NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰计算机概论 课程性质︰通识 课程教师︰苏国栋 开课学院: 开课系所︰ 考试日期(年月日)︰97/4/14 考试时限(分钟):100分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : I. Multi-Choices Questions (45%) (B)1. Which of the following is NOT a basic computer operation: (A) Input (B) Throughput (C) Processing (D) Storage (C)2. During the processing operation, the computer: (A) transforms information into data. (B) uses complex processing actions organized into an algorithm. (C) transforms data into information. (D) follows a series of unorganized steps. (C)3. Which of the following computers could be carried in your coat pocket? (A) Tablet PC (B) Notebook (C) PDA (D) All-in-one computer (D)4. All of the following are functions of the operating system EXCEPT: (A) managing programs. (B) providing the user with ways to communicate to the computer. (C) managing memory. (D) creating drivers for devices such as printers and scanners. (A)5. The BIOS: (A) contains the instructions to perform keyboard input (B) temporarily written in the computer’s ROM. (C) is permanently written in the computer’s RAM (D) displays information on a graphical screen (D)6. All of the following are involved in loading the operating system EXCEPT: (A) searching for the operating system (B) loading the kernel into the computer memory (C) loading system configuration information (D) adjusting the setup program in the BIOS (B)7. Virtual memory is a way to better utilize the main memory by: (A) using a part of ROM as an extension of RAM to conserve the main memory (B) using a hard disk swap file when memory is full (C) dividing data and instructions into multitasking units (D) creating pages of variable size to use when the swap file is full (D)8. In the binary numbering system, one binary digit is called a: (A) byte. (B) character. (C) word. (D) bit. (A)9. What is the term used to define the main printed circuit board (PCB) on which the major computer components are located? (A) motherboard (B) system unit (C) CPU (D) case (D)10. A processor’s instruction set: (A) has nothing to do with the ability of the computer to run a program (B) is the same for different types of processors. (C) will run programs that were created for a noncompatible processor (D) is unique to the type of processor. (B)11. The four-step process of fetch, decode, execute, and store is called a(n): (A) arithmetic operation (B) machine cycle (C) instruction cycle (D) logical operation. (B)12. RAM stands for: (A) rapidly accessed memory. (B) random access memory. (C) reliable associated memory. (D) repeated auxiliary memory. (D)13. Universal Serial Bus ports: (A) can accommodate any number of devices. (B) do not allow hot swapping. (C) will probably be replaced by serial port technology. (D) allow you to connect devices without shutting down a computer (B)14. Which pointing device is commonly used for gaming? (A) Pointing stick (B) Joystick (C) Trackpad (D) Trackball (D)15. Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting hard disk performance? (A) The rotating speed of the platters (B) The spacing or placement of related data on the platters (C) The drive’s seek time (D) The existence of disk partitions II. Fill-in-the-blank Questions (30%) 1. A(n) ____________ is a device that has alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, and control keys.(keyboard) 2. A(n) ____________ device is computer hardware that does not lose its data when the power is shut off.(storage) 3. A(n) ___________ is used to connect a sound card or a modem card into a computer system(expansion slot) 4.The ___________ step in the machine cycle interprets what action the program is telling the computer to perform.(decode) 5. A(n) __________ is the smallest piece of information with which a computer can work.(bit) 6. The open source operating system created to work on Intel-based computers is called ____________.(Linux) 7. A(n) ________________is a program that contains the instructions on how your computer should interact with a specific piece of hardware. (driver) 8. ____________ allows you to switch between programs without having to close one of the programs.(multitasking) 9. The most commonly used output devices are the monitor and ____________.(printer) 10. The most important kind of memory in a computer is ____________ memory.(random access) III. Matching Questions (25%) 1. Match the following terms to their meanings: I. hardware A. the programs on your computer that enable you to perform a specific task such as word processing II. software B. a series of instructions that the computer needs to perform the four operations in the information processing cycle III. program C. programs such as operating systems that enable the computer to function properly IV. application software D. a collection of programs needed to tell the computer what to do – they include Word, Excel, and Windows V. system software E. the physical pieces of equipment in a computer system EDBAC 2. Match the following terms to their meanings: I. Microsoft Windows A.beginning computer users think this is the easiest operating system to learn II. Mac OS B.operating system developed by Bell Laboratories that initiated the use of preemptive multitasking and other sophisticated uses in a computer network III.MS-DOS C.An operating system for personal computers that uses open-source software IV. UNIX D.operating system used on most personal computers V.Linux E.0perating system developed by Microsoft that requires the use of a command-line interface DAEBC --

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