※ [本文转录自 NDMC_Dharma 看板] 作者: Buddha (阿弥陀佛) 看板: NDMC_Dharma 标题: 大爱长存,慧命永续 Great Love Existing, Wisdom Life Prolonging 时间: Sat Mar 19 13:00:14 2005 序 这篇献文早在去年就已完工, 原本打算请热心的解剖学科老师帮忙, 刊在去年和今年的大体追思献文集, 不过皆因投稿时间太晚而向隅。 然而本着对大家的承诺, 决定将其PO在板上与大家分享。 刚好也适逢慰灵公祭前夕, 也希望将这份祝福传递给我们伟大的大体老师及器官捐赠者, 以及他们的家人或挚友…… 非常感谢解剖学科热心的黄雍协老师及马国兴老师, 虽因投稿时间太晚而无缘刊在书上和大家分享, 但还是非常感谢老师们愿意欣赏拙作, 也非常感谢马国兴老师友情相赠去年出版的大体追思献文集, (一般只有投稿者和追思者家属能获得此书, 但非常感谢老师对小弟的肯定和用心, 愿意开方便之门慷慨赠予此书, 顺便一提: 马国兴老师也是编辑大体追思献文集的幕後大功臣。) 小弟绝不辜负老师的好意和大家的用心, 会好好欣赏并珍惜大家的巨作^_^。 也非常感谢英文部分有热心好友愿意帮忙审查, 及慈济大学负责简介医学院大体教学的张老师 倾囊相授大体老师正确的英文表达法:Silent Mentor, 才能试着将最正确的文章呈现在大家眼前, 实在非常谢谢他们^_^~ 最重要的, 感谢无数的因缘, 让小弟有机会和大家做此分享, 感激不尽^_^! 本文开始 大爱长存,慧命永续 Great Love Existing, Wisdom Life Prolonging 致大体老师暨器官捐赠者…… To the silent mentor and organ(s) donor‥‥ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 【其一 Part Ⅰ】 往生净土神咒 Incantation of going to the Pure Land 南无‧阿弥多婆夜‧哆他伽多夜‧ namo amitabhaya tatagataya 哆地夜他‧ tadyata 阿弥利都婆毘‧阿弥利哆悉耽婆毘‧阿弥唎哆毘迦兰帝‧阿弥唎哆毘迦兰多‧ amritodbave amrita-sidambave amrita-vikrante amrita-vikranta 伽弥腻‧伽伽那‧枳多‧迦利‧ gamine gagana kirta-kare 娑婆诃‧ svaha ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 【其二 Part Ⅱ】 ﹝中文 Chinese﹞ 人往生後数小时内, 意识与身体尚未完全脱离。 此时此刻对亡者而言, 有如生龟脱壳般痛苦。 但 大体老师及器官捐赠者, 祂们耐着痛苦, 毫不犹豫地, 在第一时间内, 将身躯, 抑或是器官捐出, 以便做最完善的处理。 往後, 祂们的身躯 即将遭受手术刀无情地摧残。 那千刀万刃刺在身上、 割断五脏六腑的感觉, 是多麽令人难受、 多麽令人心生怖惧啊! 然而, 祂们毫不畏惧。 祂们默默承受这如地狱里上刀山、下油锅般的苦楚。 只因 祂们对医界莘莘学子的深切期望, 及对生命的尊重和众生的热爱。 祂们造就了无数仁心仁术的医师, 为人间写下了温馨的历史, 为後代子孙留下有情有义的见证。 祂们使许多人的生命得以延续, 使许多人获得重生, 更获得了无量的前途与希望。 祂们让世人学会感恩及互相关怀, 让世人互助互信, 生活得更快乐、更幸福、更美满。 大体老师及器官捐赠者, 您们不仅是标准的「救命菩萨」, 更是名副其实的「成就菩萨」。 请让我们以最虔诚的心, 向您顶礼、膜拜, 阿弥陀佛! ﹝英文 English﹞ After the death of a man within a few hours, his body and spirit are not completely separated. At this moment, the suffering of death is like a living tortoise shedding its shell. But for all silent mentors and organ(s) donors who endure great pain, and without hesitation after their death, donate their body or organ(s) in order to make a wonderful preservation in time. And then, though their body will suffer from the ruthless devastation. With unbearable and dreadful feeling of thousands cuts to myriad of pieces! However, they have no fear. They endure silently the misery that is equal to the feeling of going to the knife-mountain or to oil-pot in hell. Only because they have deep expectations from the numerous students in medicine, to pay respect to every living things and to love lives fervently. They train countless benevolent and skillful doctors, leaving warm and fragrant histories in the world of mortals, and documenting affections, sense of honor, and justice. They prolong the lives of many, reincarnate more souls, and even gain innumerable prospect and hope. They let people of this world learn to have gratitude and mutual concern, make everybody learn how to help and trust each other, and search a more joyful, happy, and satisfactory life. For all silent mentors and organ donors, you are not only the standard “Bodhisattva of saving lives”, but the name “Bodhisattva of achieving others” matches the reality. Let's prostrate ourselves before you and press our head against our feet with the most pious heart. Amitabha Buddha! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 【其三 Part Ⅲ】 ﹝中文 Chinese﹞ 将最虔敬的祝福 送达您心。 盼您在菩提大道上: 称心如意、 一帆风顺。 您所撒下的种子, 将在每尊大医王和白衣大士的心田, 萌芽、成长、茁壮、开花、结果、 萌芽、成长、茁壮、开花、结果、 …… 如此相续不断, 直到永恒…… ﹝英文 English﹞ Send the most reverent blessing to your heart. Bless you on the bodhi way: Gratified and Good Luck! May you have favorable winds in your sails! The seeds you sprinkle will, in every medical worker, sprout, grow up, become sturdy and strong, blossom, bear fruit, sprout, grow up, become sturdy and strong, blossom, bear fruit…… and so proceed ad infinitum…… ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 感恩的心‧感谢有您 An appreciative heart‧Gratitude for your sincere devotion *谢永禄* 贡献电子辞典 *黄谦杰* 英文审查志工 *温亮玮* 英文审查志工 *HSIEH, YUNG-LU* Provide electronic dictionary wholeheartedly *HUANG, CHIEN-CHIEH* English-Check volunteer *WEN, LIANG-WEI* English-Check volunteer -- 如果力不从心,我为大家祝福; 如果能力足够,我为大家回馈。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: -- 将智慧留给自己, 将功劳归给大家。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: Tathagataya 来自: (03/21 00:16)

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