NTHU_Course 板


课名:线性代数 Linear Algebra 科号:10710EECS 205001 老师:许秋婷 课本:R. Larson, Elementary Linear Algebra, 8th Edition, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning 蓝蓝的 很丑 课别:资工系必修、电机系必修、电资院学士班必修 学分:3 凉度:★★★★★(不点名) 甜度:★★★(冲GPA)    ★★★★☆(拿学分) 建议先修课程:高中数学 课程内容\简介: Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies systems of linear equations and the properties of matrices. The concepts of linear algebra are extremely useful in engineering, physics, economics and social sciences, and natural sciences. In this class, we hope to build a solid foundation of elementary linear algebra for students. Various applications of linear algebra in different areas will also be addressed. 上课方式: PPT讲解 ILMS上有讲义,讲义会(故意?!)打错然後也不会公告所以没来上课就不知道 给分: Homework 40% (六次取四次高的) 3 Exams 60% 考试作业型态: 作业为课本後面练习题,每次段考前会有两次作业每次都8~10题 助教很用心算式改的很细,然後因为只取四次高的所以前面40%还算好拿 考试里作业题比例很低(30%↓),变化很多,几乎都写不完,要拿高分很难 老师的喜好、个性: 常常说学生都不来上课然後考不好自己要负责, 殊不知真正考得好的大部分都没去上课 发考卷那天会拿考卷点名,不过8成是点爽的 给加签吗? 不给 补充:要修老师的课的话建议作业尽量冲好冲满,要不期末真的会读到崩溃QQ 成绩:https://i.imgur.com/DyzmMWy.png
成绩分布: ↓每组人数 A+ 10.1% ( 9 ) A 20.2% ( 18 ) A- 15.7% ( 14 ) B+ 13.5% ( 12 ) B 7.9% ( 7 ) B- 5.6% ( 5 ) C+ 6.7% ( 6 ) C 13.5% ( 12 ) C- 3.4% ( 3 ) D以下 3.4% ( 3 ) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NTHU_Course/M.1548746609.A.086.html ※ 编辑: CiRcLe3579 (, 01/29/2019 15:24:01

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