NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰经济学原理二 课程性质︰ 课程教师︰林明仁 开课学院: 开课系所︰经济系 考试日期(年月日)︰97.4.25 考试时限(分钟):3小时 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 一、选择题(30 pionts) 1.Two firms, A and B, each currently dump 50tons of chemicals into the local river. The government has decided to reduce the pollution and from now on will require a pollution permit for each ton of pollution dumped into the river. The government will sell $40 pollution permits for $75 each. It costs Firm A $100 for each ton of pollution that it eliminates before it reaches the river, and it costs Firm B $50 for each ton of pollution that it eliminates before it reaches the river. It is likely that between the cost of permits and the cost of additional pollution adatement, a.Firm B will spend $3,500 b.Firm A will spend $4,000 c.Firm A will spend $4,500 d.Fimr B will spend $3,000 2.Suppose that due to flooding in Louisiana, 100,000 farmers relocate from Louisiana to Texas. Assuming that land and labor are complements in a farming production function, what would happen to the wages earned by worker and the rents earned by landowners in Texas? a.Both wages and rent would increase. b.Both wages and rent would decrease. c.Wages would increase, and rents would decrease. d.Wages would decrease, and rents would increase. 3.Consider the labor market for computer programmers, which is in equilibrium. During the late 1990s, the value of the marginal product of all computer programmers increased dramatically. Holding all else equal, what effect did this process have on the labor market for computer programmers? a.The equilibrium wage increase, and the equilibrium quantity of labor increased. b.The equilibrium wage increase, and the equilibrium quantity of labor decreased. c.The equilibrium wage decrease, and the equilibrium quantity of labor increased. d.The equilibrium wage decrease, and the equilibrium quantity of labor decreased. 4.Which of the follow formulas is most representative of negative income tax proposal? a. Taxes Owed = (1/4 of Income) x $2 b. Taxes Owed = (1/2 of Income) x $3/4 c. Taxes Owed = (1/2 of Income) + $15,000 d. Taxes Owed = (1/4 of Income) - $15,000 5.Bill earns more than Donna. A benevolent legislator has proposed taxing Bill in order to supplement Donna's income. A libertarian would view this proposal as a.a way to increase social justice. b.a way to enhance Donna's income in socially responsible way. c.validation of the superiority of a libertarian maximin criterion over Rawlsian social justice. d.an inappropriate role for government, since gobernment cannot morally redistribute income that is not its own. Table 1 The citizens of Paradoxopolis will decide whether to build a new school, build a new park, or build a new road. Exactly one of the three choices will prevail, and the choice will be made by way of pairwise voting, with the majority determining the outcome on each vote. The preferences of the voters are summarized in the table below. Voter Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Percent of Electorate 25 35 40 First choice School Park Road Second choice Park Road School Third choice Road School Park 6.Refer to Table 1. If (1) the first vote pits "school" against "park," and (2) the second vote pits "road" against the winner of the first vote, then the outcome is as follows: a."School" wins the first vote and "school" wins the second vote, so they build a school. b."school" wins the first vote and "road" wins the second vote, so they build a road. c."Park" wins the first vote and "park" wins the second vote, so they build a park. d."Park" wins the first vote and "road" wins the second vote, so they build a road. 7.If nominal GDP is $10 trillion and real GDP is $8 trillion, the GDP deflator is a.80, and this indicates that the price level has decrease by 20 percent since the base year. b.80, and this indicates that the price level has increase by 80 percent since the base year. c.125, and this indicates that the price level has increase by 25 percent since the base year. d.125, and this indicates that the price level has decrease by 125 percent since the base year. 8.In the country of Hyrkania, the CPI in 2000 was 120 and the CPI in 2001 was 132. Jake, a resident of Hyrkania, borrowed money in 2000 and repaid the loan in 2001. If the nominal interest rate on the loan was 12 percent, then the real interest rate was a. 12% b.10% c.2% d.impossible to determine without knowing the base year for the CPI. 9.Jack is a full-time unpaid homemaker not currently searching for other work. Jill is a full-time who is not looking for a job. Who does the BLS count in the labor force? a.only Jack b.only Jill c.both Jack and Jill d.neither Jack nor Jill 10.Suppose that Company A's railroad cars pass through Farmer B's corn fields. The railroad causes an externality to the farmer because the railroad cars emit sparks that cause $1,500 in damage to the farmer's crops. There is a special soy-based grease that the railroad could purchase that would eliminate the damaging sparks. The grease cost $1,200. Suppose that the railroad is not liable for any damage caused to the crops. Assume that there are no transaction cost. Which of the following characterizes the efficient outcome? a.The railroad will continue to operate but will pay the farmer $1,500 in damages. b.The railroad will purchase the grease for $1,200 and pay the farmer nothing because no crop damage will occur. c.The farmer will incur $1,500 in damages to his crops. d.The farmer will pay the railroad $1,200 to purchase the grease so that no crop damage will occur. 二、计算与问答题(70 points) 1.(10 points) What is the "Arrow's Impossibility Theorem"? 2.(10 points) The table below uses data for the year 2003 provided by the BLS and adjusted to be comparable to U.S. data. All values are in thousands. Fill in the (a)-(i) entries in the table. Show your work! Country Adult Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Labor-Force Population Force Rate Participation Rate Japan 109,474 (b) 62,510 3,500 (f) (h) France (a) 26,870 (c) 2,577 (g) 57.41 Germany 70,159 39,591 (d) (e) 9.69 (i) 3.(10 points) 甲公司自日本进口20台nikon高级数位相机,每台进价30,000元,拟以 40,000元之单价出售。在售出4台之後,nikon公司推出新机型,功能较原机型佳,售价 反而更便宜。甲公司眼看茅头不对,只好将其余16台低价出清,每台售价25,000元。甲 公司的网路广告费1,000元,水电杂支费用2,000元,因为是网路购物的小公司,公司仅 雇用一名工读生,薪水4,000元。 a.从支出面计算,此项生产活动创造多少GDP? b.从生产面(附加价值法)计算,甲公司创造多少GDP? c.请由要素所得法分别计算工资与利润。 4.(10 points) Suppose a freeze detroys part of the Florida orange crop. a.Explain what happens to the price of oranges and the marginal product of orange pickers as a result of the freeze. Can you say what happens to the demand for orange pickers? Why or why not? b.Suppose the price of oranges doubles and the marginal product fall by 30 percent. What happens to the equilibrium wage of orange pickers? c.Suppose the price of oranges rises by 30percent and the marginal product falls by 50 percent. What happens to the equilibrium wage of orange pickers? 5.(10 points) 劳动市场 劳动者可分为两种类型:高生产力(high type)与低生产力(low type)。高生产力者的 劳动边际产值(VMPL)为15万元,受教育一年的成本为2万元;低生产力者劳动边际产值 为6万元,受教育一年的成本为6万元。如果你是雇主,想要以教育年限区分两种类型的 员工,并以教育年限作为给薪的标准。请问你会订定的教育年限为几年?(请注意:年限 订的太高与太低都将没有效果,最适教育年限代表高生产力劳工会受教育、低生产力劳 工将不会受教育)。 6.(10 points)外部性 某航空公司於机场起降的噪音会影响附近居民的安宁与健康。航空公司起降的总成本函 数为TC = 8+20Q (Q为起降次数),市场需求函数为Q = 45-P。飞机起降所产生的噪音对 居民所造成的外部成本为0.25Q。 a.若航空公司不考虑外部成本,则利润极大化下的均衡数量与价格为何? b.社会最适的均衡数量与价格为何? 7.(10 points) 公共财 假设社会中仅有A及B,二人对公园的需求函数皆别为Pa = 15-2Q,Pb = 9-3Q,而设立 公园的总成本为TC = 7 + 8Q + 3/2 Q^2,则最适的公园数量为何? --

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