NCU_Talk 板

LINE NVIDIA徵才(台北&上海) 行业类别:电子及零组件业/半导体业&设备/光电体/家电业 连络人:巫宜臻 统一编号:80022300 电话:02-6605-5700 传真:02-8751-2212 邮递区号:114 连络地址:台北市基湖路8号 E-mail:[email protected] WWW: 求才条件 (一) 需求职称:GPU Driver Engineer (TPE only) 工作地点:台北或上海 需求人数:1 截止日期:2010/07/01 学历: 大学 硕士 科系: 电资院 电资-电机(电子) 电资-资工(资讯系统与应用) 电资-通讯 电资-光电 相关事项: RESPONSIBILITIES ‧Work with GPU driver software engineers and HW engineers to understand user issues and innovate solutions for Window NB Operating Systems. ‧Use your experience in Windows operating system and hardware fundamentals to support development of next generation multimedia graphics solutions for Windows NB platform. 备注: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ‧BSCS or MSCS or equivalent ‧Have experience working on large and complex pieces of software and have strong debugging skills. ‧Detailed knowledge of operating system internals, C/C++ language, object-oriented design, as well as various device driver models. ---------------------------------- (二) 需求职称:GPU PHYSICAL DESIGN ENGINEER 工作地点:台北或上海 待遇范围:面议 需求人数:1 截止日期:2010/07/01 学历: 大学 硕士 科系: 电资院 电资-电机(电子) 电资-资工(资讯系统与应用) 电资-通讯 电资-光电 相关事项: RESPONSIBILITIES ‧Run Static Timing Analysis (STA) at the both the block and full chip level using industry standard STA tools ‧Work in conjunction with Place and Route Engineers to achieve timing closure ‧Develop tcl and dc-shell scripts for performing ECO's. ‧Contribute to the ongoing development and enhancement of our entire timing methodology 备注: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ‧MS in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science ‧Strong RTL programming ability, C/C++ and Perl preferred ‧Great interest in the area of ASIC physical design, Static Timing Analysis and RTL ----------------------------------------- (三) 需求职称:GRAPHICS ARCHITECT 工作地点:台北或上海 待遇范围:面议 需求人数:1 截止日期:2010/07/01 学历: 大学 硕士 科系: 电资院 电资-电机(电子) 电资-资工(资讯系统与应用) 电资-通讯 电资-光电 相关事项: RESPONSIBILITIES ‧Develop algorithms and design hardware extending the state of the art in hardware support for computer graphics. Working within a team of graphics architects to document, design, and develop functional and performance simulators validate and verify each new chip. ‧Develop tests, test plans, and testing infrastructure for new graphics architectures. ‧Design and implement automated testing strategies. Test and debug CMODELs, RTL simulation and real silicon. 备注: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ‧MS in CS, EE or Math, and great interest in the algorithms of computer graphic ‧Relevant industrial experience preferred. ‧Strong C, C++ programming ability, Perl ----------------------------------------- (四) 需求职称:3D PERFORMANCE TOOLS SOFTWARE ENGINEER 工作地点:台北或上海 待遇范围:面议 需求人数:1 截止日期:2010/07/01 学历: 大学 硕士 科系: 电资院 电资-电机(电子) 电资-资工(资讯系统与应用) 电资-通讯 电资-光电 相关事项: RESPONSIBILITIES ‧Design and implement 3D graphics profiling and debugging applications for the PC, Embedded and Mobile 3D development community ‧Develop applications (e.g. PerfHUD) that will assist developers with identifying bottlenecks and inconsistencies in their 3D graphics application ‧Provide professional solutions to level out the difficulties arising from the development of high-end 3D graphics application. 备注: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ‧Master, major in computer science, mathematics, computer graphics ‧In depth knowledge of at least one 3D graphics API: OpenGL, OpenGL ES or Direct3D. ‧Strong C/C++ and mathematic skills -------------------------------------------------- (五) 需求职称:CIRCUIT DESIGN ENGINEER 工作地点:台北或上海 待遇范围:面议 需求人数:1 截止日期:2010/07/01 学历: 大学 硕士 科系: 电资院 电资-电机(电子) 电资-资工(资讯系统与应用) 电资-通讯 电资-光电 相关事项: RESPONSIBILITIES ‧High performance, low power custom circuit design for graphics processors. ‧Circuit architecting, simulation and characterization of custom design circuit ‧Logic equivalence checking and transistor level function verification. 备注: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ‧BSEE minimum, MSEE preferred. Strong background in deep submicron CMOS process and device ‧Good knowledge in high speed circuit design techniques and understanding of on-chip interconnect and signal integrity ‧Experience in circuit simulation, schematic capture and layout verification CAD tools. ------------------------------------------ (六) 需求职称:NOTEBOOK ENGINEER 工作地点:台北或上海 待遇范围:面议 需求人数:1 截止日期:2010/07/01 学历: 大学 硕士 科系: 电资院 电资-电机(电子) 电资-资工(资讯系统与应用) 电资-通讯 电资-光电 相关事项: RESPONSIBILITIES ‧Characterization of next generation Notebook GPU ASICs. ‧High speed bus signal integrity debug/characterization. ‧Troubleshooting and silicon debug. 备注: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ‧Programming skills in C and/or Perl. ‧Understanding of BIOS, drivers, lower power ASIC design and other software applications ‧Experience with digital logic design, analog design a plus ------------------------------------------------- (七) 需求职称:PHYSICAL DESIGN ENGINEER 工作地点:台北或上海 待遇范围:面议 需求人数:1 截止日期:2010/07/01 学历: 大学 硕士 科系: 电资院 电资-电机(电子) 电资-资工(资讯系统与应用) 电资-通讯 电资-光电 相关事项: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ‧MSEE or MSCS. Courses taken in digital design, logic design and verilog synthesis 备注: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ‧Project experience in VLSI physical design implementation ------------------------------------------------- (八) 需求职称:ASIC DESIGN ENGINEER 工作地点:台北或上海 待遇范围:面议 需求人数:1 截止日期:2010/07/01 学历: 大学 硕士 科系: 电资院 电资-电机(电子) 电资-资工(资讯系统与应用) 电资-通讯 电资-光电 相关事项: RESPONSIBILITIES ‧ASIC Design for graphics and video processors. ‧Micro-architecture definition; working closely with video / graphics and system architects. ‧RTL design, verification, emulation, synthesis, timing, and s ilicon bring-up. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ‧MS in EE or related area ‧Strong RTL programming ability, familiar with all aspects of the frontend ASIC design flow ‧Strong programming skills in C/C++, PERL preferred. ---------------------------------------------------------- -- 2010 台千大企业最爱大学生》中大第11名输淡江、逢甲、北科 [email protected] 台大4连霸,淡江私校13年称王、技职台科大第1 2010年「台湾1000大企业最爱大学生调查」,当企业招募新鲜人的意愿越来越低时,从 校园开始,就该如何做好准备? --

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