作者muteheart (orz)
标题[EVP ] 5th meeting - C1 speech marathon & Induction
时间Sun Oct 31 20:34:00 2010
Dear all,
Our fifth meeting is gonna be held on
Nov. 3rd (Wed) 19:00, and
it's the C1 speech marathon!!
Be careful! There're
ten speakers this week,
Please Arrive ON TIME!! For old members, take your pens and be
prepared to write notes to your mentee or your family members:)
Moreover, this week is also the
new member induction. All new members
of NCCU TM shouldn't miss this event! A great chance to announce loudly
that you are part of
NCCU TM family!! All mentors will spread their arms to
welcome you. Just come to listen to others C1 speech, and break the ice
Best regards,
Jeremy Chu
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 mistfish:哇! 好刺激喔!!! 10/31 20:40
2F:推 amosin:(冷汗) 这周我不会再干蠢事了,对不起!Orzzzzzzz 10/31 20:42
3F:推 ping780310:真的! 每次办marathon都很好玩 可以一次认识好多人 :D 10/31 20:43
※ 编辑: muteheart 来自: (10/31 20:46)
4F:推 mayryoma:耶!期待期待! 11/02 23:14
5F:推 rubya94:耶 虽然我隔天要期中考 还是很期待马拉松 11/02 23:18
6F:→ muteheart:我也要考财理政 我快死了 11/02 23:22
7F:推 rubya94:go go go 我们一起冲!! 11/03 01:55
8F:推 mistfish:今天大家都好厉害喔!!!!!!(自惭形秽)T.T 11/03 23:06
9F:推 otterheron:你也很厉害呀 都C2了! 11/04 00:35
10F:→ otterheron:喔对了 谢谢你今天的小纸条喔 真的好久没收到纸条了 11/04 00:36
11F:→ otterheron:你真是说到做到的人~ 11/04 00:36
12F:推 mistfish:我原本想在上面加 "我说到做到"欸 可是好像满笨的...QQ 11/04 00:47
13F:推 otterheron:哈哈 我真的很感动!很少有人想到要写纸条给IE..! 11/04 01:13
14F:→ otterheron:其实IE也很希望能得到一些feedback! 11/04 01:13
15F:推 mistfish:原来如此 来个一人一纸条 感动IE的活动吧(!) 11/04 19:26
16F:推 serval0502:写小纸条就像是在作托福TAKE NOTE的技巧要快速书写~ 11/04 19:58
17F:推 serval0502:昨天连续写十张小纸条实在是很惊人,当然还是IE最强 11/04 20:00
18F:推 serval0502:又要写纸条还要给口头comment 不给个推就会下地狱~~^.< 11/04 20:00
19F:推 chiungi: 一定要大推的~ 我还要回乡OUTING吃美食的呢!!! 哈 11/04 22:18
20F:推 mistfish:托福的note taking 真的超级忙碌! 咻咻咻的 11/04 22:21
21F:推 otterheron:真的!真的! 原来当judge有帮住到我的托福口说! 11/05 23:10