NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰作业管理 课程性质︰系必修 课程教师︰黄崇兴 开课学院:管院 开课系所︰工商管理系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008/04/02 考试时限(分钟):三小时 是否需发放奖励金:是 。感谢~ (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 一、简答题(30%) 1.What is the operations management about? 2.Please tell the difference between "order qualifier" and "order winner". Use a university or a high school education to illustrate it. 3.Please list the risk categories making a project NOT reaching its designed goal.For each category, give a short explaination. 4.To make the dilivery speed and variety be your key competitive priority, then (1)what production/inventory strategy you might possibly use,and (2)what process choice you should adopt. 5.Please list 2 benchmark metrics for the order fulfillment process. 6.Draw a fishbone chart about "Bad Academic Performance of A Student" 二、计算题(40%) 1.Construct an AON network based on the following info:(5%) activity immediate predecessor ────────────── A --- B --- C --- D A B E C 2.Complete the following project network diagram and the table,determine the critical path and write down the expected completion time for the project.(10%) │A│→│C│→│E│ │2│ │5│ │5│↘ ┌───┐↗ │G│ │start │ ↗ │2│↘ └───┘ ┌───┐ ↘ │B│→│D│ → │F│──→ │finish│ │3│ │9│ │5│ └───┘ activity time ──────────────── activity ES EF LS LF Slack ─────────────────────────── A B C D E F G 3.This estimated times and immediate predecessors for the activities in a project at Caesar Douglas's rental scanning company are given in the following table. Assume that the activity are independent. time(weeks) immediate ──────── activity predecessor a m b ──────────────────────── A --- 9 10 11 B --- 4 10 16 C A 9 10 11 D B 5 8 11 a) calculate the expected time and variance for each activities.(5%) b) what is the expected completion time and the variance of the critical path?(5%) c) if the time to complete path A-C is normally distributed, what is the probability that this path will be finished in 19 weeks or less? 4.Indirect costs for a projact are $12,000 per week for as long as the project lasts. The project manager has supplied the cost and time info shown. Use the following info to write down an optimum crashing plan with the final total costs.(10%) A → B ↘ ┌───┐↗ ┌───┐ │start │→ C → D → │finish│ └───┘↘ └───┘ E → F ↗ activity normal crash cost per week to crash time(weeks) time(weeks) ───────────────────────────────── A 10 7 $11,000 B 14 11 3,000 first week, 4,000 others C 13 11 6,000 D 6 5 1,000 E 15 12 6,000 F 8 7 2,000 三、选择题(30%) 1.Which one of the following statements concering competitive priorities is TRUE? c. a firm competing along the dimension of volume flexibility will generally be expected to do well with a product or service with a seasonal or cyclical demand pattern. 2.Competitive priorities state the dimensions on which a firm can excel. which one of the following statements about each dimension is TRUE? a. for a firm that gives top priority to customization, volumes for any individual product tend to be low. 3.The water and detergent in a car wash are examples of: b. the facilitating goods in the entire service package 4.Which one of these steps in implementing changes comes first? d. identity opportunity 5.The process stucture that best describes the position of waiter at a restaurant would be classfied as: a. front office 6.A process that is primarily back office is: c. the payroll clerk that caculates your paycheck 7.Front office typically emphasize: b. top quality and customization 8.Back offices typically emphasize: a. low cost operations and on-time divergence. 9.An emergency department physician's service can be classified as: d. high complexity, high divergence 10.A job process should be ppreferred when: c. customization is high and volume is low. 11.A job process requires: a. organizing the resourses around the process 12.Which of the following statements about process choice is best? c. continuous flow processes are very capital intensive. 13.Combining a line process with the make-to-stock strategy is sometimes called: d. mass production 14.Performance measures sush as average response times, repair times, and percent defective are referred to as: b. benchmarks 15.A flowchart traces the flow of: a. info through a process b. customers through a process c. equipment through a process d. all of these can be traced a process using a flow chart. -- .还原氧化 之间跳荡。 ︵.︵.︵.∕ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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