NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰大一英文 课程性质︰共同必修 课程教师︰姜台芬 开课学院:生农学院 考试日期(年月日):97/04/15 考试时限(分钟):60分钟听力+阅读大概60分钟(写到大家写完) 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : I. Vocabulary: fill each of the following blanks wuth an appropriate word chosen from the given list. You may have to change the form of the word as the context requires. 30% seduce comatose notorious recruitment exotic imposter stupendous saturate disgruntle scrutinize tentative wheedle defiant ineligible cynicism tightwad arrogance precedent parole debunk blunder distraught regime flabbergasted miscreant blatant ignominy clemency conspirator strand 1. The young man is sentenced to ten years in prison. But he might get released on _____ after eight years. 2. To cheat in the test will be considered a serious ____ . 3. He likes to travel to remote places and see ____ cultures. 4. The bed weather left hundreds of travelers ____ at the airports. 5. Everybody knows that buying votes is a ____ crime. 6. Since his father's sudden death, he has been too ____ to work. 7. The employees became ____ after their employer announced the cut in wages. 8. After the breakup of the negotiation, the rebels sent a ____ letter to the government. 9. The players have to overcome the ____ of defeat in last night's game and go on fighting. 10.A rumor is going around that some ____ are planning secretly to overthrow the government. 11.The son tried his best to ____ his father into leading him his new car. 12.Many parts of Darwin's theory of evolution have been ____ as incorrect by researches done in the twentieth century. 13.He has been informed by the university that he is ____ for next semester's financial assistance, so he has to find some other ways to pay his tuition. 14.The U.S.A is a country that gives second chances to countless ____ . 15.Young parents are inclined to get ____ over their first child's small problems. 16.The lawyer is trying to find some ____ of mercy killing for his client. 17.The mayor is ____ for taking bribes. 18.Having carefully ____ the murder case, the jury reached a decision finally. 19.Having fallen ____ for almost one month, the boy woke up miraculously this morning. 20.This is only a ____ outline for my term paper, and I may have to make a number of changes. II. Cloze test: 40% Fill each of the following blanks with an appropriate word. a. The spokesman said it was impossible _21_ anyone to hold a demonstration in Lhasa _22_ the moment. b. There are parts of her job _23_ she can't discuss even _24_ her husband. c. The Fix has fascinated authors, filmmakers and ethicists _25_ 80 years. Fitzgerald said,"It never occurred _26_ me that one man could play _27_ the faith of 50 million people." d. You also feel foolish watching a case like Gilbert's because, _28_ both feet are planted firmly _29_ the side of the law and common sense, both are firmly planted _30_ Gilbert's side _31_ well. e. _32_ alarms me is their indifference _33_ grades as an indication of personal effort and performance. Many, _34_ pressed about _35_ they think they deserve a better grade, admit that they don't deserve it. f. Identity is tricky stuff, constructed _36_ mirrors. _37_ you see yourself is a composite reflection of how you appear _38_ friends,family, and lovers. g. The Organization is calling _39_ photographers around the world to focus _40_ the humble spud's potential to feed more people. Although not generally regarded _41_ particularly photogenic, the organizers say that the photographers _42_ explore the world of the potato will find plenty _43_ inspiration. h. A few days later, the woodcutter was surprised and happy to come _44_ the ax under a pile of firewood. i. Death looked me _45_ the face! I know _46_ certain that I'm to be taken and I don't want to be _47_ when Death comes to claim me! j. The lesson is lost _48_ the grade-grousing ten percent. Say that you won't change the grade they deserve to _49_ they want. They don't think it's fair that they should be _50_ danger of flunking out simply because they could not or did not do their work. k. In a society saturated _51_ surface value, love of knowledge for its own _52_ does sound eccentric. So, is it right to blame students _53_ reflecting the superficial values saturating our society? l. We lament that schoolchildren get "kick upstairs"until they graduate from high school _54_ being illiterate and mathematically inept, but we seem unconcerned _55_ college graduates _56_ less blatant deficiencies are far more harmful _57_ their accreditation exceeds their qualifications. m. Jackson and seven other Sox players were banished _58_ life by baseball's first commissioner. n. This may not seem like much _59_ a justification for going away to college, but it was for me. o. The Tibetan government-_60_-exile is stationed in north India. III. Fill each of the following blanks with the appropriate form of the word given in parentheses. 30% a. The city _61_(clamp) down by Chinese _62_(secure) forces. There are house to house searches _63_(go) on, and a number of former political prisoners are reported to _64_(detain) again. b. Now there is a chance that Joseph Jefferson may _65_(get) to the promised land. _66_(spur) by the pleas of a pair of 80-year-old Hall of Famers, the baseball commissioner _67_(review) the Black Sox case and _68_(decide) by the end of the season whether to remove Jackson from the sport's ineligible list. c. The offical said that the agency _69_ (cheer) by the feedback from members of the Israeli public, _70_(keen) to find out more about the jobs within Shin Bet, the pay and even the food. d. It was a rookie error. After ten years he _71_(know) better, but he simply let himself get into trouble. e. The potato _72_(first,cultivate) by hunter-gatherers in the Andes thousands of years ago. After the Spanish conquest of Peru in the sixteenth century the tuber _73_(bring) to Europe where it _74_(consider) an exotic gift. By the nineteenth century it _75_(become) a staple across the continent. f. The spokesman said that protest _76_(still happen) outside the capital. g. Time was, when you received a grade, that _77_(be) it. You might groan and moan, but you _78_(accept) it as the outcome of your efforts or lack thereof. In the last few years, however, some students _79_(develop) a disgruntled-consumer approach. h. The case comes down to instinct. Giamatti avoided the controversy altogether, _80_(remark) he wouldn't "play God with history." IV. Identifying pronouns: 16% a. The murder committed, Gilbert does not feel blessed. At best, he feels he did right, (81)which the outer world agrees with and denies. b. Now he wonders about love. He loves his wife;he tells her so;he has told herso for 51 years. And he thinks of what he meant by (82)that her understanding of him, her understanding of others, her sense of fun. Illness has replaced those qualities in her with screams and a face of panic. Does he love her still? Of course, he says; he hates the disease, but he loves his wife. Or--(83)this seems hard--does he only love what he remembers of Emily? c. Selig's ruling would only be half the ballgame, for (84)it still would be up to the Hall to consider Jackson for induction. d. What Gilbert did in fact erodes the whole basis of law, (85)which is to keep people humane and civilized. e.He was sentenced to 25 years with no chance of parole, (86)which would make him 101 by the time he got out. f.What harm would (87)it do history to relieve Emily's pain? A little harm, perhaps, no more than (88)that. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: peter611 来自: (04/18 01:23)
1F:→ DJYeh:大家可以研究一下第12题……尤其这班有生农和哲学系的。 04/18 02:27
※ 编辑: peter611 来自: (04/18 22:29)

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