NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰计算机概论 课程性质︰大一必修 课程教师︰苏国栋 开课学院:电资学院 开课系所︰电机系 考试日期(年月日)︰96/04/18 考试时限(分钟):120分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 试题附machine language的Op-code Operand和Descrption (the language description table) I. Choice Questions (30 pts, 2 pts per answer) 1. Which of the following bits patterns cannot be expressed in hexadecimal notation? (A) 11111111 (B) 1001 (C) 110011 (D) 100000000001 2. Which of the following representation in two's complement notation represents the largest value? (A) 00000010 (B) 11111111 (C) 00000001 (D) 11111110 3. Which of the follow bits patterns represents the samllest value using in the floating-point format in which the most significant bit is the sign bit, but the next three bits represent the exponent field in excess notation, and the last four bits represent the mantissa? (A) 01001000 (B) 01011000 (C) 00101000 (D) 01111000 4. How many errors per pattern could be corrected when using an error-correcting code in which any two code patterns differ by a Hamming distance of 8? (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 5. Which of the following instructions (as described in the language description table) places 00000000 in register A? (A) 1A00 (B) 2A00 (C) 3A00 (D) 200A 6. Which of the following is not an activity performed entirely within a CPU? (A) Fetch instructions (B) Perform Boolean operations (C) Perform arithmetic operations (D) Move data between registers 7. What mask in register F would cause the instruction 7AAF (refer to the language description table) to put a 1 in the most significant bit of register A without disturbing the other bits? (A) 11111110 (B) 00000001 (C) 10000000 (D) 01111111 8. Which of the following instructions (as described in the language description table) is equivalent to requesting the register A be rotated to the left by three bits? (A) AA05 (B) AA03 (C) AA08 (D) AA01 9. Which of the following components of an operating system handles the details associated the particular peripheral equipment? (A) Decive drivers (B) File manager (C) Memory manager (D) Task manager 10. Which of the following is a technique for controlling to critical regoin? (A) Soopling (B) Time sharing (C)Semaphore (D) Booting 11. Which of the following would be a concern of the file manager in a multi-user computer system that would not be a concren in a single-user system? (A) Maintain records regarding the location of files (B) Maintain records regarding the ownership of files (C) Maintain records regarding the sizes of files (D) None of the above 12. Which of the following is not a way of classifying of network? (A) WAN versus LAN (B) Closed versus open (C) Router versus brigde (D) Star versus bus 13. Which of the following is a protocol for controlling the right to transmit a message in a network? (A) UDP (B) CSMA/CD (C) TCP (D) FTP 14. The primary purpose of which of the following in not the enhancement of security? (A) ICANN (B) Firewall (C) Encryption (D) CERT 15. Which of the layer of the TPC/IP hierarchy reassembles message as their pieces arrive at the destination? (A) Application (B) Transport (C) Network (D) Link II. Fill-in-the-black (30pts, 3 pts per answer) 1. Express the bit pattern 0001001000001100 in dotted decimal natation ____________________ 2. Fill in the blanks in the HTML document below so that the term "Earth" will be linked to the document "earthinfo.html" in the directory "earthdir" at "earthnews.com". <html> <head> <title>Earth page</title> </head> <body> <p>The planet we live on is called ________________________________ Earth ____________ </p> </body> </html> 3. Fill in the blanks below with the part on the operating system (file manager, memory manager, device drivers, window manager, scheduler, dispatcher) that performs the activity described. A. _______________ Creates virtual memory B. _______________ Performs the switching from one process to another C. _______________ Maintains the directory system 4. The following table shows a portion of a machine's memory containing a program written in the language described in the language description table. Answer the questions below assuming that the machine is started with its program counter containing 00. address content address content 00 25 07 00 01 03 08 34 02 A5 09 04 03 02 0A B0 04 35 0B 03 05 03 0C C0 06 24 0D 00 A. What bit pattern will be in register 5 when the machine halts? ____________ B. What bit pattern will be in the program counter when the machine halts? ____________ C. What bit pattern will be at memory location 04 when the machine halts? ____________ 5. What is the largest value that can be represented in a floating-point system in which each value is encoded by a byte whose most significant bit is the sign bit, the next three bits represent the exponent field in excess notation, and the last four bits represent the mantissa? ____________ III. General Questions (40pts, 8 pts for each question) 1. If the input and output bit patterns in the circuit below are interpreted as binary representations of numeric values, what operation does the circuit perform (except for the case of the input being 000)? 图无法表示 2. The following is a routine encoded in the machine language described in the language description table. Explain (in a single sentence) what the routine does. (Explain what the entire routine does as a unit rather than reciting what each instruction does.) 210F 12A0 8212 32A0 3. What is the difference between a conditional jump instruction and an unconditional jump instruction? 4. What conditions are necessary for deadlock to occur? 5. What are some distinctions between UDP and TCP? --

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1F:→ sleepmajesty:mm 标题的年份写错了.. 04/17 23:41
2F:→ joshepsol:没错~这的确是去年的 我写过这份考古题 04/17 23:53

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