magdalena 3) Martirio 4) Adela 12. Whose age is closest to Pete? 1) Angustuas 2) Magdalena 3) Martirio 4) Adela 13. Poncia comments that soon after marriage the man would give up the bed for "the table", which implies 1) drinking 2) gambling 3) philandering 4) negotiation 14. The references to "four thousand yellow flares" surrounding the yard and breaking of Bernarda's cane may be drawn from 1) Dali 2) Bunuel 3) Wagner 4) Falla 15. Brecht's "V-effekt" is partly inspired by the performance of 1) Stanislavsky 2) Mei Lan-fang 3) Lotte Lenya 4) Sarah Bernhardt 16. Which composer is not know to have collaborated with Brecht? 1) Puccini 2) Weill 3) Dessau 4) Hindemith 17. Who is not a Brecht female collaborator? 1) Ute Lemper 2) Elisabeth Hauptmann 3) Ruth Berlau 4) Helene Weigel 18. The poet that penned the lines "a blanket ten thousand feet long" is presumably 1) Li Po 2) Tu Fu 3) Pai Chu-I 4) Lee Shan-Ying 19.Pick the wrong description of Brecht 1) born in Augsburg, Bavaria 2) hedonist youth 3) exiled in Santa Barbara, California 4) returner to East Germany after his exile 20. Which is correct about the play "Setzuan"? 1) originally set in Weimar Berlin 2) prostitution condemned as sin 3) Its English title an exact translation from its original German "Der Gute Mensch von Sezuan" 4) Shen Te meets Yang Sun when he is a pilot II. Short Q&A(60%) 1. Explicate the biblical connotation of one character's name from "Desire". 2. Briefly analyze two symbols of nature in "Desire". 3. Characterize old Cabot's private theology. 4. State two of the classical tragedies on which "Desire" is modeled on. A. title__________ theme__________ B. title_________ theme__________ 5. The opposite of desire is often fear. Pick two characters from "Desire" and describe the fear that grips them. 6. Why does Eben cry out, "Maw! Maw! What d'ye want? What air yet telling me?" Sum up the impact his mother exerts on him. 7. Is it a mere coincidence that Bernarda and Poncia share the sane age? If not, what does it signify? 8. In what manner does Lorca's homosexuality have a bearing on the play? 9. Apart from the photographic black and white, what other colors stand out in the play? Name two and explain their symbolism. 10. Name what you consider two of the most striking sounds in "Bernarda" besides the human voice and silence. 11. Why does Pepe el Romano remain off stage throughout the play? 12. Why does Lorca chosse a woman to represent a tyrant? 13. Comment on Adele's statement, "I'll do whatever I want with my body." 14. Make four points that distinguish Brecht's epic theater from what he considers as Aristotelian dramatic theater. 15. What is "Gestus"? Give a concrete example from Brecht's play to illustrate the concept. 16. Demonstrate the use of Brechtian alienation effect in "Setzuan" with two examples. 17. What's the major difference in the way the dual personae of Angel of the Slums deals with charity? 18. Briefly discuss the function of the gods for the structuire and meaning of the play. 19. Do you agree with Shen Te's complaint that "to be good and yet to live" is a dilemma? Can you answer her call for help? Is there "got to be a way"? What o you think Brecht wouldexpect from the audience concerning such essential questions plaguing the human race?(6pts) --

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