NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰普通化学甲下 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰周必泰 开课学院:理学院 开课系所︰化学系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008/4/16 考试时限(分钟):110 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : A.Definition and Explanation(共80 points,A10加分题10 points) A1.列举三个无法用古典力学来解释的实验结果.(10) A2.Based on standing wave and de Broglie relation briefly explain energy lev- els have to be quantized when treating the particle motion in a circle as a wave in a fixed radius r where potential energy=0.(10) A3.At 0k,should the molecule be frozen? If not, explain your answer.(5)Can y- ou link this question with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?(5) A4.In one dimensional wave motion where potential energy is assumed to be co- stant(=V), write down the corresponding Schrodinger equation for a partic- le with mass m, and also define the Hamiltonian.(10) A5.Briefly explain self-consistent field(SCF) method for obtaining the orbit- als of a polyelectronic atom.(5) A6.Write down the full name as well as explain the VSEPR model.(5) A7.(a)Explain the difference between electronegativity and electron affinity .(5)(b)Explain the rather small dipole moment for CO based on electron ne- gativity and formal charge.(5) A8.OCN¯ and CNO¯are isomers. Write down the most stable Lewis structure for OCN¯and CNO¯.(5) Determine and explain which one (OCN¯ or CNO¯) is a more stable form .(5) A9.简单的画出electronic, vibrational transition 的相关能阶图,并大致写出各个 transition 所需光能的大致范围(如可见光区、红外光区、无线电波区、微波区、 X-ray区等等).(10) A10.加分题(我上课讲过,想要知道你们是否仔细听讲) a.difference between paramagnetic and superparamagnetic properties.(5) b.Full name of LASER. (请不要写雷射)(5) B.Question (60 points) B1.Calculate the energy per photon (in terms of joule) and energy per mole of photons(in terms of kcal/mol) for radiation of wavelength at 500 nm.(10) h:6.62*(10^-34) Js, c:3*(10^8) m/s B2.Draw the Lewis structures and geometry for the following molecules:a. XeF2 b. I3¯ and c. KrF4(5). What type of hybridization orbital for Xe in XeF2, center I in I3¯ and Kr in KrF4.(5) B3.Given the following general bond-length information N—N 1.67埃 N﹦O 1.15埃 N﹦N 1.20埃 N—O 1.47埃 N≡N 1.10埃 The observations that the N—N bond length in N2O is 1.12埃 and that the N—O bond length is 1.19埃. Write down two possible Lewis structure of N2O and their formal charge.(10) B4.Assume that the MOs of the OH radical result from the overlap of a Pz(for oxygen) and 1s orbital of the hydrogen(the O﹣H bond lies along the z axis ).(15) a.Draw the MO energy diagram for OH. Place the correct number of electrons in the energy levels. b.Estimate the bond order for OH. c.Ptetict whether the bond order of OH+ is greater than, less than or the same as that of OH. Explain. B5.Draw the molecular orbital model for CO.(5) Could you explain the signifi- cant difference in physical/chemical properties between CO and N2, althou- gh they are isoelectronic?(5) Predict the bond orders and the relative bo- nd lengths for CO, CO+ and CO2+.(5) C.选择题(单选,每题三分,30 points) 1.Which of the following statements about quantum theory is incorrect? (A)The energy and position of an electron cannot be determined simultaneously (B)Lower energy orbitals are filled with electrons before higher energy orbi- tals. (C)When filling orbitals of equal energy, two electrons will occupy the same orbital before filling a new orbital. (D)No two electrons can have the same four quantum numbers. (E)All of these are correct 2.Which molecules has the smallest bond angle? (A) O3 (B) OF2 (C) HCN (D) SSe3 3.The hybridization of the central atom in CO2 is (A) sp (B) sp2 (C) sp3 (D) dsp3 (E) d2sp3 4.What is the probality of finding a particle in a one-dimensional box in en- ergy level n=4 between x=L/4 and x=L/2? (L is the length of the box) (A) 12.5% (B) 25% (C) 33% (D) 37.5% (E) 50% 5.1 Debye (1D) is equivalent to 3.336*(10^-30)Cm. The dipole moment and bond distance for HF are measured to be 1.83D and 0.917埃, respectively. Calcu- late the percentage of the ionic bonding for HF. (A) 12% (B) 20% (C) 72% (D) 42% (E) 37% 6.An electron in a one-dimensional box requires energy with wavelength 8080 nm to excite it from the n=2 to the n=3 eneygy level. Calculate the length of the box (A) 1.00nm (B) 1.50nm (C) 2.50nm (D) 3.00nm (E) 3.50nm 7.The molecule XCL5¯ has a squate pyramid shape. Which of the following ato- ms could be X? (A) O (B) P (C) Xe (D) S (E) At least two of the above atoms could be X. 8.What type of structure does the XeOF2 molecule have? (A) pyramidal (B) tetrahedral (C) T-shaped (D) trigonal planar (E) octahedral 9.How many electrons are involved in pi bonding in bezine, C6H6? (A) 12 (B) 30 (C) 3 (D) 6 (E) 18 10.Which of the following has the shortest N-O bond? (A) NO3+ (B) NO+ (C) N2 (D) NO2¯ (E) none of the above 选择题答案: CBABD EDC(D)DB --

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