※ [本文转录自 dictator 信箱] 作者: tiecowbay (会读书又怎样) 看板: share 标题: Re: [影音] 当可乐遇上曼陀珠..... 时间: Mon Oct 17 01:14:07 2005 *** WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? *** 破解加藤鹰的秘密 ....Soda get its fizz from a gas known as carbon dioxide. When the carbon dioxide is pumped into the soda, water molecules cling to the gas and create tiny bubbles of gas in the liquid. The force holding the gas inside the water is known as surface tension. 汽水发出的"妻~"声是二氧化碳来的。当二氧化碳被压到汽水里面水分子会吸附 二氧化碳同时产生微小气泡。把气体留在溶液里面的力量就是大家知道的表面张力。 .....It takes a lot of energy to break the surface tension inside soda, but most of you have probably done this by dropping a can and opening it shortly afterwards. 要打破汽水的表面张力需要很大的能量,但是我们大部人都只是摇一下以後然後 马上打开 (能量不够大?)。 .....Mentos contains a chemical known as ARABIC GUM (this is the ingredient that makes the mint "chewy"). This ingredient causes the surface tension of the water molecules to break even more easily, releasing more carbon dioxide gas at an astounding rate! 曼陀珠含有一种叫做阿拉伯胶的化学物质(让曼陀珠又软又黏的成分)。这个成分 让水分子的表面张力更容易被突破,以惊人的速度释放更多的二氧化碳。 .....The gas causes pressure to rapidly build inside the bottle which thrusts the soda upwards in a wonderful fountain-like BLAST! 二氧化碳让宝特瓶内的压力快速增加,迫使汽水往上喷出一道美妙的喷泉-就像潮吹。 .....As most know, like a melting popsicle, melted sugar is VERY STICKY! Try to use DIET soda (or any other carbonated beverage that does NOT contain sugar), otherwise you'll be running for the shower! 就像大家知道的,溶化的冰棒跟融化的糖都很黏!请试着使用低糖汽水(或不含糖), 否则你会迫不及待的去冲澡。 谢谢。请指教。 ※ 引述《aquarius0203 (′NeKo′ c( ̄﹁ ̄)o)》之铭言: : 以为它是曼陀珠被可乐溶解的无聊戏码? : 错! : 这可是充满了科学(?!)的精神XD : http://home.kimo.com.tw/c8453105/26/c03.html : (知道的能说一下是为什麽吗> w <?) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 ohole:破解加藤鹰的秘密...XD 10/17 01:15
tiecowbay:转录至看板 sex 10/17 01:22
2F:推 j10417:推呀!! 10/17 01:29
3F:推 madmanQ:破解加藤鹰的秘密!大推! 10/17 02:06
4F:推 taians:最後一段的意思是....^^? 10/17 02:43
5F:→ icywolf:大推!真强者也! 10/17 09:51
6F:推 spooky221:强阿! 10/17 10:33
7F:推 litthe:如果.. 含一口可乐,再塞一颗曼陀珠到嘴里,那会怎麽样?? 10/17 11:08
8F:→ litthe:会往里面喷还是外面喷??? 10/17 11:09
9F:推 monkshood:推荐这篇文章 10/17 11:09
10F:推 APTON:中肯!! XD 10/17 11:35
11F:推 tiecowbay:To litthe 我觉得那就是口爆,不过威力强多了 10/17 11:36
12F:→ tiecowbay:我刚刚试了一下一口可乐加上一颗曼陀珠,整个嘴皮鼓了 10/17 11:38
13F:→ tiecowbay:起来,在还没有冲到我体内之前,我选择张开嘴唇.... 10/17 11:39
14F:推 tiecowbay:接下来应该要到西斯版讨论了...... 10/17 11:42
15F:推 litthe:XDDDDDDDDDD... 伟大的实验精神!!!! 10/17 12:31
16F:推 tiecowbay:流的满嘴都是...鼻孔也流了一点.. 10/17 12:40
17F:推 AKIRAYUKI:所以加藤金手指是使用了曼陀珠? 10/17 13:50
18F:推 dragonsoul:楼上上..XD 不知道要转笨板还是就可板 10/17 18:28
19F:推 spooky221:感觉好好玩的样子......XD 10/17 19:25
20F:推 anneant:我也要 10/17 21:22

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:

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