NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰英语听讲实习 课程性质︰外文大一必修 课程教师︰史嘉琳 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008.01.14 考试时限(分钟):100 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : I. Stops: What are the six stops in English? [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]; plus the glottal stop [?]. What does it mean to "stop at stops"? Mention the difference in pronunciation between final voiced and voiceless stops. (9%) II. Sibilants: Give the KK symbols for the six sibilants in English: [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] (3%) III. Plurals: Describe the rule on how to form and pronounce the plural from each of the following word types; make sure you mention the special feature of each word type. (9%) 1. cat ___________________________________ 2. dog ___________________________________ 3. church ___________________________________ IV. Past tense forms: Describe the rule on how to form and pronounce the past tense form for each of the following word types; make sure you mention the special feature of each word type. (9%) 1. rap, look __________________________________ 2. rob, tag, play, glow ________________________________ 3. pat, pad __________________________________ V. Compound and phrase stress: Circle the stressed syllable(s) in each item, and add an asterisk * before the syllable with tonic stress. Example: (a) negative *ads (b) e*lection ad (10%)  ̄     ̄ ̄    ̄ ̄   1. college courses 2. invisible worlds 3. civilized living 4. strange creative inventions 5. honest judgment 6. major music companies 7. Aplle's dominant share 8. local housing market 9. fast-paced fantasy 10.cutting room floor VI. Listening comprehension questions on NPR audio passage. Give short and precise answers to the following questions, based on what you hear in the recorded passage. (30%) 1. What does Dr. Helene Emsellem think is one reason why teens seem to be staying up late and getting less sleep these days? 2. a. What is Dr. Helene Emsellem's first suggestion on how to help teens establish better sleep habits? b. If that tip is too difficult to do, what alternative does she suggest? 3. What exception to the suggestion in question 2 does Dr. Helene Emsellem recommend. with what condition? 4. List three more of Dr. Helene Emsellem's suggestions on how to help teens sleep better. 5. Why is "sleeping almost a form of studying"? Vocabulary: to stay connected 和别人保持联络; exaggeration 遽增; night owl-ism 夜猫子的作息; teenagers; to fight back; to urge敦促; to encourge 鼓励; strict turn-off time; exception; music players, MP3 players 随身听; to change a process around 逆转局势; playlist; soothing; relaxing; to keep the volume down low; to recommend; a bunch of 一堆.一连串的; to range A from B; to remove; clutter 杂物; to paint; tp prginize; schedules; to be stressed out 感到压力 过大; tips 小建议; there's something to be gained from 有利可图; to score better in a test; material; lecture; to replay 重播; to consolidate as 凝固为 VII. Pronuciation differentiation: For each of the following items you will hear one word of the set pronounced. Circle the one you hear. (30%) 1. a. Tim b.tin c. ting 2. a. Annie b. any 3. a. word b. ward c. world d. whirl 4. a. pork b. park c. pock 5. a. deeper b. dipper 6. a. run b. rung 7. a. past b. pest c. paste 8. a. those b. doze c. lows 9. a. cards b. cars c. carts 10. a. came b. cam 11. a. tellable b. terrible 12. a. ear b. year 13. a. I can't live here. b. I can't leave here. 14. a. lap b. lab 15. a. coat b. caught 16. a. chicks b.cheeks 17. a. kiss b. kids c. kits d. keys 18. a. suit b. shoot c. soot 19. a. a fact b. effect 20. a. for b. foe 21. a. lair b. there c. dare 22. a. thins b. things 23. a. pen b. pain c. pan d. pang 24. a. pick b. peek c. pig 25. a. X b. eggs 26. a. models b. mottoes 27. a. grass b. grace 28. a. law b. low 29. a. posies b. poses 30. a. it b. eat --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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