NSYSU_math 板


※ [本文转录自 Math 看板 #1HOZ2maj ] 作者: A11enHuang (∴'☆:∵★.\:) 看板: Math 标题: [广告] 中研院数学所暑期研习生甄选简章 时间: Mon Apr 8 10:51:26 2013 中研院数学所暑期研习生甄选简章 http://www.math.sinica.edu.tw/www/student/student.jsp?CAT=Mg== 本所提供大学部学生暑期进修的机会。 一、研习日期和地点 民国102年7月8日(周一)至8月16日(周五)。共六周。 於 中央研究院数学研究所(台北市大安区罗斯福路四段1号天文数学馆6楼) 每周一至周四,上午由指导教授授课,下午进行讨论、演练或电脑上机等研习活 动;每周五请客座讲员演讲或由指导教授安排活动。 二、研习生资格 大学部在学学生(学系不限),但具备各暑期课程所要求之预备知识者。 三、甄选 凡具备上述资格的申请人,须缴交研习计画一份:说明学习数学的动机、心得与 未来志向。另外须缴交成绩单和简历(含电子邮件信箱、电话、住址、贰寸大头 照)。 本期预计开设三门课程,每人仅可选择参加一门课程,请在申请信封上注明欲选 修之课程名称。 请於民国102年5月10日(周五)之前挂号寄达本所(中央研究院数学研究所黄舒 淳先生收),需在信封上注明〔暑期研习生申请〕。文件如有缺,不另行通知补 件。 经审核後,将於5月31日(周五)於本所网站公告录取名单,并个别通知录取的 学生。 四、课程 课程一:组合数学与图论专题 指导教授:薛昭雄(内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校数学系)、 张镇华(国立台湾大学数学系)。 预备知识:微积分、线性代数。 内容纲要: 介绍计数组合(三周)、图论-特别是图的着色(二周)及代数组合(一周)的 理论、应用和最近发展,以综论(survey)的方式由浅入深,让研习生了解其背 景与进展。每阶段课程介绍後,会有问题探讨及参考文献研读,并指定project 。研习生须针对这些问题或project做成报告缴交。 课程二:数学、音乐与动画 指导教授:李华伦(中华大学应用统计系)。 预备知识:微积分。 内容纲要: 运用电脑,我们可以将音乐旋律变成单变数函数,图像变成二维函数,动画也成 为多变数函数。本课程尝试将数学应用到音乐与动画,学生将发挥想像力实验各 种可能,每周经由网路展示作品。学员不需任何程式方面经验,但需要熟悉数学 函数观念、逻辑思考并且对制作音乐、动画有兴趣。 学生作品:http://www.math.sinica.edu.tw/student/anime_2011/index.html 李华伦动画:https://www.youtube.com/user/hualunli/videos 课程三:数理金融 指导教授:颜如仪(辛辛那提大学数学系)、 彭柏坚(静宜大学财务与计算数学系)、 吴庆堂(国立交通大学应用数学系)、 韩传祥(国立清华大学计量财务金融学系)。 预备知识:微积分、线性代数、机率论(或数理统计学)。 内容纲要: 此暑期课程旨在介绍现代金融学中,所使用之一系列的数学与数量方法,以便研 习生了解数理金融的背景与进展。课程内容涵盖了金融风险的机率模型,衍生性 金融商品的定价与避险理论,量化估计的一些统计与数值计算方法,以及数理金 融的专题研究等。学员们将在此跨领域的教学环境中学习并完成专案计画 (project)。此外,在每周五将邀请金融实务人员给予至少一小时的专业讲座, 或者安排金融机构参访。 五、奖助金 每一课程补助奖助金至多十名。如有研习不力情事,得酌减奖助金。 六、证书 学生在研习结束前一周须缴交心得报告,经评审合格者发给研习证书。 七、住宿 来自中南部的研习生,可协助安排住宿。 八、联络人 地址:10617台北市大安区罗斯福路四段1号天文数学馆6楼 电话:(02)2368-5999 分机383(黄舒淳) 网址:http://www.math.sinica.edu.tw 电子邮件信箱:[email protected] Summer School Program Prospectus for 2013 Our institute provides summer schools for undergraduate students. I. Duration and Place Six weeks, from Monday 8th July to Friday 16th August 2013 at the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica. Address: 6th Floor, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No.1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Da-an District, Taipei 10617, Taiwan From Mondays to Thursdays, in the morning there are lectures by course instructors; in the afternoon there are discussions, practicals, computer-based learning and so on. On Fridays, there are talks by visitors or activities arranged by course instructors. II. Qualification Undergraduate students who meet the prerequisites of the selected course. Other majors are welcome. III. Required Documents for Application For those applicants who are qualified should submit a "Statement of Purpose" describing their motivations, thoughts and future ambitions of learning mathematics, together with his/her academic transcript and resume (E-mail, phone number, postal address, passport photo). This summer there are 3 courses. Each applicant could choose 1 course only. Please write the selected course's name on the envelope of the application documents. Please send the documents to our institute by registered mail no later than Friday, 10th May, 2013. (To Mr Shu-chuen Huang, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica) You need to write "Application for Summer School Program" on the envelope. We won't inform you if your document set is not completed. After examinations and verification, the name list of admitted students will be announced on our website on Friday, 31st May. Each admitted student will be informed individually as well. IV. Courses Course 1: Topics in Combinatorics and Graph Theory Instructors: Peter Shiue (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Gerard Jennhwa Chang (Dept. of Mathematics, National Taiwan University) Prerequisites: calculus, linear algebra Course 2: Mathematics, Music and Animation Instructor: Hua-lun Li (Dept. of Applied Statistics, Chung Hua University) Prerequisite: calculus Course 3: Mathematical Finance Instructors: Ju-yi Yen (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati) Kenneth Palmer (Dept. of Financial and Computational Mathematics, Providence University) Ching-tang Wu (Dept. of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University) Chuan-hsiang Sean Han (Dept. of Quantitative Finance, National Tsing Hua University) Prerequisites: calculus, linear algebra, probability (or mathematical statistics) V. Subsidies Subsidies are available for up to ten students for each course. The amount may reduced if the student is not doing well. VI. Certificate Each student should submit a final essay one week before the course ends, and those pass the program will receive a certificate. VII. Accommodation We can help students from central or southern Taiwan about accommodation arrangement. Address: 6th Floor, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No.1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Da-an District, Taipei 10617, Taiwan Telephone: (02)2368-5999 ext. 383 (Mr Shu-chuen Huang) Website: http://www.math.sinica.edu.tw --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 qwerrewq :喔喔..颜如仪 Maryland学姊耶~ 04/08 11:25
2F:推 liuo :我是高中数学老师..也好想参加>< 04/10 11:38

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: AllenHuang (, 时间: 05/06/2013 17:06:46

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