NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰大一英文二 课程性质︰大一外文必修 课程教师︰宋德明 开课学院:电机、法律、工学院 开课系所︰文学院 考试日期(年月日)︰97/04/17 考试时限(分钟):100 是否需发放奖励金:是! (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 一、Explain the meanings of the underlined word and phrases.You can use either English or Chinese.(20%) 1.The need of attract top-notch summer associates is crucial;they are the pool from which most new hires are made. ^^^^ 2.The firm's efforts have run the gamut from simple conversations with summer associates to videos promoting the firm's experties or its diversity. ^^^^^^^^^ 3.The videos are still kind of in the early days. ^^^^^^^ 4.A lot of them come off seeming like hostage videos. ^^^^^^^^ 5.In four spots called "Choate vs. Megafirm," a hapless male associate ^^^^^ at Megafirm is seen variously trying to find his briefcase in one of his employer's many offices. 6.There are ratings like the one form a Web poster with the handle "Jdhound." ^^^^^^ 7.He does not have the pedigree one would associate with an old-line firm. ^^^^^^^^ 8.The videos aim at "a generation that take the Web for granted." ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9.That's what makes the mock commercials on Choate's sites so compellimg. ^^^^ 10.Compared to the traditional iteration of marquee client, major deals ^^^^^^^ and disputes, these express true personality in way that are memorable. 二、Fill in the blank an appropriate word. Read the information in parentheese to help you write the corret word. If no information is given, the use of the word is determined by sentence structure.(30%) 1.The last song on "Sino" begins as a sarcastic slice of Latin American protest folk, complete _______ earnest acoustic guitars and lyrics that feign gratitude for liberty and democracy. (Fill in the blank with a preposition. "Complete" and the preposition are used together as a phrase.) 2.There's at least one reference ______ the Who's "Baba O'Riley" as well as hints of Yes and Emerson, Lake and Palmer. (Fill in the blank with a preposition. The use of the preposition is determined by the noun "regerence.") 3.The sound helped fuel a turn toward collective self-analysis: a band ____ stock of a nearly 20-year career. (Fill in the blank with a verb. The verb and "stock" are used together as a phrase. The phrase is usually followed by the preposition "of.") 4.Residents of the Vila Cruzeiro slum say they have been ____ siege for the past month. (Fill in the blank with a preposition. The use of the preposition is determined by the noun "siege.") 5.Torture is presented in the firm as a near constant aspect of urban violence in Brazil, ____ police officers and traffickers competing to outdo each other on the brutality scale. 6."Elite Squad" has made almost everyone who has seen it squirm, prompting a debate about _____ hedinistic drug use by Rio's rich and middle class is to blame of the city's war. 7.BOPE was tasked ____ making the area safe for a brief visit by Pope John Paul II. (Fill in the blank with a preposition. The use of the preposition is deternimed by the verb "task.") 8._____ turns out the blogger is a 21-year-old Amercian who produces his blog from his parents' home. 9.In recent days, he has featured "glad tidings" from a Northe African militant leader ____ group killed 31 Algerian troops. 10.The Palestinian goes ____ the norm de guerre Abu Omar. (Fill in the blank with a preposition. "Go" and the preposition and the noun "name" are used together as a phrase.) 11.The vessels are devoid ___ any synthetic marterials or a scaffolding. (Fill in the blank with a preposition. The use of the preposition is deternimed by the adjective "devoid.") 12.Vessels in the arm would be ____ easier to repair in an emergency than vessels implanted deeper in the body. (Fill in the blank with an adverb.) 13.Can a business be built upon an audience limited ____ these willing to which to watch excruciatingly real "reality TV"? (Fill in the blank with a preposition. The use of the preposition is determined by the verb "limit.") 14.Imagine one million people broadcasting live, 999,000 of ____ are boring. 15.Andy Warhol, _____ he still wuth us, would embrace lifecasting. (Andy Warhol died in 1987.) 三、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(20%) 1. At a time when philanthropists like Bill Gates have become entranced by the possibility of a Greem Revolution for Africa, the New Rices for Africa, as scientists call the wonder seeds, offer a clear warning. 2. Decent Roads to move crops to market are scarce. So are storage facilities to preserve harvests and crop insurance to protect farmers from drought, flood or bumper ylieds that perversely cause prices to collapse. 四、Correct the mistake in the following sentences.(Each sentence contains at least one mistake.) Write the whole sentence and underlined the word you use to correct the mistakes.(30%) Example: The increasing disregard of the Dala Lama and his advices by some soctions of Westwen-resident Tibetan youth is evident from their going ahead with their attempts to disrupt the movement of Olympic Torch and to sabotage the forthcoming Beiking Olympics despite of the repeated statements of His Holiness against any act of disruption. Answer: The increasing disregard of the Dala Lama and his advice by some ^^^^^^ soctions of Westwen-resident Tibetan youth is evident from their going ahead with their attempts to disrupt the movement of the Olympic Torch and ^^^ to sabotage the forthcoming Beiking Olympics despite the repeated ^^^^^^^^^^^ statements of His Holiness against any act of disruption. 1.For the past two decades Cafe Tacuba treatrd rock a genre worth to sustain only if it could be exploded, repeatedly. 2.For a band which long dedicated to cultural mash-ups, it doesn't just make sense, it ends up spark what could be Tacuba oddest album yet. 3.A police colonel in an internal affairs unit recently demanded that Jose Padiha, the director, appeared for questionong. 4.During the four-months operation, BOPE killed about 30 people and arrested 30, the two kingpins including, said Rodrigo Pimental, a former Bope officer who leaded the poerstion. 5.He listed hundreds of links to secret sites which his readers could obtain the latest blood-drenching insurgent videos from Iraq. 6.Recruitment tracts issued in multiple language, like a 39-pages, electronic, English version of a booklet urging woman join the fight against West. 7.Despite the vessel resembles to a vein under the microscrope, it has the mechanical strength of artery. 8.Once when the boundary was crossed separating the private and public, lifecasters who followed couldn't held audience's attention just by crossing same line. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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