NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰会计学乙下 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰叶疏 开课学院:管理学院 开课系所︰财金系 考试日期(年月日)︰08.3.12 考试时限(分钟):90分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 1. On December 31,2005, Iva Majoli Company borrowed $62092 from Paris Bank, signing a 5-year, $100000 zero-interest-bearing note. The note was issued to yield 10% interest. Unfortunately, during 2008, Majoli began to experience financial difficulty. As a result, at Dec,31,2008, Paris Bank determined that it was probable that it would receive back only $75000 at maturity. The market rate of interest of the nature is now 11%. Required: (24%) (a) Prepare the entry to record the issuance of the loan by Paris bank on Dec,31,2008. (b) Prepare the entry (if any) to record the impairment of the loan on on Dec,31,2008, by Paris Bank. (c) Prepare the entry (if any) to record the impairment of the loan on on Dec,31,2008, by Majoli Company. 2. On January 2 ,2002, Banno Corporation issued $1500000 of 10% bonds at 97 due Dec, 31,2011. Legal and other costs of $24000 were incurred in connection with the issue. Interest on the bonds is payable annually each Dec 31. The $24000 issue costs are being deferred and amortized on a straight-line basis over the 10-yesr term of the bonds. The discount on the bonds is also being amortized on a straight-line basis over the 10 years. The bonds are collable at 101, and on Jan,2,2007. Banno called $900000 face amount of the bonds and retired them. Required: (26%) Ignorring income taxes, compute the amount of the loss if any, to be recognized bo Banno as a result of rstiring the $900000 of the bonds in 2007 and Prepare the journal entry to record the retirement. 3. Sheryi Crow Equipment Company sold 500 Rollomatics during 2007 at $6000 each. During 2007, Crow spent $20000 servicing the 2-year warranties that a company the Rollomatics. All applicable are on a cash basis. Required: (20%) (a) Prepare 2007 entries using the expencse warranty approach. Assume the Crow estimates the total cost of servicing the warranties will be $120000 for 2 years. (b) Prepare 2007 entries for Crow assuming the warranties are not an integral part if the sale. Assume that of the sales total, $150000 relates to sales of warranty contracts. Crow estimates the total cost of servicing the warranties will be $120000 for 2 years. Estimate revenues earned on the basis of costs incurred and estimated costs. 4. Listed below are saveral types of contingencies: a. A company has signed a guarantor of a loan that one of its key suppliers has taken out with a local bank. The probability of the supplier defaulting on the note is remote. b. The company is suing another firm for tradeamark o infringement, and the probability of winning the case is excellent. The amount of any award can be reasonably estimated. c. A company has a significant distribution center in another country where it is reasonably possible that the warehouse will be expropriated . The amount of the loss can be reliably estimated. d. The company has a manufacturing plant in California near a major earthquake fault line. The company has no earthquake insurance and it reasonably possible that a quake will occur. The amount of any loss can be reasonably estimated. e. The company is involved in another lawsuit where it is reasonably possible that the company will be found at a fault, but the amount of the loss cannot be reasonably estimated. Required: (30%) Indicate whether the company should make a accrual, a footnote disclosure, or neither of these for each contingency. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: montrachet 来自: (05/02 20:11)

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