Ubiquitous Monitoring via Sensor Networks: Applications,
Technologies and Systems
C.-C. Jay Kuo
Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Southern California
下午3:30 ~ 5:00
博理馆 101演讲厅
-- Ph.D. EE and CS, MIT, 1987. E.E. EE and CS MIT, 1985
M.S. EE and CS, MIT, 1985. B.S. EE NTU, 1980.
-- Fellow of IEEE , Fellow of SPIE
-- Research Interests:
Data Compression and Communication
Multimedia Database Management
Wavelets and Multiresolution Signal Processing Technology
Ubiquitous computing and communications have changed our life greatly
nowadays via numerous portable devices and cellular phones. An emerging
information technology is to allow human to monitor and measure the
physical world via a large amount of low-cost sensors for data gathering,
query processing and environment monitoring. The general field is called
the wireless sensor networks (WSN). Several potential applications of WSN
have been considered, such as military surveillance, structural monitoring,
habitat monitoring, patient monitoring, etc. Research on WSN has grown
quickly over the last 5 years. It is a highly inter-disciplinary field
since it involves techniques from the application layer (e.g. data/signal
processing, distributed algorithms), the networking layer (e.g. distributed
protocols, routing) and the physical layer (e.g. sensor design and
manufacturing, wireless communication). One critical issue to be addressed
in all three layers is power management. It is expected to be one of the
very fast growing fields in the next decade in both academic and industrial
sectors. This talk will provide a broad view of recent developments in WSN
and point out some interesting research problems. Some new research results
conducted at the University of Southern California (USC) will also be
( For more information please visit website http://viola.usc.edu )
※ 编辑: NTUEEPR 来自: (03/18 00:00)