NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰ 经济史 课程教师︰ 魏凯立 开课学院: 社会科学院 开课系所︰ 经济系 考试日期︰ 96/04/14 考试时限: 120分钟 是否需发放奖励金: 试题 : 五题选三题作答,答案不须写太长 1. State one imprtant way in which deflation hurts the economy.(5) Give two examples showing how U.S President Roosevelt tried to end deflation during the Great Depression.(4+4) Did he succeed?(4) What did the British do to end the Depression in Britain and why did the Depression last so long in France?(4+4) 提出一个重点说明通货紧缩如何伤害经济。举出两例说明美国总统罗斯福如何试着 解决通货紧缩?成功了吗? 英国如何解决在英国的经济大恐慌? 为何经济大恐慌 在法国持续较久? 2. State two awys in which the Marxist critique of capitalism differed from the fascist critique of capitalism.(4+4) Why were many Communists surprised that the first successful Communist revoution occured in Russia?(4) Describe two ways in which the soviet economy under the new Economic Policy(NEP) differed from Soviet economyduring the first five-year-plan.(4+4) State one reason the Soviet economy grew faster ubder the first five-year plan than contemporary Western economies.(5) 举出两方面说明马克斯与法西斯主意对资本主义批评的不同之处。为什麽很多共产 主意者对俄国共产革命成功感到惊讶?举出两方面说明苏俄经济分别在新经济政策与第 一个五年计画的不同?举出一个原因说明苏俄在第一个五年计画的经济成长比当代西方 经济快速。 3. Why di World War II increasr the share of big business in the U.S economy? (5)State two ways in which the U.S government managed to raise the money necessary to fight the war?(4+4) Why do many people argue that the allies economies won the war?(4) State one way that post-war U.S economic policy differed from French post-war policy.(4) Which large European economy's post- war economic policy most resembled U.S policy.(4) 为何第二次世界大战增加大企业在美国经济的比重?举出两利说明美国政府如何筹 措足够的资金去打仗。为什麽很多人说第二次世界大战时期的同盟国以经济获胜这场战 争?举出一方面说明战後美国和法国经济政策的不同?战後那个欧洲大国的经济政策最 似美国? 4. What was divisionalization?(4) How did it effect U.S corporations?(4) Describe two ways in which the U.S government expand in the post-war period (1945-1960).(4+4) State one advantage associated with conglomerates that led to them becoming important during this period.(4) What was the military industrial complex and why did it become important?(5) 什麽是部门化?其如何影响美国的大企业?试举出二方面说明战後(1945-1960)美 国政府规模的扩大。举出一项conglomerates的好处让他们在此时期变得重要。什麽是 military industrial complex ?为何变得如此重要? 5. How did U.S inflation in the early 1970s affect the Bretton Woods international monetary system?(4) how did U.S President Nixon try to end this inflation?(5) Did he succed?(4) Why di oil price rise so fast?(4) Give two examples of new government agencies created in the 1965-1980 period and briefly state what they did.(4+4) 1970年代早期美国的通货膨胀如何影响Bretton Woods成立的国际货币制度?美 国总统尼克森用什麽方法试着解决?成功了吗?为何石油价格上升如此快速?举出二个 1965-1980年代新成立的政府部门,并简述其执掌。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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