Qualified and reliable English tutor with extensive experience in IELTS(schools and workshops all over Taiwan). I offer my own tricks and tips that will help you get a high score in every section. Reading and Listening are passive skills and practiced by the student alone with my guidance and clarifications. However, Writing and Speaking need one-on-one training with a tutor. I will teach you how to use lies in your answers. This approach also will help you to overcome the fear of speaking English. You will see that the first writing task(including maps and process diagrams) is easy and a student of any level can get a high score in it after just a few weeks studying with me. As for the second task, your mistakes will fade with every lesson. I will explain grammar rules with a plain language and will provide relevant exercises. You will learn how to rewrite any sentence many ways and how to keep your writing simple, but academic. I have helped dozens of students to get the target scores and now they are studying abroad. I will literally take your hand and guide you there! Step onto a path of success today! A trial lesson is free. We can study via Skype or in Hualien. The fee is just 500 NT/h. Line: 0981471093 WeChat: m0981471093 Tel.: 0981 471 093 Email: [email protected] 【消防设备】=> (请详加说明消防设备,如每层楼灭火器数量、火灾警报器、紧急逃生路线...) 【坪数大小】=> (如房间大小、阳台大小、浴室大小等) 【地点位置】=> (为正确的地址并告知楼层,可简述附近生活机能,如为加盖须为合法加盖并注明) 【房屋种类】=> (套房/雅房/家庭式/整栋) 【每月租金】=> (禁止面议、请写出确切金额) 【押金多少】=> (禁止押金超过两个月租金) 【其他费用】=> (水费、电费、公共电费、管理费、网路费、其他费用请详加说明) 【家具家电】=> (单人床/双人床、冰箱、冷气、桌子、椅子、柜子、电视、厨房...等) 【网路频宽】=> (请注明费用、速度、种类,如ADSL 8M/2M、光纤 3M/1M、Cable 2M/2M…等) 【联络方式】=> (电话号码,如联络人电话、房东电话...) 备注说明: --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NDHU/M.1534584288.A.4B0.html
1F:嘘 hinet60613: 请问几坪? 08/23 14:32
2F:推 hxsherry: 欸欸这很明显是家教文吧 05/27 22:07

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