作者a79196116 (龙文)
标题[EVP ] Second Study Group!!!!!!
时间Tue Nov 30 17:19:50 2010
Dear all,
After lots of meetings in this semester, all of us have made progress in our
speaking ability. If you missed some meetings , you should grasp this
valuable opportunity to whet your speaking skills and have fun with us! Our
second Study Group is gonna be held on
Dec. 4th (Sat) 10:00, and
we will meet in front of
乐活馆 at 10:00.
Everybody Please Arrive ON TIME!!
There are lots of various, interesting and exciting activities in our second
study group, including the
warm-up game,"TATOO" ; the exciting
”SUPER TOASTMASTERS”; the meaninfgul
and debate session; and the workshop,
”Speaking ORZ”, which will be
beneficial to your speaking skills. Don’t miss this chance to improve your
CC and CL ability. Join us or you will regret it!!!
Best regards,
Wen Liu
EVP dep. of NCCU TM
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ ping780310:辛苦罗Wen 11/30 17:25
2F:推 serval0502:光看节目单就觉得很精彩~ Kero 到! 12/01 13:55
3F:推 rubya94:不能错过的SG!!! RUBY到! 12/02 21:40
4F:推 serval0502:SG完来吃四川~旧雨新知快一起来~ 12/02 23:35
5F:推 serval0502:我一定要说Wen超棒~策划了非常精彩无冷场的SG!!! 12/04 22:48
6F:推 serval0502:还有Harvey, Andy,Carrie,Ping等session master你们都 12/04 22:49
7F:推 serval0502:辛苦了,今天最喜欢的是Table topic题目都很精彩 12/04 22:51
8F:推 serval0502:我觉得我应该多读点名言佳句,这样演讲就可以引申出 12/04 22:52
9F:推 serval0502:core value~最後的辩论题目当反方好难因为心里就是支 12/04 22:53
10F:推 serval0502:持阿~用影片当尾声实在是太好不过~很感人的影片~ 12/04 22:53
11F:推 serval0502:午餐大家一起吃四川的感觉真好~ 2nd SG大成功!!! 12/04 22:57
12F:推 rubya94:真的我觉得SG内容很充实 而且table topic好刺激唷 12/04 23:25
13F:→ rubya94:四川真的很好吃!! 12/04 23:25
14F:推 ping780310:很可惜没能参加四川聚餐,但今天SG好有内涵好有趣! 12/04 23:29
15F:→ ping780310:每个人的表现都好突出! 我最喜欢即席Table Topic那段! 12/04 23:30
16F:→ ping780310:即席演讲真的能训练一个人英语能力! :D 12/04 23:32
17F:推 serval0502:今天真开心在Buttering看到Willy来加入我们!!!!(感动~) 12/05 00:28
18F:推 weilun034:我也很开心~~希望以後有机会可以多多参加>< 大家超棒的~ 12/05 00:31
19F:推 rubya94:对阿willy有来耶 好开心! 12/05 00:49
20F:推 andy79526:大推SG 12/05 15:36
21F:→ a79196116:感谢大家热情参与~ 还有每位session master~ 大家一起 12/05 23:10
22F:→ a79196116:玩乐又学习的感觉真的很棒!! 让我们期许TM EVP继续开创 12/05 23:11
23F:→ a79196116:新气象!!!!!!!! GO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12/05 23:11
24F:推 otterheron:wen这次活动设计很精彩!! 12/06 00:50
25F:→ otterheron:用影片做总结也是好招 12/06 00:50
26F:→ ping780310:以後study group要多多办 :D 12/06 15:19
27F:推 otterheron:多多是谁阿? 而且只让他一个人办不会太累吗? 12/09 21:01
28F:推 rubya94:hahahahhahahahahhahha~~~多多很厉害的!! 12/09 22:02
29F:推 mistfish:XDDDDD多多是高手 12/09 23:04
30F:推 otterheron:多多是真男人! 12/09 23:05
31F:推 ping780310:i dont follow @@ 多多是谁呀? new member吗? 12/10 22:53
32F:推 otterheron:你不是下了命令:「以後SG要多多办吗?」 12/10 23:06
33F:推 ping780310: 哈哈哈哈 :D 原来是降子呀~ 我懂了! 12/11 15:29
34F:推 mistfish:我想按好几个赞。 12/11 16:49